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Don't give up (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-01 00:22 ID:7MK50I4O [Del]

I know I know there are SO many of these but
>:( why the fuck would ANYONE give up on life now?! if you have lived THIS long and have been through so much shit that you want to die NOW?!?!?!?!??!
This shit pisses me of so much!! why give up when you are SO close to te goal. I don' care if you have problems at home, if you do >:( then leave, if your young then hold on,, I know you feel lik you can't handle it. and I know it'shard. but hold on in the end when you leave it's worth it It is SO worth it, it feel much better the dying.
if you are bullied at school, hold on, names hurt a lot, but they mean noting if you prove them wrong. your not fat, your not ugly, or stupid or anything like that, your human WE ALL are human, only difference is the outside. but inside
:/ where all guts, blood and muscle. unless your a zombie - _- then your weird.
Just dying is NOT WORTH IT. and if you want to dye and if you want to give up. >:( then you are worse then the names you called...don't be weak, death is ot worth it, and NO you have no idea what the future holds for you, so why not find out?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-01 01:47 ID:hkr70Zwc [Del]

Apparently, what this guy makes sense. But have you never thought that some people might have split personalities that oppose each other? One might want to live, so the other will want to die. Think about it, we have no say in this. What they do can only be decided by those who know the whole situation and has the ability to make the right choice.

3 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-08-01 02:16 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

This is very true.

It saddens me that people go through with suicide. I don't know how someone could be so strong to kill themselves, but not strong enough to handle life.

I just feel like, what if you hadn't killed yourself? What amazing things would have occurred in your life, if you'd just held on for a bit longer. =(

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-02 19:00 ID:7MK50I4O [Del]


5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-08-04 22:21 ID:akfAPzLx [Del]

>>1>>3 Suicide is a solution. As tragic as it sounds, it's the easiest way out. Of course you lose your future, but what reason is there to keep figthing when all you ever achieved has been lost? Of course I don't say it's a good solution, it's the worst one, but I think it's sensible to end something you can't enjoy. However, I believe that everyone has something to keep living for, that might be their dreams, friends or whatever, they just have to find it before they succumb to despair.

6 Name: Tree : 2015-08-04 23:31 ID:wIeDP2yA [Del]

Maybe start having lower standards and expectations, that way what others do wrong won't bug you so much. Or maybe that person you've always wanted to be... Start bekng like that. Like maybe change your reason for living to something real simple, like " i choose to live, because i can," or something cooler like, "i choose to live, because not even a worm would commit suicide." (i doubt this will help anyone though because maybe my advice is wrong, so please don't take it too seriously) Is there a thread for people giving their reasons for living instead of ending it all? I don't why, but i just like reading that kind of stuff...

7 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-08-05 19:24 ID:Iy/fzZtM [Del]

A pit in your stomach. An unbearable pain. Every day at school you're completely alone. And physical abuse an humiliation just add onto the name calling. Bruises up your legs and sides and your sleeping bag peed in whilst at camp maybe? Just to name two instances. But it doesn't end at school. Home is almost as bad. Not because of the physical. But the psychological damage. The feeling as though your very existence is being repressed. You get to the point where you don't care anymore. When you can handle being alone and just close your eyes and are left alone with those whispers in the dark. You can't talk easily with people. In fact, it's rare that you say anything. When you do you stutter because you're constantly aware that you never know what someone is going to do. Maybe you can't get a job because you can't speak or socialize. That you can't trust people. Soon you're out of money and on the streets. No family support and no one to love. Why would you want to continue?

I'm up to being constantly aware of people and struggling to get a job as I get closer to finishing highschool. My mind doesn't quit and as a result I can't sleep most nights. Proving to make it even more difficult. The only two times I dated were online. My first girlfriend cheated on me, but I stayed with her for a few months after because of my insecurities. My next relationship was with a boy. He was great. Funny. Adorable. Loyal... But thanks to be it came out that he was gay. Almost killed when he was gay-bashed in the streets. Broken arms. Legs. He struggled but he still tried talking to me both messaging and face-to-face chat. Why did we break up?? Because a bit after, he was in a bad car accident screwed his arms and fingers and legs even more. But especially his arms as he held them out to protect himself.

Sometimes, people can't hold on anymore. It feels like that's what they've been doing their whole life. I didn't even write all of my issues and thoughts, and most people I know would already give in

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-06 00:37 ID:ZmBp2/pK [Del]

Suicide is not a choice. When you feel so incredibly low, your perception becomes narrower and narrower. It's the only thing you see. It doesn't matter how much you know... what you feel takes over. Of course your natural instincts kicks in, and you ask yourself the familiar question: "what if I hold on for one more day?"
But then the thoughts overpower you. You've hung on for this long, and nothing has gotten better. What would one more day do? What's the point?

When it comes down to it, suicide is not about strength or courage. It's about being so numb, and so blind, that the only solution in front of you is to end it all.

9 Name: orarara : 2015-08-06 07:10 ID:v9x8HupI [Del]

That was beautiful, Anonymous. You put it in perspective

10 Name: Fortune_and_Fade : 2015-08-06 22:58 ID:0mYFjLf2 [Del]

Some people want to die because they feel that the world is too cold and cruel to live in.They don't realize that there's a whole world outside their dark box that was only supposed to exist in dreams and fantasy. Tell me, is a world where the sun shines and children laugh really as cold and cruel as you first made it out to be?