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Want to leave and start a new life (22)

1 Name: ... : 2015-08-25 07:46 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I want to leave this place and start a new life somewhere else. I have no one here that I'm close to. I'm trapped here, with no purpose, making no progress in my life. I have a small job and have saved up quite a bit of money so I have the money to go somewhere but where?
I live in Australia and I'm 19. I don't really have a purpose and I'm fine with any job really as long as I can live there and I'm hoping to become a writer of somesorts, or rather, to create stories. My only interests really are otaku related things like anime, manga, visual novels and light novels (although I haven't had much experience with the last two yet). And the stories I'll write I want to fit in to one of those four categories.

I don't know what I'm expecting but it's worth a shot right? I just have to leave this place and start my life. I didn't do anything bad, or have anyone here I hate or anything but rather I'm restricted here and not the person everyone thinks I am, and am not going to properly start anything in this kind of situation. It's kind of complicated so it's best not ask about that so yeah.

But I am being honest when I'm saying that I'm alone and have no one for me here. I have "friends" and am not worried about whether I'm alone or not but rather there's no one here who I truly care about that I would miss if I left. Sure, I hope to meet people with similar interests as me but I'm fine either way since I make it really hard for anyone to get close to me.

So, um, any advice? Any ideas of options I have? If you don't have anything to say then don't worry about it, I'm just putting this out there I guess.

2 Name: Yokai!ozOtJW9BFA : 2015-08-25 08:15 ID:At6mFhVi [Del]

The grass always seems greener on the otherside friend. If your set on upping and leaving, prepare to be a little bit disappointed if you end right back at square one. But having said that if you are sure this is want you want, go for it, life is fleating and happiness is in short supply, you might as well get your fill whilst you can.

Best of luck with whatever you decide.

3 Post deleted by moderator.

4 Name: jill : 2015-08-25 14:26 ID:EqLae2LB [Del]

>>3 anyone can contribute to this world when you just try

>>1 I advice you to go travelling around the world but with your limited money, I don't think you could do so. So I want to ask you, if you don't mind, how far can your money get you? If possible, can you go to other countries? Or does your money only leaves you far from your place, to another city, where you settle there temporary and start a new life? I want to help you but you need good plan if you want to start a new. You said you feel restricted in your place? Try going to a bigger city or something, that have what your looking for.

5 Name: ... : 2015-08-26 03:25 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>4 Oh yeah, I have enough to travel to different countries. I have a few grand saved so I can go to any country really, just don't know where or why.
Going to a bigger city won't help me, or at least that's not what I meant by restricted. It's complicated but more to do with the people here, which I have nothing against, but my options and time are very limited here.

But to be honest I don't really even know what I want, all I know is that I'm wasting my time here going nowhere. The thing that I really want is a story, a purpose, something to happen to me or that I feel a part of. I just want something, I'm no one and nothing as I am now.
But on a side note, I really like travelling. I swear I get so jeolous of anime like Kino's Journey, Mushishi and Spice and Wolf where they can travel in an interesting world as a job really. There's not really anything like that in this world, especially that would be half as interesting as they would be. But I do really love to travel, and if I go and start a new life somewhere I hope that it's far away and a long travel to get there.

Thanks for the reply though, if you have anything in mind then please tell me :D

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-26 05:21 ID:gyA7fJ/4 [Del]

>>5 Dude, think economically, you think a few grand is enough for a new life? Think about how much 1 month rent is, how much food costs. Save more money, and by the time you get enough money, well I doubt you'll still feel the need.

7 Name: ... : 2015-08-26 05:38 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>6 I'm not going to be specific of how much i have but I have upwards of 5 grand and am not planning on moving out instantly so I'll have saved up more. The money I have I meant is enough to travel somewhere and survive until I can figure out another source of income. I'm not planning on just going somewhere and living with what I have, I won't leave without some kind of plan which is why I'm still here. And this isn't just some whim I'll forget about the next day, I'm completely serious about it and thought about it for a while.

But how about this then, I'm not one to spontaniously do something on a whim without thinking it through so I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I will keep coming back to this thread though, maybe not as regularly if no one says much but I'm not going to simply forget about it the next day. I'll keep coming back to this thread to show how serious about it I am. Well, I feel like serious isn't the right word. It's more that I have nothing to lose and no reason to stay. I'm purposeless so there's nothing that I can really be determined to do, but if I find a reason to leave I'm definitely going to take it, within reason.

8 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-26 05:50 ID:gyA7fJ/4 [Del]

>>7 Good, a sensible person. I think as long as you find a job that you like to where you're moving to, you should be fine.

Are you trying to settle down somewhere else? I'm not sure what you're trying to do.

9 Name: ... : 2015-08-26 06:10 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>8 I don't know DX... I mean, if I end up becoming a writer it wouldn't matter where I lived right? I guess I want to meet people and have more time to myself where I can figure out how I should go about my interest in creating stories. Settle down, nah that's too permanent. My future is so unpredictable and unclear that it's hard to say where I'll end up. I just want to find a story or a purpose... Sorry about the answer, I really don't know what to say. What does someone like me need? I have no one and no clear purpose. I just want something, and the only thing I know is that there's nothing here for me... I need to find a place where I belong...

