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Friends.. (12)

1 Name: PK : 2015-08-02 17:33 ID:WUhlTNix [Del]

I just want friends. Friends that listen. Friends that care. I thought I had one but they've become cold and distant from me. We talk regularly but I know they don't care anymore. I always listen and support them, up to the point where it isn't healthy to me. All in hope that they'll come back to me and things will be the same, but it never is. Sometimes they'll give me glimpses of their old self, but it fades quickly. I look back at my old self and see how i've changed from it all. My depression is worse, and my self-confidence is shattered. I just want a friend. A friend that will laugh at stupid things with me, and cry at lame movies. Someone that I know actually cares about me, and they appreciate how much I care for them.

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-02 17:46 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

I understand. That's how I started feeling towards all my friends and slowly I just started becoming an outsider in the group. It's very hard to find someone special like that, who will just be themselves and let you be themselves with you. =(

I did eventually find someone like that, but even so, I get feelings that this person just isn't always themselves. They can be fake sometimes. And it's kind of sucky that you just can't find someone who will listen to you, when you always listen to them. We're still friends, because that's all you can do. I can only imagine, she probably feels that I don't listen to her and that I'm the fake one. I guess it's just perspective. Maybe no one is perfect for each other. I have no idea. =/ It feels that way to me.

Hopefully you can find that friend, but I'm guessing you're still in school, so you might have to deal with these fake friends until you find someone genuine. =( Don't let it get you down though, you just have to stay true to yourself.

3 Name: PK : 2015-08-02 18:00 ID:WUhlTNix [Del]

>>2 thank you for responding! yes, i'm still in school, though we're still out for summer now. I'm trying my hardest to stay strong and maybe distance myself from them a bit, but it is really hard because I still care.

4 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-02 18:10 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>3 Yeah I get it. It's hard to stop caring about your friends even if they don't care about you. Try involving yourself in clubs/activities when you go back to school, so you can find people interested in the same things as you.

I have no other ideas of how you could find different friends, because it's kind of hard to just APPROACH someone without it being weird, but if you notice someone in class and they seem nice and you're bold enough to do it, try asking them if they want to hang out. =/ It's a longshot, but try if you can.

I wish you best of luck =)

5 Name: PK : 2015-08-02 18:16 ID:WUhlTNix [Del]

>>4 On one hand I really want to distance myself from them but we've been friends for so long and said so many heart-to-heart things, even though they've kind of abandoned me, it feels so wrong to do the same, even though I know their attitude isn't healthy for me. ~ anyway. Thanks for the suggestion about clubs. I might try to join one.

6 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-08-04 22:16 ID:akfAPzLx [Del]

People change, especially when they're young. It's natural for friends to grow apart, you should move on. That doesn't mean you'll have to abandon them, but relying on them as much as before won't be possible anymore. Going out or whatever you do to have fun together is still possible (if they want to, that is) but you'll have to find someone else for emotional support. Maybe by joining clubs or even by a much simpler method like chatting online.

7 Name: Koto : 2015-08-05 02:52 ID:ba6CVErk [Del]

I just had a falling out with a couple of my friends from high school. It can be hard to let go of that friendship, especially when they're someone who you can trust. It can be a little lonely at first because new friendships won't have that depth that you're used to with your old friends but you will have new, HEALTHY relationships with new friends. You sound like a sweet person and you don't have to prove anything to anyone. If someone makes you feel like you do, they're not a friend.

PS. The people in the dollars chat room are really nice! Be sure to check it out :)

8 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-08-05 19:08 ID:Iy/fzZtM [Del]

It happens so often and can be unbearable at the best of times. Honestly? It can usually be near impossible to get those people back... Maybe talk to new people with similar interests? Help someone get through a tough time so that they like you and might want to be friends?

9 Name: Romeo : 2015-08-06 22:00 ID:GhmhQZ2w [Del]

I've never been able to make friends easily either, all my friends drift away too, but I think that if they left you, it would be better to move on. its beter to be alone than surrounded by people who dont like you, but i dont know..

Ive heard that internet friends from different places around the world are good, like pen pals, i guess... I dont know, even on the net i get scared to talk to people through messages, but maybe ?

10 Name: Creed : 2015-08-06 22:16 ID:Fqoqyp4s [Del]

We are all here for you my friend. I am alone a ton also so I feel your pain, but that's why we are here right? As the Dollars, we try to make the world a better place, as friends, and we are all here for each other.

11 Name: Unknown : 2015-08-06 22:17 ID:j77OTkJ3 [Del]

Hey, original poster! Ive been looking for new friends too, as i really dont have any. If you see this, tell me stuff about you like how we could talk to eachother to become friends.

12 Name: Fortune_and_Fade : 2015-08-06 22:47 ID:0mYFjLf2 [Del]

Finding worthwhile friends is a long process involving a lot of waiting and a lot of getting out there and talking to people. I'm sure you'll find some really good friends but for now, you have the Dollars we aren't a friend substitute but with so many of us, someone will listen and someone will care.