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Help... (5)

1 Name: Blue : 2015-08-01 21:35 ID:94lsOhTz [Del]

I am only in 7th grade and I have figured out I am bi. How do I tell anyone? My family all accept that sort of thing, but it's so weird to talk about. I want my friends to know, but they're all girls and I'm afraid things would get akward... Please help.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-01 22:08 ID:7MK50I4O [Del]

oh gosh...I had the same problem only was I was younger, like 10.
How to tell people, well I learned being blunt is the best thing, Just go to them and say " I am Bi, I like boy, and girls and I ask you respect that"
I know it's hard to tell people but being blunt is the best. And I will not Lie it will be awkward ,
but you don't have to tell anyone. it's something that does not really change anything :/
im Bi and I told my parents - _- I should not have cause my mother is a homophobic and I knew she was, BUT I felt I needed so I just told her,
so my advice xD just be blunt it's so much easier then shying away from it,

3 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-08-01 23:18 ID:LCMoQcl6 [Del]

I was in your exact position, friend. All ya gotta do is tell 'em. They're stupid if they think you being attracted to a small percentage of their same gender should make things awkward, 'le~! (To put things bluntly)

4 Name: Cirato : 2015-08-01 23:28 ID:RGtczbI+ [Del]

Well, I'm a guy and I have a lot of gay friends. Nothing to worry about. It's just like my female friends, just friends and I don't want to go out with them. They'll understand it, I'm sure :3

5 Name: 3rdrocket : 2015-08-02 02:44 ID:gY0mZgOR [Del]

I'd say don't be afraid of who you are. It shouldnt be treated like its a bad or taboo thing its perfectly normal. And if a friend is gonna be a idiot about bit then your better off not having them as a friend anyhow. Harsh but truth.