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Am i a psycho? (5)

1 Name: Sopio : 2015-08-19 23:02 ID:UOxNh42P [Del]

Am i a psycho?
My friends mom called me friend called me one...not jokingly..
I dont mean to be...yea i say things and sorta do things before thinking them through..and i rethink them after the effects i a psycho? I dont mean to be...

2 Name: Gamer Fool : 2015-08-19 23:21 ID:2VBfgurB [Del]

Odds are, no.

"Psychos" are people who are psychotic. Psychopathy is a chronic mental disorder where the person acts abnormally or violently.

Now, I don't know a lot about your situation, but simply saying things without thinking first doesn't sound psychotic to me. It sounds like your mother and friend are just being cruel. I have no way of telling you if your behavior is linked to a mental condition, but if you really are concerned, I'd ask to see a doctor about it.

But if you want to try to stop your impulsive behavior (acting/saying without thinking), I think one of the few things you can do without getting a doctor involved is to try to slow yourself down. Whenever you want to say or do something, try and think beforehand and decide if you actually want to do that. It can take a lot of work, but it helps. I used to act very impulsively as well, but it was something that passed with time, so long as I actively noticed my behavior and tried to fix it.

Good luck!

3 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-20 00:00 ID:O8sFJdp1 [Del]

Well IDK you but I don't think you are psychotic because you question your sanity. Maybe we find pleasure in weird things like violence or things like that. Not saying it's right but different people do have weird things they may express etc. Impulse is something you'll just have to practice to control I guess.

4 Name: Suoly : 2015-08-20 01:02 ID:uz7xTFnf [Del]

I've more or less been through the same thing. Not being afraid to express yourself is (hard as it may be to believe) a real brave gift that is awesome! So many people live lives they are unhappy with because they are unable to speak for themselves, so i say more power to you. It's just jarring for people to hear someone talk freely when they themselves are afraid to; it upsets a kind of, unspoken order in society.

But in short, just be you, man! You know yourself better than anyone else, and to me you don't sound like a bad guy at all! If you have anger issues (not assuming you do, but i do sometimes) then that is a separate issue that you have to learn to deal with yourself. Gamer Fool up there knows what he's talking about.

(also yeah, psychopathy is like an actual mental disorder that is like, pretty rare and would definitely not exist in someone capable of feeling so bad about this)

5 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2015-08-20 21:13 ID:P8MFjp7F [Del]

Psychopathy is actually not a real mental disorder, no psychologist actually uses that term (at least, I hope not. It's outdated).
Are you thinking of antisocial personality disorder?

But yeah, "psycho" is pretty much a name-caller for anyone with psychosis. That means they're having delusions and/or hallucinations.

A lot of people just use it as an insult with no meaning. That sounds like all it is, honestly.

Impulsivity is a characteristic of several mental disorders. Ironically, it is not a characteristic of psychosis.

So, meaningless. Your mom and your friend are just being mean.