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Do you ever feel strange that people care for/like you? (15)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-09 13:01 ID:7EgBxWFS [Del]

Like I had some of situations like this where people I barely know (mostly my co-workers and schoolmates) showed me that they like or care about me. I don't know if it's a personal thing of mine, but it's something that I never experienced in live. And I don't understand why someone (especially when they don't know me) should care about me. It's not that I have issues or I'm not confident about myself. I'm pretty much confident and I think I'm a pretty cool guy, but anyway I fail to understand this.

Maybe it's my mindset, like I think I never cared for anyone. I lost some of my friends trough fights, but it never bothered me. Like right after it I just forget about it.

Sorry for the mess in the topic, but I just kept my thoughts flow and wanted to share it with someone.

2 Name: DeadlyKitten : 2015-07-09 13:33 ID:FuIrmHa1 [Del]

If you really feel like this all the time, you should do some research on psychopaths. What you are talking about sounds very much like it. (I have studied psychology in school, but do not take my word on this, do research on your own as I am not a psychologist).

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4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-09 14:12 ID:7EgBxWFS [Del]

I can relate to one or two symptoms on wikipedia, but some of them are also not true. I gotta do some serious research on this topic, since it made me worried a little.

5 Name: ルー : 2015-07-09 20:52 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

Research is a very good idea. Better you find out yourself rather then going to a psychologist because who knows you better than you? And honestly to answer your question (please dont take this in the wrong way. I don't know you and I am not trying to insult anyone), some people like myself, aren't self centered and actually pay attention to and care about others. I personally think as a human being it is our job to help our fellow man, not just leave them behind, and im not the only person that thinks this way.

6 Name: Crusader !f2ebYr7Dbk : 2015-07-10 01:58 ID:FggZicbd [Del]

Nope. I just question why girls seem to fall in love with me, even if they're older or younger. Smh.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-10 04:08 ID:XVtldicg [Del]

>>5 It's not like I'm not helping or supporting others (especially my friends), I'm always happy when I can reach out to someone with help and I'm glad to have people in my life, it's just I can't close a strong bond with anybody and I fail to understand if someone does with me. And I'm glad having the people I have in my life but when they were gone I wouldn't feel the sadness normal people would feel and that's what bothers me. I just feel I should be more thankful, but I'm not.

8 Name: DeadlyKitten : 2015-07-10 09:57 ID:FuIrmHa1 [Del]

The more I read about that you are saying >>7 the more I think you should look into psychopathy. If you find similarities between yourself and your research, then you should definitely try to go see a psychologist to give you a final clinical diagnosis. Because unlike what >>5 said, they actually do know better about these things, considering that they've studied for years to become experts.
As well, you shouldn't feel like you aren't a good person, because if what you do have is psychopathy, then your brain is just different. You are hardwired the way that you are and you aren't just "self centered".

9 Name: Ana : 2015-07-10 17:02 ID:C6E9sTre [Del]

I do not think you have psychopathy, as the others have said. A psychopath would not care about helping others (as they lack empathy, and empathy motivates people to help) and probably would not have any concern for being a psychopath. Perhaps you should research other psychological disorders, or as >>8 go see a therapist. You stated that you only had a couple of symptoms, right?

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11 Name: SamiAm !odF8uxBYDg : 2015-07-10 19:16 ID:ZC6WzTs1 [Del]

I think you're normal man. (there's a range to normality). Sometimes people are so focused in their own routines that they can be blind to how their presence factors into other people's lives. Just take it to heart that you're important in some way to these people's lives even if you don't perceive it yourself and keep being you.

12 Name: Ana : 2015-07-10 19:42 ID:C6E9sTre [Del]

>>11 I agree, though Anonymous seems concerned about it.

>>1 I learned a bit about a certain personality disorder called Schizoid Personality Disorder. People with this disorder tend to be more indifferent to other people and typically do not make friends. They usually prefer to be alone and do not desire intimacy. In summary, they tend to be more detached to social relationships.
If this apathy had not had a negative effect on other people or yourself, I don't think there's anything to worry about. I can strongly relate to you, honnestly.

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15 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-12 08:33 ID:FpTgDEZm [Del]

>>12 I did some research on that topic and there's points that match me more or less, but also some that doesn't match me at all. Maybe as >>11 said, I'm a normal guy, but too focused on my daily routine. Also the fact that I was bullied in my football team as a kid and got rejected by many girls in my dating beginnings may be a huge factor that I don't want to trust anymore people.

I seem emotionally lost, like I don't know if I like the people in my life or not. They are all great people it's just I can't say if what I feel is "friendship" and love to anyone of them. I never was in love with I girl, I was attracted to every girl I dated, but after breakup I forgot about them instantly. Right now I don't have the desire to date girls. I feel lust for sex, but I don't want to date anybody.

I feel like I'm different than any other of my male friends. Chasing them girls and having dates, partying and stuff.

Like I said I think I'm just lost, maybe because of my past as a child. I wasn't really happy back then. My parents were close to a divorce, I was bullied, girls didn't really like me. Maybe I just learned to be happy without people and that's why I don't want to close a friendship or romantic bond with no one.

Thans for everyone that answered in this topic, it feels great to let it off my chest. Because I feel like I can't talk about this to any of my friends or family, because I don't want to hurt anybody. And my parents wouldn't understand me.