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Empty (10)

1 Name: Kazuto : 2015-08-15 08:19 ID:RbhrRvcq [Del]

Not sure if I alone in this feeling... I feel emptiness...

No real connection to the world around me. I love, laugh and feel, but in my world, I feel empty. I care not if people around me are suffering, in fact I prefer if people are suffering so I know that I am not the only one without happiness.

Few times have I had an emotionally supportive relationship with other people outside of family. I feel disassociated with the people around me, and have never had anyone closer than an acquaintance who I can use to achieve the goal I had at the time.

Thoughts? I don't know... Does anyone else out there feel similar?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-15 09:01 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

Welcome to the world of Reality.
Life is out to fuck you. Make what you can of it.

3 Name: Viritveus : 2015-08-15 15:52 ID:P055KHz1 [Del]

I feel the same too! you are not the only one, i feel so alone everytime, i used to be popular when i was a highschooler, i do hang out with my fellas, i'm with them everytime, even just go to the toilet, we go there together and do some vandalism to the toilet doors with graffitis, but now everything changed, i've been isolated from any relationship with the people i used to know very close, i've been trapped, i don't even know how to explain it, it was like i don't even know them anymore. And here i am now, have no friend since then and stopped welcoming for the new people im my life, i just don't want to, i'm tired of saving faces

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-15 21:13 ID:Ot9cHQxO [Del]

>>2 Too bad you're not Russian, because in Russia, life don't fuck you, you fuck life

5 Name: Akemin !6FaPNwEQbw : 2015-08-15 23:51 ID:1Na/1j+7 [Del]

>>1 I kind of get that, I guess. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a sociopath (although wondering whether or not I'm a sociopath is strong evidence against me being a sociopath). I guess my stance on it is just about exactly the opposite though.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love people! I just want to make the world a happy place!

But... there's always something missing. I guess I grew up reading too many books and not socializing enough or whatever, but I can't /bear/ how unbelievably boring life tends to be. I mean, blah blah blah, who's fucking who, who got a boob job, who's vaguetweeting what- it's all just so... empty. The only things that really feel real to me are fiction and science. So I take all the hardest classes and read, watch TV, play videogames, or write during my spare time, but there's just this sort of sense of nothing in my life outside of classes matter. And I can't /stand/ that. What if I die without ever going on an adventure?

6 Name: A.I.d.A !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-16 01:41 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

>>5 Congratulations guys. You have become the proper Slaves to society that your leaders want you to be.

7 Name: A.I.d.A !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-16 01:42 ID:06Lc0/iS [Del]

Either your dying inside or you're reading about the next big celebrity bs.
As per choice.

8 Name: Akemin !6FaPNwEQbw : 2015-08-16 02:17 ID:1Na/1j+7 [Del]

>>7 I dunno if I phrased that right- I don't quite feel like I'm dying inside. Maybe I feel like everyone else is dying inside and I'm the only one with an inner spark of adventure?

I mean, but that's hardly accurate either? I love people! Maybe it's because that I know everyone else has that same spirit that yearns for something beyond the doldrums of regular life... and yet, it seems, nobody else is looking for a Call to Adventure either?

Maybe they are and I just don't see it. The world I see isn't the same as the world that is.

Huh, I suddenly feel a lot better about things. This turned out surprisingly helpful.

9 Name: A.I.d.a. !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-16 05:32 ID:BCh5ruLm [Del]

That's great. There arent enough people being helped here.

10 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2015-08-16 11:06 ID:vSYKcVVL [Del]

This can actually be a form of depression. Everyone goes through it at some point in their lives, but you should be careful if it lasts for more than a few months. According to most studies, it could actually be depression if it lasts over six months.

You shouldn't overthink it either. Just stay calm and try to talk to someone close about it. They could help you as well. Don't close yourself out to your friends or family.