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What Should I Do? (8)

1 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-07-06 16:39 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Yesterday my uncle and grandmother got mad at me. We'd just come home from somewhere and I was really tired (we'd done a lot of walking), so instead of eating I wanted to take a nap. Of course, my grandmother thinks I'm anorexic, so told me to eat or I couldn't go to my room. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat, but after a while she started complaining. My uncle then said "Just eat, you're traumatizing my daughter." So once he said that my grandma started saying a bunch of stuff to me and he was there to just listening and it bothered me a lot that they would do something like that. They talk about me all the time like I'm a bad kid. So during that whole time I was basically told I don't matter, my opinions don't matter, that I'm stupid, that I'm inconsiderate, that my mom treats me like I'm a good kid when I'm not, that everything I do is bad, that everything is my fault, and that I'm supposed to be the way they want me to be not different. I was crying during all this you know, because every time I tried to say something they just wouldn't listen to me. It was so horrible and it's hard for me to say anything, because they won't try to look at someone else's perspective. My fucking uncle told me I was "just his niece and nothing more and that I should go to hell." Who does that to a little kid? I mean my grandmother wasn't being as mean as that, but she was telling me that everything bad she says about me is true so I shouldn't be telling them to stop. I said, "That's a horrible thing, you shouldn't be doing that to anybody." It's even harder for me, because my grandma only speaks Spanish and I only understand it, speaking it is hard for me. =( Everything gets lost in translation. I told them I just wanted everyone to be happy, but they didn't care. My uncle went to the point of saying, "As if you are happy." To be honest, he has so many problems. I don't think I've ever seen him happy for more than two days without getting mad again. And he usually gets mad at me, why do I have to deal with that. I'm always getting told that I'm stupid or weird and I really can't take much more of it. At this point I don't even feel like I'm a part of the family anymore, I just feel like I'm used as the scapegoat for everything and if anyone's mad they can just take it out on m e, because they don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings. After of that happened, I cried for at least an hour in my room. It was horrible, because even while I was crying they were talking about me. They were making fun of everything I had said out there. I couldn't here what they were saying, because I was crying so much, but this morning I woke up and I asked my grandma "What am I going to eat?" the same thing I ask her everyday and today she didn't reply. Then my uncle called the house from his work and I picked it up and with the most hateful tone ever he was like, "Give the phone to your grandma" and I'm just like in my head, "Wtf, I answered nicely." So basically, they haven't talked to me at all today except for a few words, avoid eye contact, and pretend like I'm not there. I thought they'd be over it by the morning, but apparently not. Either way, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do in this situation. Do I try to make conversation with them? I'm not the type of person who holds a grudge (they are though, so this doesn't surprise me). It's just I don't understand why they are so mad at me for what I said and how I am supposed to fix it. I don't want them to be bitter towards me. I mean I live with them, am I supposed to be uncomfortable in my own house?! It's already awkward and I don't know if I should just pretend like nothing is going on until it finishes or let my mom confront them since they won't listen to me (it's just if that happens, they're going to get mad at her and I really don't want them to do that). =(

2 Name: Kazuya Hiroshida : 2015-07-06 17:54 ID:MV0k7kRu [Del]

The way I see it, just because they are related to you by blood, doesn't mean you are required to like them, much less feel obligated to. Noone gets a choice who their family is, outside of who you marry. As for how to deal with the current situation, you are doing the right thing by trying to stay calm, though if this is a constant thing like you said, that is verbal abuse and that is not okay, regardless of what they may think. Im not sure how old you are, so all id suggest is talk it out with friends or a school counselor or someone similar to that, just to hear other peoples perspective. Hope things get better for ya.

3 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-07-06 18:32 ID:5885SAY8 [Del]

Do what >>2 recommends. Sometimes other's perspectives can help and you may find someone who knows how you are feeling. Also, if you can, stay a night or two at a friend's house to get some time away from your family. If things persist, you may have to find some way to live away from them. Idk how you would go about that but don't just run away from home. Please find someone who will listen and help. Good luck bro.

4 Name: twentythree : 2015-07-06 23:23 ID:8VDPzleD [Del]

Does this happen often? If it does, then there's probably no fixing it in my opinion. Try to find other people to rely/hang out with. I'd go crazy if I were in your situation. If you can't move out yet, the best thing you cant do at home is cope up with it. Listen to music while they're yapping at you or something.

5 Name: blank : 2015-07-06 23:35 ID:lTTqTSt7 [Del]

I suppose that you are scared to tell someone and your uncle and grandmother discovers and do something bad to you right? Well I think you need to say what 2 said, and think in the bright side, they aren't hurting you physically and there is your mother, so try to stay quiet and do what they tell you to do, even if you don't want to, I know it seems hard but.... there was a girl in my old school that for some reason hated me whit the core of her soul, and she would say these mean things, ignoring her didn't help, telling a teacher just made things worse, so I closed my mouth and just went a long with it. I know it doesn't seems like the best choice, but if there is no other escape then.... Now a days most people are afraid of making me mad because i'm not afraid of punching someone anymore, physically and verbally (pls just do it if someone does it first and is bothering you for some time now) If you can't bark then sit. I know it didn't help, but Wille you are afraid of screaming at them then I think you will need to go along with it

6 Name: Mael : 2015-07-06 23:37 ID:5zZurRco [Del]

Honestly I think you should just tell your mom the things you said about her made her seem to be on your side about this. You said that you were a "little kid" so it seems to be a appropriate response. But I know that it sucks when you have relatives who treat you like that.

7 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-07-07 00:35 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

Thanks everyone.

>>5 that is pretty much what I am doing right now

>>6 I did tell my mom, but I told her not to confront them about it. They keep saying it's my fault they have arguments with her, so I'd rather not have them say that and get mad at her for "making me this way." Also, when she came home from work she said they were treating her awkwardly, too and they've barely talked to her so it's really weird and I don't want to make it worse.

8 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-07-07 03:20 ID:G2F0KvJ9 [Del]

I know that you're a person that is good with literature, but please line break, I thought my eyes were going to pop out!

Just ignore what they say about you