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My life ist gone. (5)

1 Name: Jolly Roger !PKOoKvkojs : 2015-07-29 16:49 ID:Ddd1wpMN [Del]

Hello, my reason to fight the world any more ist gone now. Every time I come to think of a reason it ist just gone. My fight ist what people call a reason to live. It used to be to protect a person I care deeply about, but that person ist now capable of protecting themselves so no reason for my help. The attitude which I follow ist servant, yet where I look no one wants a servant. I have tried to protect that person even now with them capable of protecting themselves, but it ist just not the same anymore. Search for other people I have, yet none need me. I need help, this will not lead me to end my life, yet it will lead down a path were I will die fighting something useless. I don't like feeling useless. Now my love only uses me as a some one to hang out with. I like the past. Watching from a far to make sure she was safe. Making people scared of me, not making any friends, I think maybe I should accept the facts, and join the society among every day humans. But not sure if it ist best measure. What should I do, please help.

2 Name: John Titor : 2015-07-29 18:56 ID:beJ6aqKd [Del]

I know how you feel. A solution could be a job where you protect people, like a police officer or working in a kindergarden or with old people. But first you should begin with protecting yourself, not physically but protecting your brain from thoughts like this. It is not egoistic if you first think about your health first, it´s just what every human does. So don´t be pessimistic, there are people out there who need you! Live your life like you want and protect who you want, and the most important thing is: PROTECT YOURSELF!

3 Name: ルー : 2015-07-29 21:34 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

If that is really how you feel then join the Marines or a military force.
Also Go watch a new anime called Gangsta and maybe youll get an idea of what to do with yourself.

4 Name: Somm : 2015-07-29 22:39 ID:LIczNJ4d [Del]

I agree. I get the feeling that the military is likely the place for u.

5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-07-30 21:51 ID:E3yvKzAx [Del]

Or the police, to be less extreme?
But if I were you, I'd try out new things and search for something I want to do for myself. You are living for others, I don't think you're considering your own desires enough.