Dollars BBS | Personal
















a general ramble to whoever so wants to read (3)

1 Name: pyo-pyro : 2015-07-12 16:18 ID:Jre3/Nip [Del]

So I'm not much of the type who writes a diary/blog/anything of an even vaguely personal nature. But hey.
I'm a 16 year old anorexic girl though I haven't told anyone... and i most likely fit all the judgemental stereotypes that go with the honoured diagnosis.
I'd like to be original in all truths. Brave enough to go out and be able to say and know a bit of who I am.
I don't know what to do. The one direction I have is out, escape from home people who i think know me in oder to find a new more rewarding sense of self and have it come from me not a mess of influences i could't untangle even if i so started to do so.
i kind of wish i was more psyco..... psyco enough to, in that, find happiness

2 Name: emiri : 2015-07-12 18:38 ID:a65XmxJO [Del]

I'm an anorexic in recovery and i'll be the first to tell you it's hard. No one can force recovery on a person but there is more to life then the unhappiness you're going through. I know I've had plenty of relapses and a lot of people don't understand it but running away doesn't really help matters. Dont' let negative thoughts or people take residence up in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.

3 Name: Maxiez !yplfjELR4c : 2015-07-14 17:38 ID:epTt1Qq5 [Del]

sorry for you
but hey, not everything is gone. it might look like it's easier to run, but fighting is more rewarding. you can find yourself. you just need someone who support you. a friend, mother, lover. maybe yourself.
no one can force recovery on you. you need to decide to be better. but you can find help anywhere. just don't surrender