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Recent tough break ups anyone? (19)

1 Name: Creed : 2015-08-20 11:59 ID:9YolJUqd [Del]

Hey guys, Creed here!

I just went through and still am going through an awful breakup with my girlfriend. I just found out recently she cheated on me with some 23 year old guy and we are both 18. We have been together for more than 2 years and never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined her doing something like this.

So I was wondering if here is anyone who has gone through something similar? Also some encouragement would be really helpful.

Thanks everyone!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-20 13:23 ID:Nx3xJfsZ [Del]

Sad to hear that. Well, if she did once, she'll do it twice, and she wasn't ready for a mature relationship. Just search for another woman. Good luck.

3 Name: Creed : 2015-08-20 13:40 ID:9YolJUqd [Del]

>>2 You are right sad to say. But thank you.

4 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-20 21:43 ID:g4Hz2gFi [Del]

I personally think that it's very sad that it happens and it shouldn't happen at all. I don't get it, for me it's a very serious issue. That people just don't really care anymore, all they care about is themselves, selfishness of the world. So much so that I myself am not even sure if I want to get in any relationship anymore.

I mean, hell you can even see it in society. Back in the day war posters and stuff were all like
"Fight for your country",
now you see a lot of
"YOU get this and this out of the army" It's all about YOU. Eugh it's kinda annoying.

But I digress, yes I suggest searching for someone who has the view of a proper honest, faithful and covenant relationship. Honestly, these days it's so hard to find someone who is willing for that at least in my experience.

I also think the reason why people cheat is because their idea of love is a feeling. "It feels like love". I think that somewhat is infatuation, love goes farther than feeling, it is sometimes doing things that you don't exactly want to do for the benefit of the other right? People seem to just think they don't love a person anymore because they don't feel anything and I think that's not always correct. Everyone does get desensitized eventually, that "feeling" isn't going to eternally go on, I believe acting on feeling is not a good way to go.

I wish you the best with your endeavours, a hard thing it is to go through for sure, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

5 Name: Creed : 2015-08-21 10:08 ID:9YolJUqd [Del]

>>4 Wow. Thank you very much!

Yes it has been super hard and lonely because she was also my best friend.
I agree with finding someone who will want to benefit one another, because that is what I want too.

6 Name: Duga Kimishima : 2015-08-21 16:24 ID:AlW7HAVQ [Del]

In my opinion, if she is doing things like this, better now (after 2 y) than in 20y (when you probably will be married with her) and then, you will have your life fucked :(

So, in my opinion, even if she cheated you, she is a bad person and i'm really sorry BUT! better know it now...

If you need speak with someone, here I am!

7 Name: Creed : 2015-08-21 22:25 ID:Fqoqyp4s [Del]

>>6 you are so right man! Better now than 20 years down the road.

8 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-22 04:02 ID:4ZDcZqb0 [Del]

>>7 I personally think you>>7're lucky to have 2 years of happiness

9 Name: Creed : 2015-08-22 10:35 ID:Fqoqyp4s [Del]

>>8 yes I think so too, I'll look at it that way :)

10 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-22 11:43 ID:1c64g/Hk [Del]

It's sad isn't it when two years of a proper relationship is considered "lucky" :/. It seems that sometimes there is noone else out there who thinks the same, but at least I feel like in here there are others who do, and yeah, pretty relieved to be honest haha.

11 Name: Creed : 2015-08-22 22:27 ID:Fqoqyp4s [Del]

>>10 I agree it is really sad, because there aren't that many people who think a proper relationship isn't "fun". I find so much honor in a person who is honest and is willing to be serious and happy with one person.

12 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-23 03:31 ID:1c64g/Hk [Del]

Yeah exactly, well I wish you the best in finding that person haha, pretty sure if I can meet someone who believes the same on me on a random site like this that we can have hope haha.

13 Name: Creed : 2015-08-23 17:14 ID:Fqoqyp4s [Del]

Thank you so much my friend! And yes, I am glad I'm not alone either.

14 Name: Tree : 2015-08-23 18:04 ID:6S9dPHAS [Del]

I'm 19 and I've never had a girlfriend... But i always had a similar mentality to you guys in this thread. I believe love is more than a feeling as you guys have mentioned earlier. Love is a two way street though. It's nice to have a lot of similarities, but when the differences come up that's when love is put to the test.

15 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-23 20:43 ID:1c64g/Hk [Del]

Haha exactly, differences are something to overcome not an excuse to breakup/cheat :S. People actually think that you need a lot in common to be in a relationship lol. I understand that for things you believe in, but some people just take it too far and give up on a relationship because of some small stupid thing.

16 Name: Ch3nch0 : 2015-08-24 15:02 ID:culK19B5 [Del]

I have experience in this. my ex girlfriend also went to another after several years together. If they did that, they did not love us. that's the reality and i know how you feel.

Make a lot of sports, talking with friends and go with them. Lean on your family and find a girl who really understand you and love you.

If you need speak with someone, write me (

Sorry for my poor english, i'm spanish.

17 Name: Yokai!ozOtJW9BFA : 2015-08-25 04:56 ID:At6mFhVi [Del]

Back when I was 17/18, I was with this girl, things were good until they weren't. To cut a long story short, she cheated on me. That's not the bad part, the bad part is that she had told all of our friends that she was cheating on me, and soon pretty much everyone I knew, knew she was cheating on me about a year before I knew. When I found out I learned something worse, she had been cheating on me with 11 different guys. I became so depressed, about a year later I tried to take my life. Having a broken heart is the worst thing in the world, but it does make you a stronger person in the end, you just have to endure the pain. I would recommend you live life for you at the moment, join clubs, go to the gym, learn an instrument. These things will serve as a distraction from the pain until you Jo longer notice it because you're having to much fun doing things that you enjoy. Plus it will give you more confidence in yourself and a sense of accomplishment. Trust me friend, I kno it sucks right now but, you'll pull through this I know it, if I can do it, you're gonna find it a lot easier to bounce back.

Sorry for the long post, hope everything works out for you :)

18 Name: Creed : 2015-08-25 09:16 ID:9YolJUqd [Del]

>>16 and >>17

Thank you so much for the kind words! I am so happy to find people who understand, and I am so sorry you have had to go through the same and even worse! wow...thank you very much for the encouragement.

19 Name: Yokai!ozOtJW9BFA : 2015-08-25 11:49 ID:BLH3zKwS [Del]

Hey, thats what we're here for :)

Again hope all goes well.