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Losing Weight. (17)

1 Name: Untu : 2015-08-19 00:02 ID:9qagm9DM [Del]

I've been thinking about exercising a lot, but I never got to do it. I'm 17 years old, and I can admit that I'm a little fat. All my life I took it with humor, because bullies and stuff so I never did anything about it, but I got into a point where it's annoying not being able to do some stuff because of my physical limitations.

The thing is, its too embarassing to ask someone where to start because me being fat was and is a joke. I don't know where to start, or what should I eat, what should I change without affecting the rest of my activities a lot.

I've been wanting to play soccer with my friends without feeling dead for a long time, and if there's an emergency, I want to be able to act, to do something. without being an obstacle.

So, that's my question, as a 17 years old boy, how do I start losing weight? Sorry if I took a lot of words to ask that simple question.

2 Name: A.I.d.a. !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-19 00:04 ID:5Slz10W+ [Del]

Run. It sucks.

3 Name: Akemin !6FaPNwEQbw : 2015-08-19 00:09 ID:1Na/1j+7 [Del]

>>2 Yup. As it turns out, diet and exercise are basically the only good ways to lower body weight. Which sucks.

4 Name: Otoshigami !lubXhuCvDs : 2015-08-19 01:53 ID:QJ9e/Yp0 [Del]

If its just starting out a great way to get into the habit of running is making a short playlist of your favorite songs and just jogging along to them. You can also adjust your playlist so that every other song is fast paced so you can run to it.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-19 01:58 ID:hiENOILz [Del]

Eat less, exercise more.
Eat small meals throughout the day. But make sure that a huge majority of it is fruits and veggies.
Exercise! Get outside. Get a gym badge, or join a swim club. Or, just go for a long jog once a day. It'll refresh you.

Good luck! Hope you reach your goals!

6 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-19 02:04 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Good diet and exercise.
In health class we had a lesson about how not to gain weight if you're trying to lose it and the formula is this:

Calories In = Calories Out.

So whatever amount of calories you take in should be burned off by the end of the day if you're doing moderate activity.

Good luck. =)

7 Name: Creed : 2015-08-19 22:05 ID:Fqoqyp4s [Del]

Ever heard of Bar Brothers? They are an international fitness organization that can help get you started into losing weight and gaining muscle! Look them up on YouTube! Sorry I don't have a link because I am on mobile right now, but please look them up.

8 Name: Gamer Fool : 2015-08-19 23:07 ID:2VBfgurB [Del]

Hey, I'm actually pretty much in the same boat as you, Untu! I figured I might as well share the things that I'm doing as see if you want to try them.

I use this app on my phone called My Fitness Pal. It's really convenient and helps you keep track of your calories. It will ask you for your weight, height, and a few other things, as well as what you want to do {Lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight). It will also help you set up a goal of how much to lose. Once that's set up, it will help you choose how much to lose per week. 1 pound is healthiest and is the best for creating habits to maintain your weight, and the app doesn't allow you to aim for more than 2 a week. Every time you eat something, record it in the "Diary" section you can access by tapping the top left corner. You can choose from a HUGE selection of foods, or put foods and their calories in on your own through "My Foods." I'd say to use the first week to get used to the app and figure out what you have to do to stay under your calorie limit. Also, be sure to update your weight every week or month by finding the "Goals" tab.

For exercise, I would suggest walks. If you're not exercising because it's embarrassing or you get very tired doing it, walks are a great way to get around it. Taking a half hour to an hour long walk everyday is a very good way to work up your stamina and get yourself in shape. Once you feel more comfortable/less tired when exercising, I'm sure you can get into soccer and that can become your main source of exercise. Also, the My Fitness pal app has a section to let you input how much exercise you do. I'm not recording any of my physical activity because I don't do too much, so you'll have to search around a bit for the exercises thing and figure out how it works.

Now, i know that having an app and counting calories sounds annoying or weird, but trust me, it helps. I've only had it for a short amount of time, but it has been steadily helping. Also, last thing: don't expect to lose weight fast. It's unhealthy. If my math is right, it will take about a year to lose 50 pounds, if you're going 1 lb a week. It can be discouraging, but losing weight too fast can make you sick, and it's very likely that you will regain it because you haven't changed your habits.

Alright, good luck! I hope I could be of some help!

9 Name: Prototape : 2015-08-20 02:42 ID:pJKQ9Qyl [Del]

I used to be like 240lbs, down to 160 now. I really changed my dietary habits and started making my own food. Cut out fast food entirely, no soda or anything like that. From there I did get exercise, but it was exercise gained in a work environment, so it was a little easier to keep up with at that point. For a couple of years I hovered at 180lbs working physically demanding jobs. I changed sectors and work a less demanding job, but still lost weight because I started hiking a lot. In the beginning I would be winded doing maybe five miles at most, now I can go up to fifteen miles a hike without totally screwing myself over for the work-week.

