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Losing motivation easily (7)

1 Name: Ana : 2015-07-23 12:24 ID:C6E9sTre [Del]

Whenever I want to start wanting to start writing, make a change in lifestyle, or start some kind of long lasting activity, I always quit early on because I become tired of it and start losing motivation to continue that activity. This has happened many times when watching shows, writing, attempting to improve my drawing skills, and even something as simple as posting a thread. There are many other examples I can think of, but I'll just leave the list at that. This is probably one of the reasons why I'm so lazy, and tend to be fickle with behavior and likes and dislikes. I don't want to be this way for the rest of my life. I want to find motivation to actually start and continuing doing things I probably would enjoy, but I can't. I imagine my life will continue to be as boring as it is now if I keep up this habit, but I don't know how to solve it. Why do I lose motivation so easily early on?

2 Name: trylouu : 2015-07-23 13:44 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

You and I are of the same flock, so much so it's scary. It's a problem I face a lot of the time as well and I always complain to myself about it. When watching shows, I'll often quit a quarter or half-way through, although, most the these shows are ones I've repeatedly watched, even though I enjoy them. To fix this, I go back through the seasonal releases and start watching shows that I didn't get around to watching, or I didn't believe I'd enjoy them. I really like GATE in this seasons anime, but I've also gone back and started watching Hayate the Combat Butler and THE IDOLM@STER, just because I never considered them before. I've really enjoyed them so far, despite the fact that I believed I wouldn't.

When I write, I often become less motivated, mainly because I can't think of a way to further the story, and even if I've figured out a way, I have difficulty expressing what I want in words. Writing, in a way is easy but hard. I have about 11 incomplete stories I haven't even started. The current one I'm working on, I know could become this massive series and universe, with my 10+ protagonists/pov characters but that doesn't help me when I can't think of how I'm going to extend the 2nd chapter to an expected length, like 10 pages/3000 words. To fix this, I go out for a walk for about an hour or more and just letting my mind wander while listening to music that reminds me of the story I'm writing. You could do that, or you could start thinking about something else to write, or go back to your previous works and read them, make changes, continue them and what not. Writing takes time...lots of time.

I tend to improve my drawing skills every once in a while, and I do that by looking at other peoples drawings that I like, adopting it, and merging it into my style. Even changing the pencil type e.g. regular to mechanical, or the topic/subject, or the angle of the character you're drawing (I draw a lot of anime characters and original characters in anime-esque style). although, when I try changing my style or merging it with another, my skills go to the shits for a couples of weeks before becoming good again, but I still like the process.

The general idea is that if your bored with your life, you need to try something new. You don't need to go out and sky dive or bungee jump, you can just compromise and add something new into your already existing routine. If you get bored or less motivated again, just repeat the process and find something different and add it in.

You're also young, so there are going to be a lot of times where you feel like there is nothing to do and you'll have have no ideas on how to fix that. Just try something new, something different. Put salt on ice cream and sugar on pizza. You just need to find something else to do in the mean time.

3 Name: mx : 2015-07-23 20:07 ID:nnha3MwL [Del]

Find something or someone to hate. You need to really look for it. You will ultimately find something despite how indifferent you are. Channel that anger. You will see progress unlike anything else.

4 Name: jack knife : 2015-07-23 20:37 ID:Wp7e2YP9 [Del]

>>1 i know what you are going trough since i have the same problem,sometimes i am writing and i just stop for no reason,i don't know how to get motivation,but i always get this awesome ideas i want to write about but since it takes so long i don't have enough motivation to do it
this day i ask myself how writer have enough motivation to write.

5 Name: Kuronaii~☆ : 2015-07-23 23:35 ID:RY8thrx3 [Del]

I experience this myself motivation is a fleeting thing and often I also only have it for a few short hours. Its very annoying and can bring upon unnecessary boredom. honestly there is no real cure for this but I some things you can try and do are to Revisit older things that you liked before and spend some more time in them to restart your interest. Try new things to see if that helps, or get busy. With the getting busy thing I mean signing up to do things on certain times or taking on more work or making a schedule of stuff you need to get done or go do on a certain day. Why the heck would this ever help you ask? Well a thing I've noticed and this may just be me but the times when I have to most motivation or most desire to do things is when I have other things I need to do. If I've got a big essay due that night then I realize that I just have to watch this show I've been putting off and didnt feel like before. I'm in class or at someones house and then I'm suddenly struck with motivation ideas and extreme urge to write. Karma is a bitch sometimes I swear I've pissed some kind of higher being off because whenever your doing or need to be doing something I do get motivated. So i guess you could try this and see if it works for you.

6 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-07-24 20:40 ID:8ITsvKwZ [Del]

Yep, same here. But I think I simply lack skills or an outlet. I'd hardly share my drawings or stories, since I am not proud of them. I also lack the abilites, I can't draw well, nor do I know how to properly tell the story that's developing in my mind. Maybe actually sharing your work would increase your motivation? If you are not completely ignored (which is honestly kinda hard...) then I am sure you can pick up some motivation to continue the story or post another drawing. I think the Literature and Art boards should be sufficient.
As for shows and other activities, I think it's a lack of fascination that holds you back.

7 Name: Ana : 2015-07-24 21:33 ID:C6E9sTre [Del]

>>6 I have tried posting my drawings, but it was too big.