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I really need help here... (33)

1 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-28 03:13 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

hey so um... I have a really weird situation that I would like some advice on.

So... There's this girl who's DemiSexual and has a huge crush on me, and has even said that she loves me. She wants to be in a relationship with me and I kinda want to be in a relationship with her.

but there are a few factors that are weighing in this very oddly.

first of all She's 15 and I'm 17, I'm going to be turning 18 in october.

she's going to be a sophomore and I'm going to be a Senior.

My mother want's me to stay away from girls her age. (she knows nothing of what's happened between us)

there was a rumor that was spread by this crazy girl that I made out with once that I raped her (I did not and when the school investigated she even said that I didn't) (also a major reason why my mother want's me to stay away from girls who are younger than me)

we've had sex a few times (I was her first...)

We're pretty good friends (we've known each other for about a year now)

her mother is perfectly fine with her dating me. (she met me once but doesn't know that me and the girl have had sex or that I was even the boy that her daughter was talking about)

I don't really know how to be in a relationship nor do I have anything to bring to one.

apparently she actually likes me (this has never happened before)

Please help me... I have no Idea what to do...

2 Name: skittles : 2015-06-28 03:19 ID:p5QnugOW [Del]

keep your relationship private for a while , dont meet much physically for a while , when youre both a bit older , if it lasts , go wide open with it , do what you wanna do , mothers know things from their perspectives and kids from theirs , so dont worry about what others think , date her.

3 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-28 03:25 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>2 the Thing is... We hangout a lot already and we go to the same school. People know that we are good friends and a lot of people already ask us if we are dating. in fact, just today we were at an art festival (she's an aspiring artist and loves anything to do with art) killing time before an MTG tournament and a bunch of random people kept saying that we were a cute couple.

4 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-28 03:26 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>2 This is what I mean by things are really complicated...

5 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-28 05:05 ID:q3ii9KGt [Del]

Haha,I mean, she's a bitch but you're her first? And so you're kinda like the shy pervert guy here?
Hmm, to think of that situation, if I were you, I would like her too, but I would want her to give more space. She kinda sounds like a yandere (For me).
Well, it's okay being open,making the world see how inlove you two are,but if she's getting farther of your usual hobbies(Like bringing sex to the next level), be real careful and try to say to her to space out.
If she's suspecting that you're hating her or avoiding her, say the truth that you have trouble with younger girls. And if she says that it's okay that you'll do everything you want to her, you'll be the one to judge if you still like her or not. Because if I say that if that happens then she's a bitch not deserving to be loved, saying that harshly won't make you follow it right?
So you're the one to do your choice.
So there~
Goodluck with your relationship. Because usually, that kind of situations don't last.
I wouldn't be surprised you ended her getting pregnant.
That's it~

6 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-28 07:29 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>5 well you see, the thing is that I'm not stupid. We use protection because neither of us are looking to be parents at the moment. At the moment things are pretty spaced ou so I don't really think that's a problem. Also I fail to see how she's a bitch. If anyone is a bitch in this situ it would either be my mother or the girl who tried to say I raped her. Her mother would be 100% supportive of our relationship.

7 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-28 07:44 ID:VP25yQl+ [Del]

>>6 ooohhhhh, lucky then. I know you're not stupid and I didn't say it would be impossible for her not to get pregnant. I just said what would be my expression if that happens.
And well, hmm let's see.
Well you don't need help then. All you have to do is enjoy your life being with her if you're that happy not seeing the truth that it's not normal.Y'know, between a gap of 2 or 3 years having sex.
But well, kids nowadays is just too high. So Nevermind~ :v
And if you need advice about how to be more inlove or take control with her, wikihow says it how to be a nice boyfriend.
Lel :3

8 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-28 08:04 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>7 okay here is the thing. I'm not in a relationship with her, and this is what I'm askng advice on whether or not I should be in a relationship with her. I do enjoy spending time with her and the more that I think about it the mote I realize that I do like her. It's just that the biggest problem is that my mother would never approve of it.

