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How to make friends??? (9)

1 Name: ShiroTora : 2015-07-04 21:07 ID:KnbDD32p [Del]

Okay so I just moved to the US and I don't know ANYBODY here (except from my family) and I want to make friends. I'm okay with just a few friends but problem is, I'm really shy and I don't know how to make friends. I don't really know how i got to make friends when I was younger, I don't remember. And my friends from then have been my only friends so I didn't really get to know how. I feel really out of place and that makes me even more nervous and scared to approach people. Please if you have any advice for me I would really appreciate it.

2 Name: Maxiez !yplfjELR4c : 2015-07-04 21:50 ID:vrURVy6D [Del]

Where were you from btw?
You don't need to rush to people seeking friends. Take your time. Soon you will find someone who likes the same things than you.
Be open to people, and soon you will find some folks.
i know it's hard for an introverted, but you can do it.
aaaaand you could seek others dollar near you. It can be a good start.

3 Name: Generi-kun : 2015-07-04 22:07 ID:EMIbhbEs [Del]

try to talk with people with the same affinities you

4 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-07-04 22:38 ID:iIyBABYM [Del]

I've always had problems making friends. Sometimes you make friends unintentionally and what I mean is you just meat a random person and you for no reason get along really well. That's usually what has happened to me. Anyway, be yourself. I know talking to people when you're shy is hard believe me but try to make small talk with others. I'm the same way. See what they like and maybe you'll have common interests. You never know. Just give it a shot it'll work out.

5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-07-05 17:36 ID:qvgNzGij [Del]

The scourge of modernization, it is hard to even start conversations with people who have different interests. The easiest way is always to slip into conversations which concern topics you are interested in. It's simple, when someone says he likes brown tigers, you tell them that tigers are awesome, but you prefer the white ones since their fur is fluffier.
No kidding, opening a conversation is the first step to take towards relationships, and it's very easy to take!

6 Name: Hoshisuru : 2015-07-06 08:01 ID:L+s8BnJ1 [Del]

Try joining some clubs. Do they have an anime club? Or there must be other clubs that you might get interested in. It'll also improve your social life. :)

7 Name: Keiji-san !xLJDfbnHfU : 2015-07-11 02:46 ID:KuzHXWpW [Del]

There's no "how", it's just being assertive and go and say "hi"
seriously. Just greet and start any conversation. You can even talk lame stuff like "The weather is super bad today."

8 Name: Non Non Non : 2015-07-11 04:25 ID:fekH8k/c [Del]

>>7 I can agree with this; some people are down-right open enough to be engaged into an awesome conversation with any kind of ice breaker, cliche or not.

And if they reject you, just remember that there are always people out there willing to talk to you and get to know you, no matter the kind of person you are.
Heck, I'm not even sure how I ended up with my friends myself, considering how quiet and shy I used to be!

9 Name: M : 2015-07-11 11:05 ID:LtGoCyvW [Del]

I've never really had trouble making friends because I'm really outgoing and funny (Humble brag lol) it's probably my ADHD. But I understand how some people are really shy and have difficulty starting conversations. When I go somewhere where I don't know anyone, I feel nervous to talk, I think everyone does. But I muster up the strength and just say something. Doesn't have to be big, just say hi or ask a question. Example: You're at a party and know no one there. Ask if they know who's throwing the party or say that the food is really good. Don't ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Play "Conversation Catch." Say something that the other person can say something about and say something back about it, then boom there you go a conversation. If it's at school, donmt rush making friends. Slowly gain their trust. Ask to borrow a pencil, share some gum, help them with questions, say something funny. The best and final tip I have is a bit clichéd but it's true: be yourself. Don't try so hard being someone else, it just makes making friends more difficult. Good luck on making friends :)