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Melancholy (14)

1 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-18 01:04 ID:Ot9cHQxO [Del]

Yes, I know there are shit loads of threads out there that are exactly like this, but I'm lazy, and you don't need to read this.

When in boredom, I will always escape it by playing games, watching anime etc, but when there's nothing there to do, and I can't find it in myself to find new anime/manga/games, I'll get this melancholic feeling if I can't sleep. I want to cry, but no one can really cry by free will can they? It's just so depressing knowing that everything that I'll do is pretty much futile and that I'm wasting my unneeded time. I'm at that age where you have nothing to do, that stage of my life where everything is kinda dull. Self-loathing because I am too over-conscious, then realising that it's stupid that I do that, then feeling that it's futile to feel stupid because it's already happened.

Yeah, fuck it. Pretty much that shit. Just happens sometimes.

Just wanna know if anyone else feels that they're living a life worth living yet at the same time meaningless and worthless.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-18 01:09 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

I feel it. Smoke weed.

3 Name: Akemin !6FaPNwEQbw : 2015-08-18 09:23 ID:rdN10wv/ [Del]

>>2 Or don't because weed slowly rots your life?

4 Name: Sid : 2015-08-18 10:54 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

I felt exactly like that before I found out what I wanted to do with my life. Now that I have a goal in life I feel a lot better. My classes don't start till next week and I can tell the difference when I get bored. Now I sort of want to do something relating to my career choice. I don't get that loneliness, or slightly depressed feeling either.

Try to find anything that will kill time. Recently I've been thinking about just walking around town.

I would advise against using a substance, like weed or alcohol, to help ease the situation. That is how addicts become addicts. They replace the negative feelings, or situation, with substance. This never really gets rid of that depression, or stress, but replaces it momentarily.

Again, mainly find a goal in life and strive to get there.

5 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-08-18 12:01 ID:38Qg/Brf [Del]

Two thoughts occurred to me when I read this. The first, which applies if you're one of the younger users, is that I felt like that all the time until a few years ago, and it's called being a moody teenager. You'll pretty much grow out of it.

The other thing is that on occasion I do just feel sad for no reason. It's like I just can't look on the bright side anymore and just give in to my anguish. It's not that anything is seriously wrong. Sometimes you just feel sad.

Crying is totally cathartic in these cases. The right music helps too.

And there goes the last of manliness

6 Name: Inuki : 2015-08-18 13:30 ID:QxYZhJMk [Del]

You're not exactly in a tragic state or depressed - just tortured from boredom, right? This happens to everybody.

In all my years, I have never left my country- I never even attended my grandfather's funeral because we didn't have the money to fly there for even a day. My family isn't the richest, so I never had the chance to travel and leave my country to see what it was like outside (which had been my life long dream). All I'm allowed to do is sit in my room with the door locked and study. The only time I could come out was to go eat or go to the bathroom. It sounds kind of stupid doesn't it? But when you're locked up, you get to think how boring and pointless life is when you know that you were born to be educated, work, and then die. I can't do anything since I'm still young and I'm not the rebellious type either. So I had wondered, 'What's the point when I'm in here like this?'
And of course, there was that big question: 'Why is life this boring for me? Why me?'
So my advice, no matter how difficult, find something that you know you can truly be happy with. Whether it is a memory or someone you care about- if you cling onto it, you'll have a reason to say "My life suddenly became better because of _____. And I'm glad I got to experience this."

7 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-18 14:20 ID:u9r2mpoS [Del]

>>2 Do you bro, just remember everything in moderation
>>3 Go alcohol rots your life cigarettes rot your life, weed is more about how you handle yourself
>>1 I get bored alot too. and pretty easily at that, so if you get bored find something to fill that boredom. If you're too lazy to go find something to do, then thats on you. Gotta take control of your life

8 Name: A.I.d.a. !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-18 22:32 ID:cgpKWKc1 [Del]

Lol you people. Marijuana is a non-addictive medicine. You silly fools.

9 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-18 23:42 ID:Cq7p1ehI [Del]

>>6 I get sad from knowing I have stuff to do but can't be bothered to do it.

10 Name: Otoshigami !lubXhuCvDs : 2015-08-19 02:17 ID:QJ9e/Yp0 [Del]

Do some jumping jacks or something to get your blood pumping. Exercise = Endorphins = happy. and when you're happy you're less likely to be lazy and feel melancholic.

11 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-19 02:51 ID:Cq7p1ehI [Del]

>>10 I'm too lazy to get up and exercise

12 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-19 05:16 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

Quit making excuses. That's all you are, excuses.

You'd feel less worthless if you gave yourself a reason to get up.
Learn happiness. There are self-help books on it.

13 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-19 05:19 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

Seriously, if you think life is boring and depressing now, you're going to hate your 20s, and your 30s, and literally every day until the day you're put in the ground.

Get up and go do stupid shit, you're at the perfect age for it. You're the dude who was 14ish right? I get people mixed up around here.
You're only going to be you once, so you'd better get to living now before you can't.

14 Name: A.I.d.a !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-19 05:22 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

If you want to cry, drop some LSD and listen to some Floyd.

"Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say

Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away, across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spell"

If I had heard these lyrics ten years ago, I'd be a lot better of a man for it.