9 Name: jack knife : 2015-06-28 16:51 ID:CBYfZ7/E [Del]

every girl is diferent to some point,true age diference means less experience and mature but love doesn't stop there.since she is a demisexual she ins't going to stop now,i presume she loves you a lot.i can see why your mom is worried since 15 year old girls are complicated and at 15 they are trough a phase of transformation, they are becoming young women.the thing is if you can accept how she a young age teens change very quickly and normally they are childish.if you can accept her then i don't see a big problem coming.good luck with your choice

10 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-28 17:23 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>9 thanks, there was never a problem with me accepting her for who she. After all, I have friends from every community (from LGBTQDAP to furries, to what ever else you can think of, yes I even know a girl who is plantkin.) The only real issue is finding a way to convince my mother that she and her parents would not call rape. Again, her mom is fine with her dating a 17 year old.

11 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-28 20:25 ID:K9F6/YXm [Del]

Why not make her mom talk to your mom?~ Lel :v

12 Name: twentythree : 2015-06-28 21:58 ID:8VDPzleD [Del]

I'd like to throw my 2 cents here. Do you like her or not? Does she like you or not? If the answer to both of that is "Yes", then I don't see any reason why you guys shouldn't go out. I mean of course you being 18, you'll need to be careful as >>2 said.

More importantly, I think getting her mother's trust is important. As for your mother, eh, I don't really know how I'll respond either.

13 Name: Hali : 2015-06-29 05:16 ID:Qd823ero [Del]

Well you should get to know her better. Many people starts relationships without knowing each other enough to appreciate each other's defect. Plus you guys only have 2 years apart, that's nothing, I know people who have relationship with people 10 years older. But that's ok if you think she is mature.

Imagine, would you like to be seen in public with her ? If your answer is yes, I think you can try starting a relationship. Well, I think I should not be the one who should give advices..

14 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-29 09:02 ID:qdEpS8kC [Del]

No wtf, seriously people, do you not see the problem here?
2. Sex at the age of 15? Really man? Are you a lolicon? Also, this is probably illegal.
3. Her mother doesn't know that you're banging her daughter.
Also, what's the problem here??? I don't see any big problems apart from your mother not liking you having a child girl-friend, which is, in her defense, a perfectly reasonable thought.

15 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-29 17:18 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

Here let me give you some answers.

1. Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which someone feels sexual attraction only to people with whom they have an emotional bond.

2. In the state we live in ys having sex is legal. Also there is only a 2 year age gap.

3. Her mother took her to get that inplant birth control that prevents ovulation for 3 years. Also she is going to ask her mother is she's okay with her having sex with a 17 year old. (Her mother already said that she was fine with her dating one.)

But yea, the problem here is in fact that my mother has a problem with me dating girls in younger grade levels.

To respond to >>12 and >>13 we both like each other and I enjoy being out in public with her. (I think I'm probably the more embarrassing of us. With my strange voice impressions. She even wears fox ears in public.)

As for gaining her mother's trust I belive I've already done that since her mother let's me go over to their house and hangout alone with her.

16 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-29 23:40 ID:qdEpS8kC [Del]

What's your problem here -_-|||

17 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-29 23:47 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

I'm just gonna quote myself here.
"But yea, the problem here is the fact that my mother has a problem with me dating girls in younger grade levels."

18 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-30 00:01 ID:qdEpS8kC [Del]

>>17 Don't you know how to keep secrets??

19 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-30 18:31 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>18 what do you mean by that?

20 Name: mabushii_hikari : 2015-06-30 18:33 ID:p8sZCF6l [Del]

If she has threatened you with rape jokes it is serious and you should stay away from her. People like gossip, but they often believe it, as you can see from the hype all over the media where people contort what others say and big things up. Rape is not something to joke about, and can land people in huge trouble, even prison, as well as damaging their reputation. This girl hasn't shown respect for you by making such a joke, and it sounds like she needs to mature significantly before you can consider having a sexual relationship with her. If you are worried, you could try explaining your concerns to her. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you being investigated for such a charge, and she needs to understand the severity of her actions.

21 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-06-30 18:56 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>20 right well, it seems this requires a little bit of clarification. It was a different girl than the one I'm considering dating. This thrid girl is my age and all I did was fondle her breast. She said it was consensual and that she even initiated the interaction. Then she turned around and tried to say that I raped her.

