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Do you love your life? (19)

1 Name: Trick : 2015-07-10 15:28 ID:XVtldicg [Del]

Answer and say why.

Me personally I love my life right now. I'm at the school I've wanted to be, I have a job I love and lot of money to spend on my self. I recently even picked up a new hobby which is music. I'm trying to learn how to play guitar and I'm trying to pick up song writing.

2 Name: The Mute : 2015-07-10 16:07 ID:B0xWau7X [Del]

I do think that I am okay with my life and am on my way to loving it. I do not have many friends, but those I do have are fantastic and are there to support me. I am winning Scholastic awards and going to the school I love for another year. Yes, there are down falls, but in the long run I feel content.

3 Name: karuna : 2015-07-10 16:31 ID:+umqQ9jc [Del]

Of course I love my life~ because im lucky :p

4 Name: M : 2015-07-10 18:02 ID:Et5TY7st [Del]

I'm not very satisfied with my life. Everything okay, I have a lot of good friends, I play sports, and I have nice clothes. But everything seems so boring. I guess I can relate to Mikado Ryugamine, always wanting something interesting in our lives. That's why I joined the Dollars. But it's not enough.

5 Name: twentythree : 2015-07-10 19:13 ID:8VDPzleD [Del]

Well yes I suppose everything's going fine in my life. I get to go to school, eat three times a day and have a *almost* good family. But do I love it? No not really. Do I hate it? No but it could've been better. I'm indifferent towards it.

6 Name: mpd_peepokun : 2015-07-10 21:15 ID:aok5biyw [Del]

Only fake depressives, real depressives, and emos hate their life. Everyone else- we all love it. C:

7 Name: Maxiez !yplfjELR4c : 2015-07-11 00:35 ID:sL01tHA2 [Del]

>>6 hey, that's not true. You can hate your life, yet be ok with it.

Yes, i love my live. Even when everything looks like a mess, it's so much better than before. I have a good relationship with my gf, i live on a city that i love, i'm like bestfriends with my mother. It's not perfect yet, but i love it.

8 Name: Sollie : 2015-07-11 00:48 ID:yNSlLKIG [Del]

Its a two was street for me. There are says I love my life ond others where I hate it. I have a long distance relationship with the man of my dreams, I go to a fairly decent school that accepts people of weird gender and sexuality. I work a horrible job the doesn't pay enough. And I am slowly making my way to college that has what I want. But at home my parents fight and I'm always alone. I was hurt at a young age and I have horrible depression and anxiety. So its hard to say I love my life but I don't hate it.

9 Name: Maxiez !yplfjELR4c : 2015-07-11 02:10 ID:sL01tHA2 [Del]

Hey sollie
sorry for you.
Hope you can get over your traumas
you look likr someone i know. I know it's hard. But you can do it.

10 Name: Keiji-san !xLJDfbnHfU : 2015-07-11 02:41 ID:KuzHXWpW [Del]

I'm not sure. That's a hard question for me. Someone asked me that question before and I surprised her with "I don't know."
Its not like there's no one important here to me. There are. So if those people important to me were gone, I think I'd be lost.
I feel bored sometimes. You live and repay your parents who raised you up, right? So if they were gone, I don't know what to live for. Not that I would suicide, just saying I'm not sure do I love my life. I don't hate it either.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Carth : 2015-07-11 11:09 ID:p8YUkLZl [Del]

>>7 Hate: to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest
Okay: doing well or in good health; managing adequately

You cannot hate your life and be okay with it, the definitions are mutually exclusive.

For my life, I like it. I have some amazing friend, I live comfortably in a good city, and I have math degree that lets me do some really cool stuff.

13 Name: Len : 2015-07-11 12:38 ID:Qd823ero [Del]

I envy you so much.. You seems to enjoy your life so much.. Actually I don't really like mine. Somehow it seems that there is something missing in my life. I'm not saying that my life is the worst, that I'm unlucky to have this life and stuffs. I have a home, my family is healthy and everything. It's just that, in every choice that I made it seems that I'm taking the wrong way.. But by making wrong choices, I wonder if it's not just me who can't find that feeling of accomplishement.. I'm searching for accomplishement but in everything that I do I'm lost. I don't know how to say that.. Even if I have some hobbies like arts, somehow I can't find accomplishement in that.. I've tried to change some things, I tried to amelior myself, and yet, I lost my confidence everytime.. Sometimes it feels like I've lost my chance to something that could have change my life, but I don't know what to do anymore.. I know for sure that no one will ever be able to give me an answer, but I'm searching for a meaning in my life, something that will keeps me going on.

14 Name: ルー : 2015-07-11 19:16 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

I must agree with >>13 At times I do enjoy life but I don't have that feeling of accomplishment in many things i do. I also feel alive when I do things that are "wrong" or things I'm told I shouldn't be doing. Much like >>13 my life is good in terms of my home, family and health but at the same time I hunger for more in life and I don't feel satisfied often.

15 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-07-11 22:50 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

I love my life! Simply put, I can do whatever I'd like, even if the boundaries may look real and intimidating. In fact, I could probably strip naked and break in to my neighbor's house WHILE killing their dog. Of course, I wouldn't do that, but you can do anything if you ignore the rules. And I have gotten myself in the perfect, most interesting place I can be right now. Life is so fun, 'le~!

16 Name: Touasuki : 2015-07-11 22:58 ID:7MK50I4O [Del]

l love my life because, its difficult and challenging. But its that difficulty that gets me out of bed everyday. To see if I can beat the challenge and get ready for the next level.
-Me 2015 weird-ass gamer xD

17 Name: Trick : 2015-07-12 08:00 ID:FpTgDEZm [Del]

>>13 It seems to me like you're way to ambitious. I was like this before and it was killing me. I watched those great artist on deviantart and instagram (yes i also draw and love arts) and I were depressed by how great they are and I thought I suck. But I didn't understand that they're doing it for more than 5-7 years and I'm just a beginner. Just put 100% of effort in what you're doing and learn how to be patient in life. I'm telling you patience and getting less ambitious was the key to my happiness and me enjoying my life.

18 Name: Fairchild : 2015-07-12 09:41 ID:PliK1XS6 [Del]

I don't love my life. In fact, I would kill myself at the right moment. However, I live for three reasons. One, to experience life to the fullest capability before dying. Two, to observe humanity and eventually write my findings into a book or journal. Three, to find people simular to me and befriend them. Obviously im not going to be actual friends with them, that would be irrational (since I am sociopathic). Im just going to keep a very close eye on them in case they pull off something interesting. The reason i love durarara is not for the plot, the art, or anything of the such. I watch it because of the characters, and more importantly Izaya. People may disagree with me, but I don't care about people's opinions, im just interested in their actions, reactions, and emotions.

The Fairchild

19 Name: Tree of life : 2015-07-12 13:31 ID:wIeDP2yA [Del]

Just got diagnosed with anxiety... Thought i had depression though, but i guess not... Yeah i'm learning more about it and what it does to me. I love my life for a few reasons. The Challenges, hope in God, and umm... that i have a name for my mental illness now.