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Thesis Proposal (5)

1 Name: Kei-chan : 2015-07-25 05:22 ID:GREFCgJD [Del]

Good day!

I'm a lowly college undergrad who needs three thesis topics this Monday!! The problem is that I can't think of any.... can anyone help me by suggesting thesis topics? Thanksiees~~

Oh! By the way, I major in psychology.

2 Name: Panther : 2015-07-25 11:46 ID:0hgRNRcn [Del]

Thesis topics? That's pretty vague.

Could you be a little more specific, maybe? I like psychology, so I'd be happy to help.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-25 12:16 ID:wYWrJNNS [Del]

More like a major in retardology.

4 Name: Kuronaii~☆ : 2015-07-25 15:40 ID:RY8thrx3 [Del]

>>3 This is not a place for hate if your not going to try and help then don't post at all especially if you to cowardly and have to do it anonymously

>>1 Ummm I haven't taken any psychology courses but maybe you could try something with the effects of technology on social interaction or the differences in peoples reactions when they are anonymous and when they are not. The effects of different types of appearances on how others react to them like having two people say the same thing to a single person and see how the reactions differ and then one maybe online so there is no image shown. I have absolutely no clue sorry I don't even know if you can try and make these into thesis's and I'm not sure what in particular your researching but hey first comes the worst now I've given you a list of things not to do.

5 Name: KarmaCat !EKlieJQ7Jw : 2015-07-25 22:48 ID:IujMkpUi [Del]

I advise you take a close look at the demographic that you have handy in your area. I'm sure you already have some ideas or something that you're interested in (in terms of psychology). You'll just have to review your populace to see if you can gather enough data for the specific proposal that you may have. Really helps with quantitative studies. For qualitative then check if your demographic is easy to access (or would spend time with little to no incentive) ;) taking a look around you and the relevant social issues in your community gives you an idea of what you can research on actually... *screw me though cause I did not think of this when I worked on my thesis haha*