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How do I go about this... (7)

1 Name: Kynata Username !wtXZ9BJ1TI : 2015-08-06 05:04 ID:GW+XS6gE [Del]

TL;DR : I confessed to the girl who broke up with my best friend. How do I tell my friend this?

So I know this all sounds cliche, but from the TL;DR, I'm sure you're expecting to hear drama. Yes, sorry but this is drama shit. I've had enough of drama but it decided to come back. In this post the least I want you guys to do is listen, you guys don't have to give me any advice or anything (even though that's contradictory to my TL;DR statement).

So a little background, I've met this girl during my freshman year of high-school. I introduced her to my best friend. All of us are really good friends.

A little background on the girl. She had a boyfriend, left that boyfriend cause the boyfriend was a douche, went to my best friend, then broke up with my best friend because it didn't feel right.

A little background on my best friend. We've been friends since elementary. We've gone through tough shit together.

So on to the actual telling. I've been pretty freelance kid since the start of high-school. I've met and made some very good friends during those times because I've changed my attitude on life. I've been keeping the drama down in me... until just recently. We talked and talked, then out of nowhere I blurt out "I actually really like you a lot." I then realize at that moment, those words were really true, and that I did like her a lot. Unfortunately I felt very stupid cause I knew she broke up with my best friend not to long ago (a few couple weeks ago). We both knew very well that she couldn't reciprocate those feelings back towards me, but still responds with "I do love you." The words still ring in my head. Then I start thinking "What about my best friend?" Now I tell you guys here and now that this was deja vu for me. A situation so similar to this happened to us before. "He's a nice person, why doesn't he get a happy ending?" This eats my soul quite a bit at a time every night. I can't just leave them both. I told the girl about the situation so similar to this. She understands too well, and she knows what can happen next. Me being me, I'd choose to separate myself from her. She told me not to do that before I even tried. I'm not sure if she remembers that night because it all just happened so fast. I can't turn from her now because I was sure of myself once I confessed to her. All I'm wondering now is how to tell my best friend.

Yea... some sort of a friend I am. I've done this once to him (my best friend). In the process, I've ended past friendships because, well he was my best friend. Now I'm torn because the girl I love is who I feel right with, and she feels so certain as to not to lose me. I really am beating myself up over this cause like I said, I did this to my best friend not only once, but twice. Then I ask myself what kind of a friend I am. I'm just really torn by these two feelings, I chose one of them because I didn't want to "run away" from my "past", but I don't know how to go about this and tell him I've been loving the girl that you went out with. So cliche right? Such a drama house I'm in, hahaha.

2 Name: Alex : 2015-08-06 09:39 ID:20BS8THT [Del]

Look man, just talk it out with your friend. If the girl accepted your feelings or whatever, which I'm assumin she did, then just be up front with your friend. You said he's been your friend since elementary, right? Then this shouldn't be a problem. If your friend gets angry, then you've learned something new about'em. If not, then things are chill. And if he says s'okay, but acts like an ass later?? Just confront him and ask what's up? Don't dodge bullshit and keep secrets. Cause it can fuck you over.

3 Name: Kynata Username !wtXZ9BJ1TI : 2015-08-06 20:18 ID:GW+XS6gE [Del]

Well yea, I know that, but like, I just don't know how to tell him. Like what do I say,"Hey man, so I've actually had a crush on your previous girlfriend for a while now, and I told her I loved her without telling you first." I'm not sure if that'd be okay.

4 Name: Nitroglycerin : 2015-08-06 21:02 ID:c42aZvmR [Del]

Well, maybe you should start by telling him that you really llike this girl and see how he takes it. Don't tell him you confessed to her, just talk to him about how you feel and see how he reacts. If he get's angry there's not much to do really, I'm sorry, but if he can understand the fact that we can not control our feelings then maybe you can just start telling him about how you'd like to confess your feelings to this girl with his approval.

5 Name: M888 : 2015-08-06 22:28 ID:S2QrO51+ [Del]

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

6 Name: Kynata Username !wtXZ9BJ1TI : 2015-08-07 00:49 ID:GW+XS6gE [Del]

@Nitoglycerin I might just do that. Really thanks a lot for that advice, I really needed it.

7 Name: Kynata !wtXZ9BJ1TI : 2015-08-08 13:29 ID:GW+XS6gE [Del]

It really didn't work out