10 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 08:15 ID:zGXHQK+1 [Del]

to become a writer is to become creative and social being, u should hangout with any type of people cause u will surprise of what kind of experiences that people had, u must have a skill to blend with all kind of people, hell at least u have to understand some psychology things, but that's all depends on what kind of story do you want, is that fiction? true story? slice of life? sci-fi? romance? and don't forget to learn fancy words or maybe you can create them

11 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 08:17 ID:zGXHQK+1 [Del]

and don't forget to bring a note to write any interesting things that catch ur mind

12 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 08:33 ID:I8SUfyhw [Del]

u need a purpose right? how about everyday you do some random stuff example: join some community and attend the meeting or hangout with random people till you can say it's enough for me then do other random stuff again, maybe you can try to works as a hardworker who build a house, try some contest or audition, learning somethings that you don't know yet, or learn how to create something or repair something, u can start with small stuff but it always worth it

13 Name: Kaori : 2015-08-26 08:38 ID:ickKmkpe [Del]

Youre saying that you want to meet people? Why not meet people in Australia? Do you think in another countrys it will be easier? I dont think so. There are a lot of opportunities to meet new people. Today a stranger came up to me and told me that he has started a project: He wants to meet every day a new person and talk for about 20 minutes. He was really brave i wouldn't do this. Why not join a club or something like that? Move to another country is a big thing and there you are really alone. If youre having problems at home/family you shouldn't run away. Face them first then can you leave.

14 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 08:53 ID:I8SUfyhw [Del]

sigh....dude, first u need to learn how to join conversation with stranger people, my experiences is to listen to them, knowing what topic that they're talking, and then look at them when they're talking and put some thinking face, and try searching in your brain what is relate about that topic and then you can act surprised and said "wow really? how (bla bla bla with the words that still relevance with the topic)" or you can just said "i agree with you, (bla bla bla the reason why you agree with them and then you can clarify somethings that doesn't works in the reality, or put some jokes on it)"

15 Name: ... : 2015-08-26 09:46 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I'm not after a "friend." I've got nothing against talking to people but most people don't interest me. I have a shell, that can only be broken with very specific factors. So I don't get close to people, and I'm content with that. I'm a patient guy and know that a time for that will come. At the moment I'm more worried about my future because I'm going nowhere. Life always seemed to flow along on its own but recently the flow stopped and my life has gone stagnant. I need to travel and find myself, to start a story and just find something.

What I'm after: I thought about it a bit more and I guess I was wondering if anyone else was planning on travelling or even wanted people to go to where they live. Are any other people in similar positions where they want to leave and start a new life? Anyone else after a story? Or even if it has something to do with my writing, I just feel like something could happen if I put it out here.

16 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 10:03 ID:BwKKtNDn [Del]

>>15 i'm exactly at ur position right now but i've got a solution for me, yes i'm after a story i've got my own concept but i'm too lazy, if u want to start a new life u should end it first u know

17 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-26 10:06 ID:BwKKtNDn [Del]

so basically, u want to tell a story about your own journey?

18 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-27 01:02 ID:mC6cyjsu [Del]

Okay, I see that what you want is an adventure. Go out of your comfort zone and into an undeveloped area. Not too undeveloped though, don't want you dying out there, there needs to be people around in emergencies. Go to some place in Africa of Asia, you never know what you might find out there.

19 Name: jill : 2015-08-27 01:56 ID:EqLae2LB [Del]

Go to Canada, and meet me. I can show you what adventure means. Don't think much about it.
You should try staying here for like a month or so. But you need to go home afterwards. I can't provide you with home or job. Think of it as a vacation. To put excitement with your life and gives inspiration even for abit. Cause you need to be a resident, a working permit and etc. To go stay on other countries and work there. It's really troublesome and takes alot of time to finish.

20 Name: ... : 2015-08-27 07:12 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>19 Yeah, it's true that moving permanently to another country is a pain. I guess that since it's difficult to just move to a different country the other option is to just always travel, which would be awesome and seems perfect for me, but sadly is way too expensive and doesn't work in the real world :( "sigh"
But I would love to go to Canada where it's cold and snows all the time, it's my kind of environment, just need a reason and plan though. I mean, hearing that a random person wants me to go there is great and all but I'll need more than that.

I almost wonder if I'm looking at this wrong and that it's different for this day and age. I mean, rather than focusing on where I go would a better option be to go somewhere near where I am but far enough away so that I don't meet people I know and spend more time on the internet. I guess there's probably writing communities and stuff that I could find and maybe meet people... It just feels weird to just randomly leave and go somewhere random only to be alone though. I don't know, maybe I was expecting to meet someone or something... The real world sucks...

21 Name: M : 2015-08-27 20:11 ID:3sxh3wiL [Del]

I have the same feeling back in my home town. Even though I'm a little younger than you, let me put out some advice. You may not like where you are, but things could be much worse. You have resources and your family to help you. Rely on your family and check in on them. Have a chat. Don't be afraid to explore but also remember your roots. I wish you the best of luck.

22 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-08-28 00:41 ID:DMBBRRvx [Del]

You should try to talk it out with someone. Someone must be there for you, like your family, or at least someone who used to know you so well. You shouldn't leave until you feel like you are confident enough to make your own decision without our help. I would talk it out with someone first. You should take one last chance before you leave. Otherwise, I would leave or at least go to somewhere where I know someone is waiting there. If you talk to them and still stand with your decision, leave. Try to go on a vacation and tell the ones that you are leaving that you are "trying to find yourself." Leave until you are ready to come back or just stay if you really did find yourself.