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School studying/motivation tips?? (12)

1 Name: NeruQ : 2015-08-18 23:37 ID:3ct7HUwf [Del]

I'm in my third year of high school and I really want to change my bad school habits (procrastinating + not even trying)!! I think it would be better to get these habits all sorted out this year rather than freaking out on my last year. Any studying tips or ways to stay motivated throughout the school year??

2 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-18 23:44 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

I'm such a bad person to reply on this, but here's my story.

I dropped out freshman year, dicked around and partied for about 3 years, then I got my GED before my class were even seniors yet.

Getting my GED was no problem, as what school I actually went to during 9th grade, I slept through, as somehow absorbed enough information to just know it.
The GED is just as praised for most jobs as a diploma is, and it actually tests you on the menial bs you need to know, rather than the menial bs you take an extra two years of school for (who the hell needs calculus, come on. I know how to use calculator.)

Anyway, that's my twocents. Take it as you will.

3 Name: Akemin !6FaPNwEQbw : 2015-08-19 00:08 ID:1Na/1j+7 [Del]

>>2 I know how to use a calculator /extremely well/ and I'm learning calculus because as it turns out the entire subject is rulesets that aren't usable by your calculator unless you know them already. I aaaam an aspiring scientist, which does make me the sort of person who needs calculus. I considered getting my GED over the summer last year and applying for college (I have enough AP credit to apply as a second-semester freshman, even) but I decided I kind of wanted to have the "senior year" experience.

Anyway, I'm in the same boat (except, you know, fourth year).

Start homework/studying the second you get home. Keep at it for 1-2 hours a day (depending on your workload I guess) even if you have no homework or impending tests. This makes you less likely to shirk your assignments.

Program assignments into your phone if you have one. You won't lose your phone, which means you won't lose your planner.

Have a friend in every class you can ask for homework scans for.

Google is your friend when it comes to understanding difficult material. Plenty of high school teacher all across the country are bored enough to make you useful review videos.

4 Name: Otoshigami !lubXhuCvDs : 2015-08-19 02:11 ID:QJ9e/Yp0 [Del]

Procrastination is my life. I found that right after school is the best time to start homework mainly because my mind is still in school mode and I can focus better. Then after you finish you can fully turn off your brain and not worry about school till the next day. Keep in mind that if you;re planning to go to college your Junior year is what they will look at first.

I'll give you a present that I use before tests when I want to be laziest. it pretty much tells you how much effort you need to put into your test if you want a certain grade.

5 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-19 02:19 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

It's all about time management. Get that and you're set. Study/Do Homework for 30 minutes-1 hour intervals and then take 5 minute breaks.

Listening to music while doing work helps too. If you're studying for a big test or something like that, classical is what you should listen to.

6 Name: Lira : 2015-08-19 04:07 ID:1YqJEMQg [Del]

One thing I do is read my notes from the previous day/week right before class. It reminds me what we did and it has helped me retain more of the information. I also find that if I feel like I'm rewarding myself for something, it motivates me. For example, before I go to school, I'll put a post it on my computer with a list of things I need to do offline before I turn it on (start a laundry load, read a chapter, etc) because I know myself. If my computer goes on, I turn into a lazy son of gun and nothing gets done. For the stuff I need to get done on my computer, I have to use a bit more self control. I refuse to log into skype or steam while I'm doing my homework. I also make little goals for myself. Example: If I finish the first draft of my essay tonight, I'll binge watch OHSHC until I pass out and then just have to edit the rest tomorrow and I can watch mooooaaarr without stressing or feeling guilty.

Another thing is to start early. If you have to read something, start reading bits of it day one. At the very least, you'll have a decent understanding before you get lazy.

Anyway, they tend to work for me. Hope it helps! <3

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-19 04:09 ID:Cq7p1ehI [Del]

Have talent, always worked in history

8 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-19 05:15 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

^Dudes got jokes all day.

9 Name: イサオ : 2015-08-19 06:43 ID:g4Hz2gFi [Del]

Truth is reading your notes or even taking notes of your notes at the end of the day seems to work pretty well, at the end of the week then revise your weekly work. Pretty sure it leads to long term potentiation in your hippocampus which would basically increase memory retention.

Make a story for stuff (Like the most retarded, lame thing) I.E Positively pink Negatively blue for gram stains in bacteria.

I think that if you go through a week of school lets say and are able to understand that weeks work quite well at the end of the week (Not when you do it of course). Then it should be pretty easy to revise, some people go crazy and revise the whole subjects work at the end of the week, some people use their end of year holidays to go through the entire subjects content etc
Yeah lots of effort.... too much for me.

Talent can help ALOT of course, but hardwork also pays off.
I mean if you're just aiming to pass, many people could probably do it on talent alone with minimal effort. It's a really bad habit to get into though.

10 Name: Sid : 2015-08-19 11:39 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Now that I have a goal that I need school for I am way more motivated to get good grades.

While I was just going to school due to my family making me I didn't care at all. I am bright and caught on quite fast. Due to that a bunch of people started asking for my help. This helped me out as well since it pushed me to answer their questions by doing the same problems, out of the book.

It might be harder to find a study group in high school, but it was a lot easier for me to do so in college.

11 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-08-19 13:04 ID:DMBBRRvx [Del]

Some ideas would be to create a study group with RESPONSIBLE people in your class (NOT YOUR FRIENDS, been there, and it didn't go well xD), begin an assignment once it is assigned (don't wait; act immediately), and stay at the library after school and complete your assignments right there (so then, you can chill out at home). Those are little tips of advice to follow, but for motivation, look back at your progress as you do these actions. Look at how you used to be, compared to now. Hope that helps!

12 Name: NeruQ : 2015-08-19 17:06 ID:3ct7HUwf [Del]

I seriously appreciate all of the replies!! I'll definitely try doing my homework immediately after school