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How Do I Explain This? (11)

1 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-18 22:42 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Well it all starts in 7th grade. I was pretty chubby and you know after a while I just started to think that wasn't for me. I couldn't stand feeling heavy/uncomfortable in clothing. I started running in school and actually taking a liking to it and I started to become thinner by 8th grade. In 8th grade I really liked being skinny, but I still felt like I could lose more weight, so I did. Not to mention, I didn't eat lunch at school (not b/c I wanted to lose wait, just because I didn't like it and didn't want my mom to waste her money on it). So that all helped me lose weight and whatnot, but now in my new school the P.E. is very rigorous, so of course, I lost more weight. Now I weigh 115 and I feel great about it. When I lost weight, my self-esteem went up because I felt healthy and I now look great in pretty much everything, so that was really good for me.

Here's mainly the problem though. As I lost weight, my appetite also went away. I guess not my appetite, but I mean I ate less food, because you know my stomach was smaller and it held smaller amounts of food in it. So ever since that started up, my family (but most especially my grandma) has thought I was anorexic. I am not and never will be anorexic. It's plain and simple, I LOVE FOOD! Like I think my problem is that it seems like I don't eat enough, because I'm hungry about every eight hours (depending on what I eat) or so (this is because I don't eat at school and that's how long I'm at school for).

This became a huge problem over the summer, because now that I'm not hungry on everyone else's hunger schedule, it makes me look like I'm not eating on purpose, when I'm truly just not hungry.

The root problem of this though is that my grandma, this is who cooks in my house, is the one who serves my plate. She serves huge portions for me and by the time I'm halfway done with the meal, I'm already full. If I say this though, she just starts accusing me of being anorexic and I HATE it! (SO I'M BASICALLY BEING FORCE-FED!) Thing is, even if I ask her to serve less, she literally will not do it and if I don't eat when she tells me to, she gets super mad.

My thing is, eat when you want to eat. If she'd give me portion sized meals, I'd eat more meals.

My mom even told her once, "Just let her eat when she wants to" and ever since then, my grandma has just been using that against me. She just says I'm never going to eat. She says I'm going to die and that only when I'm in the hospital and it's too late that I'm going to understand the consequences.

Do I just let her keep doing this to me for like two more years or do I have to explain to her (virtually impossible) and how?

2 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-18 23:21 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

First of all, how old are you, because that's a good way of deciding how much free reign you have to disobey what she says.

It is true that your stomach decreased in size, as you ate less over-all than you used to.
You also burn a lot more calories off with your exercise, which is why you feel hungry as often as you do.

What I recommend is sticking to smaller portions, but tell your grandma to serve better, more healthy food for you, that gives you the required calories to burn off.

Unless your metabolism all of a sudden slows down, you're not going to be putting on much weight. Just try to explain things the best you can. If she won't listen, write a note and leave it for her. She can't yell at a note.
Be thorough in your explanation, and at least try to seem knowledgeable on what you're talking about.

3 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-18 23:22 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

You said two more years, so I assume you're probably 16. That's about the rebellious era. Get a job and buy your own food, then refuse to eat hers. You get the benefit of money and learning to cook in the process.

4 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-18 23:24 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>2 thanks. Haha, the note thing won't happen. I've told her that I would leave her a note, and she said she would just rip it in pieces. I'm almost 15, so yeah I don't think I have much freedom, but you know, when the time comes that she decides to bring it up when my mom is around, I will try my best to explain to her.

5 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-18 23:26 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Oh I just refreshed >>3 well I guess 3 more years, I was counting incorrectly I suppose, but yeah I'm planning on getting a job next year. Thanks. =)

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-19 00:34 ID:Cq7p1ehI [Del]

115 pounds? Grams? or Kilograms? I don't want to even THINK about tonnes

7 Name: Otoshigami !lubXhuCvDs : 2015-08-19 01:48 ID:QJ9e/Yp0 [Del]

I also have a high metabolism and get accused of not eating all the time. What I've done in the past is show off whenever i am eating,even if it's just a bag of chips. Try to give of the impression that you're constantly eating small snacks and that should stop some criticism.

8 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-19 02:03 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>7 thank you. I'll try that. =)

9 Name: Ignight : 2015-09-07 15:42 ID:GwggKDhD [Del]

I have VERY slow metabolism (not sure why I opened with that)..
Often times I'm home together only with my grandmother, I don't eat a lot, however, just as you say, she LITERALLY forcefeeds me.. I'm not superfat, but I am chubby 99% thanks to that, and this has been going on since I was born, soo yeah, you're not the only one..

10 Name: Also : 2015-09-07 16:10 ID:x+GsEJEJ [Del]

As long as you do not stop eating your grandmother should not worry.

But what is this about not eating at school? Even if you do not like the school lunch, you should pack one from home. Your brain and developing body needs those calories.

11 Name: Sid : 2015-09-07 16:38 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

I think the problem mainly lies with the culture gap. I understand finishing the plate from a more Asian point of view, which could just be an old fashioned view too. Finishing your plate shows you enjoy the food and respect who ever cooked it.

Your Grandma could just see you not finishing your plate as disrespecting her, and her cooking. But in a way both of you are disrespecting each other. For she doesn't take into consideration your portion size and doesn't cater it towards you, but herself. Also you give off the impression that you don't like the food since you didn't finish all of it.

Also if your Grandma is set in her ways, for the topic, then I don't think any amount of convincing can change what she does. Maybe saving it for leftovers could help, but I don't know too much about the mannerism surrounding this topic.

I think everyone has a different schedule when they get hungry as well. I usually don't start getting hungry till the evening, so I don't eat till then.