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Skpye, Online Friends, and Shyness (11)

1 Name: tree : 2015-07-07 20:40 ID:AKXdz2c0 [Del]

My online friends want to skype with me (just voice) while we play games and stuff but I'm way too shy. They are all 16-17+ while I am 13. They have no idea I'm much younger than them and I'm afraid if they find out, they'll treat me differently. They are all very dear to me but I'm way too shy to actually have the guts to talk to them.. >__< Any advice?

2 Name: Ashen : 2015-07-07 21:48 ID:YIvAW85m [Del]

If they are your true friends they will not treat you any different then they usually do.

3 Name: Okabe : 2015-07-07 23:15 ID:yt7aNTpJ [Del]

Indeed, as Ashen said, they won't do it if they're good friends. Moreover, once you get into it, it's very funny.
Do it!

4 Name: tree : 2015-07-07 23:22 ID:AKXdz2c0 [Del]

Ahh.. I guess the two of you are right ><

5 Name: Marielle-O !pMfekQPTlc : 2015-07-08 04:22 ID:wUMnOvDx [Del]

Don't hesitate to give us a feedback :)

6 Name: tree : 2015-07-08 15:07 ID:AKXdz2c0 [Del]

It went relevantly well. The four of us played today- I barely spoke but they were very nice. ^^ Thank you, you guys helped me build up a little courage.

7 Name: Nekozawa : 2015-07-08 15:14 ID:ojqR6j0K [Del]

I'm not going to say my age now but when I first started talking to my friends over Skype I was thirteen, too. I thought they were all a lot older and mostly I was right. In fact they were older than I expected. My best friend in the world was 20 at the time but the age difference didn't change anything. Seriously age differences should never alter friendship and I'm glad it worked out for you too :)

8 Name: DeadlyKitten : 2015-07-08 19:50 ID:FuIrmHa1 [Del]

If anything, and I say this as someone a little older (I'm 18) than some of the friends that I have, if I have younger friends I'll just feel like 'They're so much cuter now, I must protect them!' and I want to take care of them more...some people might find that annoying though...what I mean is that I don't think anyone would think differently (in a bad way) of you for being young.

9 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2017-12-18 10:48 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

>>1 woah, I just now am finding out there was another tree on this site before me. I turned 19 the year this Tree was 13. Woah. How strange and interesting.

10 Name: Eclipse : 2017-12-18 10:54 ID:TxDUm512 [Del]

I'm 18 and some of my closest friends I met over the interwebs. >>1 The idea of meeting a friend for the first time or even using your voice to communicate with them can be scary especially if you're younger than them. I personally never advise talking to people you haven't known for awhile, and never disclose any personal info. Now as for the voice. If they're your friends, youll get picked on in a playful manner but they will likely not treat you any different if you act their age.

11 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-18 16:39 ID:p+USA1/7 [Del]

>>9 probably a different type of Tree. I mean you told us that you were a Lemon tree then a pizza tree next. lol

>>8 I like how you treat younger people.. its cute.

>>1 well I really like younger people as long as they know how to respect other people.. once you do that, I think everything will be alright.