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Insecurities (10)

1 Name: Red : 2015-07-08 10:16 ID:AeRXQp9f [Del]

I want to ask some advice..

Tomorrow I'll be back to school after a long holiday and I feel somewhat scared. I always felt like this when the school started and I don't know what I should do. It's bothering me and makes me want to cry. The truth is maybe I'm scared of my friends even though they done nothing bad to me. I don't know what exactly I'm afraid of and it makes me confused. Can someone help me with my fear?

I'm sorry if my english is bad, it's not my mother language..

2 Name: DeadlyKitten : 2015-07-08 12:36 ID:FuIrmHa1 [Del]

Don't worry about this at all! I used to have these types of worries too, when I was younger, but eventually, I got over them.
You need to find the positives in school, something that you really look forward to doing once you get back, and only think about that!
It's also good to remember that probably a lot of people are feeling this way too, not just you. Your friends might have the same worries!
Don't worry, just give it time, and eventually you'll stop feeling like this.

3 Name: Nekozawa : 2015-07-08 14:47 ID:ojqR6j0K [Del]

>>1 I'm always like this. I dread going in everyday and I'm absolutely terrified of school. Why? Most of my lessons are awesome; I get along with my teachers (... mostly) but my friends? I really can't put my finger on why but every time I think about seeing any of them I want to cry. They've never done anything bad to me but... they've never taken my feelings into consideration. I know they may think they do but to be honest they're all pretty selfish.
I'm sorry I'm going off topic but just know that you aren't alone and it's fine to be afraid! It's fine to be confused and the best thing to do is just talk to someone about it. I know it may sound dumb and bleh (I'm sorry I don't know how else to explain it) but I'm here if you need to talk or vent or just need support. I'm here if you're confused or if you work it out. Venting is the best option.

4 Name: Red : 2015-07-08 18:53 ID:AeRXQp9f [Del]

Thanks you all, I really appreciate it. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels like this. To be honest, it's my first time posting something like this on the internet, I'm pretty shy. I'll try to get over with it. I guess ignorance is bliss huh?

5 Name: Kanra : 2015-07-08 19:31 ID:MmYbHLXW [Del]

I feel exactly the same as you dont worry! I always seem to be nervous around everyone, even the people i'm most comfortable with.
I know it can be very difficult to deal with.
After socialising i feel drained and need to shut myself away for a while to be on my own to recover.
You can do it!
One step at a time!!

6 Name: DeadlyKitten : 2015-07-08 19:41 ID:FuIrmHa1 [Del]

I guess I didn't mention this before, but as Nekozawa made mention of, friends are a bit part of making yourself feel better. You should try to find some people who make you feel really happy!
Back when I used to feel like this all the time, I wasn't hanging around people who really cared about me. But once I found new, better friends, I began to feel much better. I still didn't want to go to school, but I didn't feel sick about it like I used to. I stopped worrying about if people would be happy to see me, because I knew that they would!

7 Name: Red : 2015-07-09 01:34 ID:AeRXQp9f [Del]

^^ I do have friends who I'm comfortable with, but on some occasions they can't always be with me. That's what I feared the most. I always have the feeling that people were talking behind my back, even if I don't know them. Like they didn't like me being there. When I walk alone, I feel like people were staring at me and it makes me uncomfortable. It's just a feeling though, but I can't shake it off..

8 Name: HFA : 2015-07-09 13:02 ID:OSAt7a3Z [Del]

I really understand everything you are saying, because I tend to feel the way you do. I know that feeling like you aren't wanted somewhere and that everyone is staring at you can make school very difficult. I find myself uncomfortable around my friends. I also know what it is like to feel like everyone is staring at you or talking about you.
But just remind yourself that they aren't staring at you. They aren't talking about you. Remind yourself that your friends are good people, and they would never do anything bad to you. I find that reminding myself of these things really helps, and I feel more comfortable. I know it might be hard, but you will find a way to get rid of the fear. I really hoped this helped in some way, and I wish you good luck! :)

9 Name: Red : 2015-07-09 18:56 ID:AeRXQp9f [Del]

>>8 You really helped. Thanks, I'll give it a shot :)

10 Name: HFA : 2015-07-09 19:59 ID:OSAt7a3Z [Del]

You're welcome, I am happy that I could help! :)