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Looking for reason (8)

1 Name: Aech : 2015-08-10 20:16 ID:84ECL+64 [Del]

How do you all deal with the concept of death? I'm at a point in my life where the thought is just crippling me day to day, I'd consider myself agnostic as far as any beliefs in an afterlife, I just wish there were some answers for the big questions in life. So if any of you have any input, thoughts, experiences, etc. I'd love to hear them, kinda at the end of my rope

2 Name: Delphi : 2015-08-10 21:18 ID:DZvLUvU6 [Del]

There is life, and then there is death. All things that have a beginning must also have an end. If there's an afterlife then that's great but is there really such thing as a 'soul' or 'spirit' or are our consciences a result of chemical reactions inside our brain.
Before I go too philosophical on you I will say this: death is not something to fear. Sure, we have no way of knowing what's on the other side but to gear death is to fear the inevitable, and that makes no sense. To fear dying before your time is fine but everyone dies. If death comes knocking on my door tomorrow then so be it, I have little regrets. I sure would like to love longer but if you want to live you have to be prepared to except death when it comes.

Death is when our bodies stop working. It's going to happen regardless of our efforts to stop it, what we should be doing is making this world a better place before we die for future generations.

Sorry about that, that's what happens when you ask me about death XD

3 Name: Price : 2015-08-10 22:09 ID:yzlpAE7t [Del]

I personally believe in life after death. I know you said that wasn't really your speed, but this belief helps me not worry about what comes after life and instead focus on being the best I can be today. I would encourage you to examine any religion or philosophy that catches your interest and look for answers there. That's what they're there for, and that's where the strong majority of the people in the world go for answers to the big questions in life.

4 Name: Amaya : 2015-08-11 07:30 ID:t8VsR4ax [Del]

I'm also having these thoughts. I'm scared there will just be an empty darkness, but I would really like to believe there is life after death. I'm really on board with reincarnation. Although I also agree with what Delphi is saying, though I have many regrets and many goals I want to accomplish. I just think you should live your life to the full and accomplish as many things as you've wanted to achieve! Just be happy in the now! :) sorry if I sound cheesy and if what I've said doesn't help, but I just thought I'd put in my input :)

5 Name: Smile : 2015-08-11 08:09 ID:MwTBg8yA [Del]

I think that death meant lose everything

6 Name: Kujo Reiuji : 2015-08-11 12:12 ID:XbsYjH41 [Del]

I personally had a completely bullcrap thought about how death, and reincarnation works together. People say that souls are eternal, so let's just assume that for now. In physics, if they manage to knock the string theory, then it means the universe has more then 4 dimensions, it may have 11 or possibly more.

So what i think is that, if the soul is eternal, then when we die our souls just travel into another dimension leaving the life of a body and to another new born living organism that has a brain, it could be anything and anyone. But because of the death, and possibly traveling to another dimension can only send so much to another dimension, your memories are completely wiped, although sometimes it would remain.

Interesting theory, but again, its complete bullcrap :v

7 Name: Panda-jiji : 2015-08-11 23:55 ID:XopD052p [Del]

You know, the funny thing about humans is how afraid they are of death.

I, personally, do not want to die. I realized this two days ago — I have too much I want to do. I don't want to die — not yet.

Which is a stupid thought, because I most likely have a good 60-70 (at least) years left of my life, and thinking about mortality is generally something that comes after you've hit your thirties, at least.

But I came up with this: the reason I don't want to die is because I have too much I want to do — if I died tomorrow, it would be crying, because I couldn't play my violin one last time, because I never told my mom my secrets, because I had never even had my first kiss. I would have cried because I could have done so much more — and I hadn't.

So if you are reaching a point in your life where your death is becoming something of an issue, then go ahead, worry about death — but do something about it. The people who fear death are those who die in pain and those who die with regrets. There's nothing really you can do about the former, unfortunately, but the latter is something everybody can and should change.

Don't give me any BS about not having enough time — if you were going to die in a day, then a day would be enough and you would die knowing that if nothing else, you tried. Something tells me that you have more than enough time, though.

Go, do the things you want to do. Take that secret off your chest — love your family, your partner, your world like you'll never see it again — and settle those regrets. There will always be something that you can do.

And in the end, death is both the only certainty and uncertainty — because it will always be there to meet us, to take us into the dark night — but who knows what lies beyond?

Only the dead, and they must like it there, because no one's come back to complain.

8 Name: Kazuma : 2015-08-12 03:02 ID:tofUzQgr [Del]

You simply won't exist any more.