But yea. This girl that this thread is about is not the one who said that I'm a rapist. In fact she pretty much told the girl was said I was to go fuck herself.

22 Name: mabushii_hikari : 2015-07-01 06:13 ID:p8sZCF6l [Del]

Ahh well, that makes things completely different then, sorry for the misunderstanding! If you both have feelings for each other then you should go for it and take it slow if you need to - maybe have a few dates first or whatever before making if official. I can imagine that if you like someone, knowing that they like you back but then don't act on it, then you wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it :P I guess if your mum is really against it you could mention to her that the girl that you want to go out with defended you about what the other girl did, but only I guess if you feel like you need to inform her about it.

23 Name: Kazzra : 2015-07-01 21:20 ID:Il8kAo9I [Del]

Just tell someone it may be hard but in the end its worth it

24 Name: Adam : 2015-07-02 03:01 ID:fOn0nsfh [Del]

I say you bring her over to your house and introduce her to your mum and let them have a chat. No point being with her if your mum disagrees unless she's really unreasonable still if your gonna get serious with this relationship you may want your mum's blessing. Good luck brah!

25 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-07-03 00:03 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

Well here's what I'm thinking. I'm going to be spending the 4th of July with her and I'm going to ask her mom for permission to date her. I know she's going to say yes. Then I will later on (perhaps sometime in September, give or take a few weeks.) I will tell me mother. At which point she will be unable to deny the situation nor our feelings for each other.

26 Name: Hoshisuru : 2015-07-03 00:20 ID:XRoS3+sb [Del]

I have a bf and we're 2 years apart. We both love each other and we've been together for almost 3 years now and we're in an open relationship. I'm younger and he's older. He's turning 19 this November. We're in a long distance relationship but we also had our secret lust moments. So you don't have to worry, dear. As long as both of you are happy being with each other. Good luck with your relationship.

27 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-07-03 10:15 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>26 first of all, congratulations! Long distance relationships are pretty hard to maintain and statically don't last very long. So congrats on proving the world wrong.

Second, and this goes to everyone who's commented on this, thank you for all your support. I really appreciate it.

28 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-03 21:55 ID:r9hXpok2 [Del]

I'll tell u this nothing nor no one can beat ur love for her and her love for u, (I speak from experience)

29 Name: ルー : 2015-07-04 11:25 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

Bro most of these people don't understand what you are saying, but I think i get it. You and this girl are having sex right? And you are still friends? It seriously sounds like a relationship. Ask her out, become official. Being a boyfriend isn't hard you just have to be thoughtful and attentive. And fuck that chick who said you raped her. She is irrelevant to your life. This girl you want to date though is relevant. IDC about the age because I'm friends with 2 couples just like that. It wont be easy when you go to college, but for the time being make her and yourself happy. IF you focus too much on everyone around you and not her, it wont be a good relationship. Just worry about how she feels and thinks about you. Good luck!

30 Name: Azoth Yew : 2015-07-05 15:45 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

>>29 thank you forunderstanding

Update: I asked her parents for permission to date her and now we are. On the other hand I'm holding off on telling my mother about it. So yea, as of the fourth of July I am now in N official relationship with her.

31 Name: Risa : 2015-07-05 22:01 ID:TdnUK8iO [Del]

me and my current boyfriend were in the same situation and honestly just go for it and if a rumor starts just stop talking about it like in all and tell others too and eventually people will shut up nd I have been it him for a year an a half

32 Name: jack knife : 2015-07-06 13:38 ID:Vc2n8+ng [Del]

>>30 happy for you man

33 Name: Lilo : 2015-07-07 16:15 ID:YV6XLQfm [Del]

Oh my God....
firstly, trust me, 2-3 years are NOT big deal...
i have a lot of friends who are together even if the age difference is MUCH bigger then 3 years... they are happy and not judged by others (about what you should not care).
If you like this girl and she likes you back DO NOT miss the opportunity to be with her because of some judgemental shallow-minded bastards.... If you ask me, go ahead