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a problem with an internet friend (5)

1 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2015-07-28 08:07 ID:h0vQuS1B [Del]

Hey everyone! Since this is a big online community,I'm sure everyone has internet friends.

I,too, have one internet friend and we got pretty close.We're very similar and go through similar struggles.All in all,I'm really glad I met him and our friendship helps us both tremendously.

The problem is that,even though my friend admitted all this and told me numerous times how grateful he is to talk to me and how happy he is that we met, we haven't talked for a while. I usually am the one who starts the conversation,but I don't want to always be the one who sends the first messages because I don't want to suffocate him or seem desperate.

It isn't the first time he has periods when he doesn't give me any sign.

One of our last conversations was about one of his problems and at the end of it he again thanked me for all I did for him and said really nice stuff. So I'm really confused why he's so cold now.

I know I might exagerate things,but he's my first internet friends and I really enjoy talking to him. What do you think I should do? Have you experienced something similar?

And sorry for making this so long :)

2 Name: Azrael : 2015-07-28 12:00 ID:X5s3mjJK [Del]

It's good you met someone online and became friends with them, most likely though they're thinking the same thing.They don't want to annoy you, or they might have lost the ability to talk to yoy.

3 Name: LanceRed : 2015-07-28 12:43 ID:Zcs2tzQk [Del]

The best you could do is talk. I was like that with my friends too. Just send a "Hey!" sometime and try!

4 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2015-07-28 16:10 ID:h0vQuS1B [Del]

Thank you for your help!

I want to text him because I really miss him but I'll be soon gone in two trips during in which I doubt I'll be able to talk to him properly.
So,I was thinking to postpone this until I get home(that's in case he still won't start a conversation.

I really hope this huge gap won't make things worse

5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-07-28 21:43 ID:xvn7Kpsf [Del]

Don't worry about him not engaging the conversation, he might be thinking the same things as you. Also, there are active and passive people, if he's the latter, they're just not likely to start something, but that doesn't mean they don't want to. Why not do something you want to? Because it might bother someone, or out of fear of rejection, simply not knowing how to do it or whatever. Believe in him, even if your doubts prove to be justified, the result will be the same, if they're unjustified, you'll keep him as a friend. So it's a win win situation (avtually, more like win wayne...)