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War (4)

1 Name: Psycha : 2015-07-06 18:31 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

I am just wondering, but how did you guys feel about the Vietnam War?
I just want to state that I am Vietnamese, and my ideas and opinions about the war may be different from yours. It's not just about my race, but it is also about what I personally believe it. However, I won't go much into detail about that.
I've been having this on my mind lately, but do any of you guys have relatives or family members that are Vietnam veterans? How did they feel about the war? How did they feel about the Vietnamese people during and after the war?
As of lately, I haven't been able to find an article online about American POWs' attitudes or opinions of the Vietnamese people before, during, or even after the war. I'm actually quite curious about it.
This also applies to war in general. If any of you guys have people that you know that are or were war veterans, how did they feel about the war they were fighting in? How do they feel about the people of the land where they were fighting? Do they resent them, or not just really cared about it.
And what about you guys? Since we are now able to easily access information around the world, we have access to pictures or news articles about specific wars or crisis in other countries. Whether it be about US intervention or not, how do you guys feel about all of this? Do you sympathize with the people in those countries, or do you believe that what is happening to them over there is something that they deserve (I know that this may sound cruel, but there have been people who I have discussed this with that believes in that. I won't judge them since it is their opinion, but I will say that I do not agree with them)? Do you agree or disagree with the conflict?
Any thoughts?

2 Name: Rune_Vocs !i76PfsUPeE : 2015-07-08 07:38 ID:eiMxizBZ [Del]

Honestly , I don't know. .

3 Name: Leo : 2015-07-08 20:35 ID:jvg0Insn [Del]

I will say that war is a tricky topic. Some can argue that it's for the better good and that people are fighting for their freedom or stuff like that. Others say that it's over pointless thing, like WWI was over an assassination of a duke that went way overboard. So it depends on what the conflict is about? I believe that, but it's just me.
To answer your previous questions, yeah my grandpa was in the Vietnam War. He really didn't see much of the fighting though, and he told me that he holds no grudges towards the Vietnamese before or after the war. He just didn't like that the government was putting their nose in business that wasn't theirs.

4 Name: Human? : 2015-07-09 00:46 ID:CpIwG7Ky [Del]

This could be a very long post, but i want to make it short.

Hello i have been in only 1 deployment to Afghanistan since i am the National Guard to me it really was not that bad (from a personal perspective). But In Vietnam it was a little different; firstly it was the first conflict that involved US soldiers fighting an "enemy" that did not wear a uniform and could simply blend in with the local populace. Then we had the training since most soldiers where drafted the training was quick and abusive, with little value. Most casualties in that war was from bleeding out AKA hemorrhaging, which in modern times is something that we soldiers are taught to treat on the battlefield. In my opinion we rushed into that conflict and got what we deserved, a defeat. A lot of things where different as well; such as ROE (rules of engagement) and support programs to help with PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome) and basically moral for the soldiers. Technology to connect to the soldiers family did not exist except mail, which lets be honest probably was not reliable. Take all this into account and it does not take long to figure out that life just really sucked, but that is not all. Most soldiers probably either did not know what they where fighting for or just simply did not care, they where just trying to survive and stay sane in the process.

I do not agree with the conflict, or at least not the way my government handled it. I honestly do not really know much about it either as far as what the US was trying to accomplish. I assume it was trying to fight "for the people of Vietnam" against its communist oppressors. So i will talk about what i do know...

When i was deployed in Afghanistan the people i seen where very varied, not every one hated me, but not every one wanted me there. the streets had craters from bomb explosions buildings where made of mud and whatever else they could find. The cities looked like cities for the most part, but i was always curious as to how they even had an economy to support a business that was conducted in a maybe 15 story building. Obviously though when i say cities its not a modern one, but a cheap and rundown looking one, trash every where, they had what looked like rivers of Bio. Its a very nasty place. It is their home it is all they know and we are trying to change it, but with that change came an invisible war against an enemy that wishes for it to stay the same, no they want it to be even less then what it was they want complete and utter control over everything. So they use fear tactics/ terror tactics, so say even if they failed to blow up and US convoy and prematurely self destructed in the middle of a street the US still failed in the eyes of the Afghani people and in turn hatred is formed because they start to think if the US was not here this would not be happening.Next thing i know is a kid is throwing chunks concrete at me while we drive down the road, or during the winter snowballs filled with razor blades. Now for me its not a big deal because i sort of understood it, but say my best friend died that same week, or maybe half my platoon did. do you think i would try to understand it? I would be in a country that is not my own, fighting for people that refuse to fight for their own rights, but insists on fighting a power trying to help them.

War will always exist because Hatred will always exist. take modern times as an example. yes im talking about ISIS. ISIS's strength lies in the fact that it is an idea, so how do you fight an idea? do you kill every one with that idea? no that would just create more hate thus fueling it. It takes understanding and COMPROMISE, which is something ISIS will not do because they know if they do not they will force the super powers of the world to retaliate with force, which once again will lead to the deaths of innocent people. that leads to hate. And now we are back to where it all started to continue the loop again. In summery Wars are fought over conflicting ideas and the only way to avoid war is understand and compromise. Now that being said Wars also sometimes force a side to compromise, so say the United states decides to make permanent bases in Afghanistan, eventually the terrorists would lose due to the economy and culture becoming to strong with advances in technology and government reforms to fight corruption. Thus Peace would be established.

So, yes War is a necessary evil. it brings out the worse, but its the only way to reach peace and their are people willing to bear the sin or hatred to reach those goals.