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depression and drinking (10)

1 Name: tox : 2015-08-24 23:58 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

I've had problems with depression for years and in the past few i've taken up drinking and I know it's unhealthy, any tips?

2 Name: 107 : 2015-08-25 00:07 ID:++wLFSlE [Del]

Are there any reasons for your depression? If yes, please tell me.
If you are thinking about suicide, cutting yourself etc, say it too.

3 Name: tox : 2015-08-25 04:16 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

there are no particular reasons for my depression. i have clinical/chronic depression, so feeling depressed is usually my natural state.I have no urge to self harm, but I have had thoughts of suicide. I'd save that for another time though, as my suicidal thoughts are more linked to an inferiority complex. I'd just like to know if anyone has any tips for coping with depression besides pills or drinking alcohol.

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: tox : 2015-08-25 10:49 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

>>4 It's my personal choice. Drinking can lead to a whole other mess of problems, physical and mental. I don't want to attempt to deal with depression that way. I want to find a positive outlet. Sometimes drawing or reading helps. Watching comedy. All i'm saying is that I don't want to become alcohol dependent and worsen my condition and my liver, so I want to know some other outlets.

6 Name: 107 : 2015-08-25 11:51 ID:++wLFSlE [Del]

Ok so first of all, i just want you to know that suicide isn't the solution. You can always make everything better. Of course it will take time for things to be better.
Drinking and thinking about suicide and other things won't change anything, it will make things worse.

First, everytime you feel like drinking just remember that it's really bad amd that it might make everything worse. Try your best. Second, find a new hobby. You can go outside everyday when the weather is good, do roller skating or if you just want to walk it's okay too. You can find any other hobby that will make you happy.

Try to make friends. Not only friends from school. Do not make random friends, most people leave after a while, some won't care about your problems. Find someone who will care, someone good. (Or many people if you want). Be friends with someone who wants you to be happy, someone who will make you happy everyday. A person that when you will see her/him, you will smile.

7 Post deleted by moderator.

8 Name: 107 : 2015-08-25 12:10 ID:++wLFSlE [Del]

>>7 there are maybe things he doesn't want to say.

9 Name: tox : 2015-08-25 13:20 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

Thank you! yes, i'm not very worried about my suicidal thoughts to be honest, they only come occasionally and I would very much like to live a happy life. I'm trying to find other things besides drawing and reading so maybe a physical activity will help.
It was probably because I saw how people older than me drink regularly. I also heard about some of the effects of alcohol and thought it might relieve me, so i'm trying to get myself back off of it.

10 Name: jill : 2015-08-25 14:10 ID:EqLae2LB [Del]

>>9 Try appreciating your life.
For me, hiking is a good hobby. Its goal oriented and keeps you healthy. When arriving in a top of a mountain, it can make you feel satisfaction as you think how you achieve your goal with hard work and determination.

Another hobby that is good is writing. When you feel frustrated and angry, you need to let them out so they won't build up. Writing is a good way to relieve your stress from everyday lives.

If writing doesn't work, go try playing/listening to music. It always makes me calm when I play the piano. Go with more mellow. A song that expreses how you feel.

And lastly, a hobby that occupies most of your time. Either Reading Books, watching anime, or playing games. If your preoccupied with something it might help with your drinking problems. Just hide them somewhere far from you, lock them in a box, and let a friend help you stop you when you suddenly crave from it.

I hope what your experiencing is not addiction,otherwise, you need alot of help for that.