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A goal (2)

1 Name: rabet : 2015-07-08 15:49 ID:SJZw8VZT [Del]

Hey, i would like to ask something. But first i may state the situation I am in. I am aware, that this is honestly quite good of an situation and my problems aren't actually very hard, but this troubled me for some time now. I started studying enginerring at the uni last year and I am in the second semester now. It is right before the exams and I don't really want to continue. It is not like I am not interested in the lectures or something like that. I just realized, that I have no goal for studying. School was like yeah, you gotta do school and now there is only one year left, so just finish it. But now I don't see a point in it. I don't know what I want to achieve and what i am working towards to. It is not like that I couldn't just quit, but I don't want to, because all the hopes and expections my family has. I simply don't want to upset them, with their picture of me beeing such a good boy. So what is your goal for life, what do you have to motivate yourselfes for achieving something.

2 Name: DeadlyKitten : 2015-07-08 19:46 ID:FuIrmHa1 [Del]

I'm a lot like you, I think... I used to not have a specific goal for what I wanted to do once I finished training for my profession (law). But once I sat down and thought about it, I came to this conclusion: it doesn't really matter if I have a goal in my work or not. If I'm good at what I do, I'm sure that I'll be able to help people in some way or another.
Helping people is all that matters, it's what everyone should try to do. It's okay to not know how that's going to happen. I'm just going to do my best every day, and I'm sure that before I know it, I'll be living a very happy life and I'll have a lot to live for and be proud of.
That's just how I look at things though... I hope that helped you in some way.