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Am I Beyond Saving? (12)

1 Name: XXX : 2015-07-11 13:12 ID:updKzc57 [Del]

You see, I have wrote thousands of love story, yet the real me don’t believe in love

I love happy ending in fairytale, yet, the real me don’t believe in happy ending, they exist for kids

I’m afraid ended up alone, yet, I’m afraid to make connection w/ people because it can hurt me

I’m a coward and hopeless dreamer than don’t even believe in or dare to dream

Because reality has taught me twisted, complicated, indescribable pain that will haunt me for the rest of my life

I experience happiness too obviously, but lately I’ve been thinking it is all fake

Fake things we make up to deal with the pain…

Life is nothing, nothing matters, no forever exists in this world

Then for what purpose we live? Love? Pain?

Love might exist but human is too imperfect to love

God might be the only one who is capable of love

Sometime I can’t help but to imagine how lonely God is or maybe it’s just me, jaded beyond saving

2 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-11 14:01 ID:r9hXpok2 [Del]

I hear u, but don't give up just yet u never know what could happen, k?

3 Name: ViennaMS : 2015-07-11 15:02 ID:tXXFVUN9 [Del]

No forever exist in this world.
That's some deep thoughts you have
We need people like that
What you say is true but doesn't not having something forever make things more precious?
That's what should matter
Life is something
Pain is something we have to deal within our lives
Just helps us prove that we're still alive

4 Name: ViennaMS : 2015-07-11 15:03 ID:tXXFVUN9 [Del]

No ones every to late to be saved
You have us
You have the Dollars

5 Name: Touasuki : 2015-07-11 16:38 ID:7MK50I4O [Del]

won't lie
life is a bitch
we can smack that bitch and say
I think i'll stay happy not crappy.

but I know how you feel. I know the pain you haven been through and it FUCKING HURTS. But you don't need me to tell you that. All I can say is. Your not alone others have felt your pain. and some gave up with no hope. Others didn't. (Like myself) Cause one good thing about life. we have no ide what comes next.
So don't give up. you have no idea what is to come.
AND why give up now after all the trouble you have been through? Games not over yet. you can't just stop, :( cause I hate games that cut off right in the middle.
9 to 9 home team takes a run! This could be it! And! *Tv turns off* WTF?!

6 Name: ルー : 2015-07-11 19:31 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

you will never be beyond saving. And honestly i think you are in a very bad point in life. I've been through it. A lot of us have. But giving in and giving up to darkness isn't the answer. It never has been for anyone. You have to look up at the bright side and find the good things in your life. And remember being a pussy wont ever help you. If you're too much of a wimp to go out in the world and face/conquer your fears then your life wont get better. WE are our own true enemy. Ourselves and the things we fear.

7 Name: XXX : 2015-07-11 23:40 ID:rn48rxC2 [Del]

Thanks everyone...Today wasn't any better...I'm not giving up but everytime something bad happens I just can't help it, but then again I didn't think this shit could happen to me before so I guess some good shit I don't expect can happen too...

8 Name: Touasuki : 2015-07-11 23:50 ID:7MK50I4O [Del]

>>7 :3 just hang in there mate. I wish I could talk to you for a while , tbh you seem pretty cool,

9 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-07-12 06:04 ID:phqfl3qR [Del]

You're beyond help, you made your name XXX

10 Name: juju : 2015-07-12 18:43 ID:a65XmxJO [Del]

Don't let negative people or thoughts take resident up in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out. Instead of cursing the darkness light a candle. Things can get better but you also cant just sit and expect it to magically happen.

11 Name: Red : 2015-07-12 22:56 ID:D86zzwHL [Del]

I quote this from a song ,
"It is our pain that makes us all humans after all."
True that pain is something that most of us tried to avoid, but without it, life would be meaningless. Some things could only be achieved if we're ready to feel pain. And if you take this pain over and over again, you'll become null, and before you know it, you've become strong enough to not feel the pain.

Actually I'm not one to talk because I'm a scaredy cat myself. Like you, I'm scared to make connections. Reality taught me that no one could be trusted, not even your own friends, not even your own family. I've seen enough proof of that. Even friends have the heart to use your own weakness to get what they want. That's why I love being in dollars, no one know the real me, no one know my weakness, no one can stab me in the back. Here, I could be whoever I wanted to be without being judged.

But reality is OUT THERE and we all have to faced it sooner or later. I tried to convince myself that it's not as bad as it looks. That there are true, kind people too. That not everything is fake. That there is a bright future just right in front of me which I can achieve if I'm brave enough.

If you're an author, I'm sure you know several stories that taught us to be brave.

You can ask people if you're being beyond saving or not, but in the end, it all depends on you.
Will you let yourself be saved?
I know it's tough, and hard, but just give it a try. Beat down your fears and take a step outside. Don't see the bad side, ignore all those dark thoughts. Dwell yourself in happiness and love you could get in this world. And once you realized what precious to you, whether it's a person, feeling or something else, protect it. That's my purpose on living. If one day that purpose 'disappears', I'm sure by then, you'll find another thing/being to protect. And the cycle repeats itself.

Trust me, pain doesn't feel painful if you take it to protect what precious to you.

12 Name: XXX : 2015-07-12 23:19 ID:pCTE0dtU [Del]

Thx u everyone, really thanks...I'm feeling better already though I know it'll one hell of huge step for me to come out from my comfort zone...but I guess I'll try...