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I've been kicked out (3)

1 Name: help : 2015-08-11 14:43 ID:t9+enOsN [Del]

Before I start I'll layout some background info so you can understand my situation.
- Im 16, turn 17 in a month, and my senior year is starting in 5 days.
-Im an honor student and i'm smart but I'll admit i'm lazy
- I have my licence and a car but I don't have money to pay for my car insurance
- I just recently got a job but I don't have a means of transportation anymore
- my mom and I rent rooms from an old lady who has a house that's too big for her.

Everyday i'm left home alone my mom and dad are divorced and I live with her. She leaves for work in the morning and i'm left to take care of myself in the house we live in. On the surface this sounds okay but really it means that while she's going in and out "working hard" (I know half the time she's fucking around with friends) I'm cleaning the house vacuuming, taking out the garbage, cooking(her dinner), doing laundry(her clothes), rearranging her shoes and closet at her request. Our relationship has always been rocky because she treats me like shit most days and only cares about what I do when her name becomes associated with mine. (ex. "oh you're **** daughter right?" When I come back home: "what did they say about me, what did you tell them/what did you do".) And on those occasions she takes me out the next day for pictures to show how 'happy" we are.

This time we had a fight, a big one. I had been fed up with cleaning up after her and giving into her stupid demands (she wakes me up to tie her shoes and make coffee for her). So I snapped, and i dont regret it. I said some shit about not wanting to clean up her room anymore and she told me I was being disrespectful to her. I said respect was a two way street (in my head, if i said it out loud she'd slap me upside the head) and I left to stay at my dads house for a few days (I called him and packed some clothes). I told him minimal info because he usually doesn't want to get into a position where he'll have to take care of me long term.

So two days into being at my dads house I've managed to relax but then I get a call from my mom. I answer and she's practically screaming at me for being a screw up (I have to hold the phone away from my ear) Apparently I had left her food out in the kitchen and a bunch of flies got to it and the kitchen became infested with them while I was gone. In addition to that I had left the backdoor unlocked after I took out the trash, an honest mistake really but to her it's a delinquency. She's yelling at me that it's all my fault because I didn't clean the kitchen properly and that when she came home the owner of the house was cleaning the kitchen. She says i'm an embarrassment to her and a whole bunch of other stuff that I don't feel like listening to so I hold the phone away from my ear and wait till she's done.

She spews on and on about how i'm a failure that doesn't do anything and a slob (considering im the one cleaning her room I scoff at that) and somewhere in between she says i'm not welcome back anymore and that I need to live with my dad because she's done with me. She basically said she's kicking me out. Honestly i'm done with her bullshit to and would happily live with my dad. The only problem is I know for a fact he doesn't want me living with him.

My dad managed to get remarried and have 2 more kids with his new wife. They're fine with me coming over for a few days or so but I know that the invitation lasts only as long a that. And I really don't want to impose on them but I really don't want to go back to that hell. In a few days he's gonna force me back onto my mom and try to "work things out" between us, but it won't work out because i'm done forgiving. I'm not sorry for what I did (rather didn't do) and I don't plan apologising for being a bad maid.

Fights like this have happened before and every time I was the one to back down because I knew that if I had cut my mom off I wouldn't be able to support myself financially. But now I have a part time job and some money in my bank. Not enough to completely support myself, (it's not like I was preparing to leave this early) however it's a start which I think is fine enough. I can't stand the thought of going back to her groveling on my knees for her to take me back again. My part time job starts this weekend and my dad has agreed he can drive me to it just once but I need to be able to drive myself which at this point is impossible because both parents refuse to at least help pay for car insurance.

At the rate everythings going I'll be either homeless or back to being a slave the start of my senior year (whoopie:/) Of course i have friends and I've told some about what's happened but they can only ever offer emotional support. I feel trapped and I just need an assessment of this situation from an outside party before I start on my next decision.

2 Name: さくら : 2015-08-11 15:47 ID:Z53nPQfb [Del]

My life isn't bad as yours, but I have been there before. I have a fat crappy aunt who is old enough to get her own place but is still full of it. She makes me clean her mess and blames things on me,(like: I can't find my sandals because you where em all the time and don't want to waste your time looking for them!!! That is what she says to me, so one day I had a fight with my aunt, kind of like you, but my mother was there and started yelling at me!!! So what I did was said sorry to her, but I made her realized what I was doing in my position...

3 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-11 19:24 ID:MROn4BE/ [Del]

I suggest trying to stay out of your house as much as possible if you're stuck with your mother. And if you end up feeling that living there is unsafe, don't be afraid to drive your car to a safer location. It's not like every cop you pass is going to look up your plate to check for insurance. Just avoid major roads and drive safely.