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How to tell the truth? (3)

1 Name: Shizura : 2015-08-10 16:16 ID:ANmPTPfi [Del]

2 Years age my parents got divorce. Now, I can live pretty normal live, I am usually happy, but I still have few problems. One that bothers me most is that my friends didnt know anything about it. You can say "They are not friends if they think everything is normal with my family", but... that's my fault. When this happened my best friends weren't at school(they were ill) and I wanted to speak with them personally.But when I met them, I just can't. Telling about it was painful. Now, I am really sad when I hear how they are speaking with my "stepdad" and thinking that he is my dad.

Her comes my question; How to tell them? I must do it, but how? Just talking is not problem, they are my friends, but how to begin? I am scared that I will ruin the moment.

Please, help.

2 Name: Delphi : 2015-08-10 18:04 ID:DZvLUvU6 [Del]

Find the best moment, perhaps one one of them is talking about their own families and just tell them as simply as possible. Try to explain why you didn't tell them sooner too. Honesty is the best policy, telling the truth is harder than lying but it's less painful and less awkward.

3 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-10 22:22 ID:np/u+Qri [Del]

Don't worry man, there's a time and a place for everything...even times when you and your buddies can get real drunk and then you can spill beanz lol...but for real if you can't bring yourself to tell it now then maybe you should just wait until there is a time when you just feel you can get it off our chest. Its all about timing man. . .