If you go out and start with an exercise you hate, you're not going to keep up with it. I personally hate gyms, so I don't go to them because my fitness routine just completely stops once I remember how much I hate exercising for the sake of exercising. I do however love to push myself out on a rough trail to see how far I can make it, so I build an exercise routine around that. Sometimes I'll fill up water jugs and throw them in a backpack to carry around with me, sometimes I'll wear weights, and sometimes I won't do either of those and just enjoy a nice walk.

Start slow with some walking and find something enjoyable about it. Then build off that and keep pushing yourself further and further. This has been a four year project for me mind you, and honestly in the beginning weight lost wasn't really a goal. Just kinda happened with a simple lifestyle change. I recommend the same, if you try to go all in at once you're going to have unrealistic expectations that are easily crushed.

I'm not an expert or anything, this is just worked for me.

10 Name: Sebby : 2015-08-20 15:33 ID:guYGoIkY [Del]

It all starts with what you eat. No matter how hard you exercise, if you don't change your eating habits you won't see any progress. They say it takes around 66 days to start developing a habit.

My advice? Stay away from snack foods. Eat whatever you want, don't torture yourself. It's not so much what you eat, but how much of it you eat. Try logging your calories. There are apps out there that take your height, weight, and age and put together a calorie goal for each day.

As for exercise, if theres a gym close by then check it out. Most gyms offer a free 7 day trial. Take a friend with you. A gym buddy really helps.

If you're trying to slim down then do cardio. Run outside, treadmill, stairs, elliptical what ever.

If it's easy then you're doing it wrong. I'm not a professional or anything though, keep in mind haha. I'm just giving my two cents. Hope this helps!

11 Name: Cappuccinowl : 2015-08-20 15:45 ID:L4HEOht6 [Del]

Well Untu, luckily for you, it is much easier to burn off fat at your age as you are (presumably) still growing. I'd suggest changing your eating habits like Sebby said and also getting into the habit of regular exercise. It doesn't have to be much, and you can build up to more tiring exercises over time. I'd suggest walking a relatively long distance as often as you can, at least once a week, then move to jogging, then running. Eventually when you are used to running that length try extending it. I'd also suggest changing the path now and again or bringing an ipod with you so you don't get bored.

I hope this helps you, and best of luck!

12 Name: Jay : 2015-08-20 17:41 ID:lSMcL9t0 [Del]

For dieting purposes and such, snacking can actually be extremely helpful but you have to make sure to snack appropriately by eating things like peanut butter and celery instead of a bag of chips for example.
A great way to stop yourself from overeating is to drink two cups of water before every meal. You should be drinking LOTS of water anyway especially if your planning on working out but drinking water before eating has been linked to weight loss supposedly.

Best Luck to You!

13 Name: Lycan!GXcqWm4bbU : 2015-08-30 07:49 ID:7jLKng2x [Del]

For most people I think the 80-20 rule applies; that is, 80% of the benefit can be gained with 20% of the work.

In the case of losing weight and overall fitness:
1) Cut the crap. Eat as minimal processed fats and sugars as you can avoid.
2) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
3) Don't forget good proteins, regardless of your dietary requirements
4) Make sure you regularly do some cardio. There are plenty of diagrams out there about where your heart rate should be at but in general: above 90 for at least 20 minutes. You can jog, you can skip, join a sports club, anything.

And there you have it. Free advice that will get you 80% of the way to where you want to be. The last 20%? That's up to you once you decide what direction you want to go in.

14 Name: " " : 2015-08-30 20:34 ID:6IhYqtPv [Del]

Best advice is cardio and eat red meats basically rare to medium rare meat and if i were to say one more thing of advice it would be to moderate ur self push but no hard dont hurt yourself ok.

15 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-31 06:33 ID:FlsxuoZM [Del]

I think the most easiest, but also the hardest in a sense, way is to stop being lazy.

16 Name: RoadRunner : 2015-08-31 09:26 ID:9z/92RRT [Del]

>>1 imagine a world of zombies and you need to escape try Zombie Run it's an interactive gps app that talks to you and makes you think there's zombies all around you and all you need to do is run

17 Name: lis : 2015-08-31 14:52 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

looking at your diet is a good start. it might hard to first couple of days but the trouble is usually portion control. getting seconds when you shouldn't. Your stomach is very small. About the size of your fist, if not a bit bigger. It stretches as you need, but the stretching becomes prolonged when you keep stretching and stretching to overeat. For the first few days I would try eating less, and letting your stomach reduce back to its proper size. Then you can continue eating what you like, but only until you get full. Starting with minor exercising alongside this is best. like 40-50 crunches a night.