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Numbers are everywhere (4)

1 Name: Migi-sama : 2015-08-20 01:41 ID:i8DDkKSo (Image: 300x168 jpg, 2 kb) [Del]

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Are there certain numbers that you consider to be “your” numbers? Do you find that when you glance at the clock it always seems to be at a certain time? Take it a step further, and have you even gotten the same particular numbers that appear on various things that you come into contact with? If so, that would be what I call “number sightings”, for lack of a better term. It’s a very real phenomenon, and one that goes above mere chance and statistical probability, as I will show.

Numbers, counting and math are universal amongst all cultures. And in our modern, technology-based society, numbers are everywhere. With the digital age we have an increase in the ways in which numbers can appear to us — digital numbers on your cell phone, alarm clock, computer, car dashboard clock, DVD player, television, stereo, video gaming system, iPod, …numbers, numbers, everywhere. So I find it interesting that the New Age idea of “evolving to a higher realm” and “spiraling out of consciousness,” with numbers such as 11:11 supposedly acting as a signpost of this, happened to come about in this modern technology advanced society…where digital numbers make these supposed signposts possible. With so much digital numbering going on around us, probability would have it that the phenomenon of frequently seeing repeating number patterns would naturally be on the increase. The more techno gadgets we own and come into contact with, the more opportunities there are for sightings. So are the increase in number sightings a natural result of the digital age, or is something higher – whether positive or nefarious – taking advantage of the digital age to communicate? Can our own consciousness also take advantage of the technology to synchronistically draw to itself various sorts of phenomenon, including numbers? I think it can be any one of those theories, depending on the situation.

A good place to start for anybody who’s researching this subject is to learn a little about numerology, the meaning of numbers. Without the foundation of what the commonly accepted archetypal meaning of a number means, it might be harder getting to the bottom of why a particular number/sequence keeps appearing.

Here’s a rundown of commonly accepted number meanings to get you started if you’re unfamiliar with this. ( And just to note that I didn’t come up with these meanings. At the end of this piece I cite several sources of research if the reader is interested. But I realized I should make note of that after seeing the following copied and pasted and passed around the ‘net on blogs and message boards, with people crediting me with this information.)

0 – Timelessness, super consciousness, God.
1 – Beginnings, origins, conception, individuality, the ego.
2 – Union, partnership, two halves of a whole, coming together, duality, polarity — male, female, yin and yang, good and evil, etc.
3 – Life, inner strength, creativity, planning, developing, constructing, striving, the divine Trinity, past present and future, mother father and child.
4 – Stability, work, labor, structure, foundation, earthly things, the cube, the square. Being satiated.
5 – Action, change of course, daring and bold nature, the five human senses, material excess, Man and primal urges. In occultism, think of the pentagram.
6 – Tranquility, harmony, balance, love, perfection, things are flowing and being in the flow. In the bible God took 6 days to design creation.
7 – High spiritual achievement, mental perfection. Other sources define 7 as the waiting period, being stuck, unable to move forward, a time of evaluation, the unstable period before inevitable change…think of Genesis – and on the seventh day, God rested.
8 – Power, authority, will, material gains, success, energy, karma, entering a new phase. The sign for “infinity” is a figure 8 tipped on its side.
9 – Endings, rebirth, reformation, recovery, things coming full circle. The circle is 360 degrees — 3 + 6 + 0 = 9.
10 – Closure of a cycle, transformation, beginning anew, possibly on a higher level. Also, computer binary code, indicative of “a program”, is the repeating 10101010.
11 – Mastery of a domain, the master builder, spirituality, enlightenment, potential to achieve. Many MANY people have reported consistently spotting a variation of this, which is 11:11, namely on clocks. Two interesting theories include 11:11 being a trigger code to wake us up and raise ourselves out of the illusion; or, being in the flow and on the right track, with things lining up, as evidenced by the parallel line structure of 1111. In trying to figure out how people came to decide that 11:11 is a “trigger code” of some sort, I came across a definition of the number 11 in Mary Summer Rain’s “Guide to Dream Symbols” book. She claims that 11 represents misplaced values. I thought that was interesting since she’s pretty much the only source saying this. If 11 represents misplaced values, then getting 11:11’d could be a reminder to rethink our values and strive for something better….?
12 – Spiritual strength, divine protection. It’s a related form of 3, since when it’s broken down, 1 + 2 equals 3. 1212 calls to mind the idea of one foot in front of the other, 1-2-1-2….
13 – Obstacles to overcome, death, destruction, end and beginning.
28 – The moon cycle, the feminine cycle. 28 is 2 + 8, which is 10. Think of the meaning of the number 10 and how it matches with the concept of the moon and feminine cycles.
33 – High potential, mastery of spiritual consciousness. (Conversely other sources cite 33 as being the initiate.) The 33rd rite of the Scottish rite of Freemasonry is the highest level one can achieve. Jesus died at 33. (but then again, the bible was supposedly re-written by Freemasons who inserted that in. ;) )

2 Name: Migi-sama : 2015-08-20 01:42 ID:i8DDkKSo [Del]

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-20 02:08 ID:Cq7p1ehI [Del]

Well, unsurprisingly, no

4 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-20 02:26 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

Math is the crowning achievement in human pattern-recognition.