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The reality is false (7)

1 Name: eatsomepasta : 2015-08-07 11:06 ID:7UxWsQHL [Del]

What do you think? What is the life?,Why we are humans? What is really,the life? and what is the reality?

2 Name: Ruri !8jOmMMgk1E : 2015-08-07 11:23 ID:FSMmouco [Del]

I have always questioned it, but if the reality is false then what is true?

3 Name: Owl !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-08-07 14:03 ID:Q3f1qlO2 [Del]

Ah I love it when we start questioning everything that we know; humans are such curious creatures :D While I would say "Reality is in the eyes of the beholder", that is much too subjective. Really you can roll these questions around in you head like a ball of clay and you'll go here and there finding a few general questions; but generally, you'll go nowhere. Really, I just think you ought to observe more and find out yourself. You can only discover so much whilst laying in bed at 00:45 trying to find answers to questions that has driven man buts for centuries.

4 Name: Henry !kgcc3SPwsw : 2015-08-08 10:50 ID:BlMLZpzK [Del]

It's called solipsism. I just referenced vsauce in my last post, but it's extremely relevant here. The video is named "Is anything real?" and it runs through the science and ideology of solipsism and realism. This should answer a lot of the simple questions you have and provoke some cool conversations :). This is one of my favorite videos of all time and everyone should definitely see it at some point. The only video I like more is "This is water" and that is taken from a commencement speech on the ideology of considering better realities and enjoying the menial nature of life sometimes.

5 Name: Yanagi-Sora : 2015-08-08 18:47 ID:tFQK0aDi [Del]

>>4 Just finished watching "Is Anything Real?" by Vsauce and I finally know the official term of what I have talked with my brothers about! Solipsism has never failed to make me question the world and thus question my brothers on their perspectives of the world. It feels nice to finally be able to put a name to the description I started wonder about in my spare time. As for "This is Water," I definitely had the feeling of deja vu while I was reading the speech especially the part of the supermarket and how we think. It's given me a new outlook on life that will take time to implement but nonetheless I feel it would be rewarding. Even more so, it was a very interesting speech to read, and beautifully written by David Foster. Thanks for giving me something to do in my boredom~!

6 Name: Henry !kgcc3SPwsw : 2015-08-12 03:23 ID:BlMLZpzK [Del]

>>5 No problem, I have watched those videos and read his speech countless numbers of times now, but I'll never forget the first time I saw each of them. There is so much information iterated in an extremely clear and concise way. And both of them are always very soothing to me. The concept of choosing, many of the ideas behind living without verification, they are very meaningful. I'm glad you enjoyed them. I'm off to write the post I've been thinking about for a while now.

7 Name: Lain Steiner !ffZeCDnor2 : 2015-08-12 11:11 ID:KTMnKk67 [Del]

About this reality thing, I'll give you what I think.
I think that reality is what have influence over us. If you see someone you love dying, you'll be sad, so them dying is real. If you dream about people you love dying, you'll be sad too. Because you experienced the dream.
Reality is personal : if you don't know something (knowing referring to "feeling the effects of something", not just learning something) by the definition I just gave, it wouldn't be part of your reality.

As for the "real reality", it's composed of everything that was, is or will be. By developing science, we're trying to further our knowledge of this reality, but I doubt we will ever be able to grasp it in its entirety.

So, to answer your "reality is false", it can't be false since reality is something you forge yourself. I don't know if it makes sense, but it does to me.