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Morality (13)

1 Name: Lemon : 2015-08-25 16:17 ID:V5xmzMv8 [Del]

I've been wondering on what page everyone on this site is. Is posting morally questionable stuff here okay or is that a no-go? The Dollars are supposed to be free and in a moral grey zone right?

2 Name: jill : 2015-08-25 16:42 ID:EqLae2LB [Del]

I think its fine but when you post too much about those morally questionable stuff then people's opinion will change about this site. Its like a domino effect when someone tries to post something stupud and other people will follow on that guy. So lets make this site as clean as possible

3 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-08-25 18:42 ID:LgZmGozG [Del]

Keep it clean and keep it to only a few threads, I think.

I'm on the social justice side of the internet, I don't deny it, but I try to just keep it to threads that are particularly important to me because I know it can get annoying.

So long as you're nice and respect other members whose opinions might be different, and so long as it's not all over the place like >>2 said, you should be fine!

4 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-25 19:45 ID:iXk/RbRF [Del]

I think that we do all have different views on morals and this isn't exactly a debating site but I believe that what we consider "helping" other people would be based on morals too, so I guess there would be a little discussion here and there but it shouldn't get too crazy.

5 Name: A.I.d.a. !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-26 00:31 ID:b5k14Yf4 [Del]

Depends on the content. Did you break the law? don't post about it, you're only self incriminating.
Do you have objections to certain mainstream views or opinions? Post away.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-26 00:37 ID:gyA7fJ/4 [Del]

Can someone tell me what exactly is stupid shit? I promise that it'll be one of the only things I'll post.

7 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-08-31 21:06 ID:ILAufLwE [Del]

>>6 You're a natural.

8 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-31 21:11 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

"isn't exactly a debating site" oh, you'd be surprised.

9 Name: Yabori : 2015-09-01 02:16 ID:KIDP40ZB [Del]

I'll keep it simple, just don't be a dickweed on the forums.

10 Name: イサオ : 2015-09-01 06:56 ID:Wtac2bH3 [Del]

>>8 I have debated a fair bit on here myself, but I don't think I would want to make this a page with deep debates in which massive flamewars would engulf the website is all.

11 Name: Lemon : 2015-09-01 16:11 ID:jX4Xj1U1 [Del]

When I'm talking about morality, I don't mean hating on something or bashing other users/flamewars etc. I'm more talking about the morally ambiguous like for example stealing violence etc (not that I've ever done those things ;))

thanks for the replies guys :)

12 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-09-01 19:52 ID:BtM4vZ0i [Del]

>>11 I don't think many people would care that much! What sorts of things would you post? Just mentioning that you have done those things, or asking for help doing those things?

It depends, m8

13 Name: イサオ : 2015-09-01 20:46 ID:2UUKTiDm [Del]

So then is stealing wrong? Let us get some replies.