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I don't f*****g want kids! (28)

1 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-24 12:41 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

So, ever since I was old enough to form an opinion, I've always hated children, even if it was my own age group. I couldn't stand them, how immature they were, how stupid they were, how pointless everything they did was. Now if I tell anyone else that in real life, even just the fact that I don't like children, they completely ignore me and say that I'll be saying different things when I'm in my thirties. Oh how I'd like to punch them there on the spot. It's not just that I'm selfish, I actually want a career that isn't 'full time mom' and not to have a kid emitting like hundreds of pounds more than the rest of the world's kids of CO2 every year. They're unappreciative little shits that think everything is about them, and if I had a kid I most certainly wouldn't have the emotional capacity to treat it well. Then there's also the fact that the world is already overpopulated, with more than half of it being in poverty. This kid already puts harmful shit into the atmosphere, it also uses up resources that could literally be used to provide for at least ten people in a poor country. I honestly think that all I need to be happy isn't a little bundle of 'joy', death, and poverty, but an intelligent and interesting man or woman to spend the rest of my life with, and maybe a few cats. Why can't my friends and parents get that I don't want the entire rest of my life ten years from now being completely dedicated to one little dumbass that sucks up $200,000 that I could be spending on getting my shit figured out? Anyone share my opinion? Please tell me I'm not alone here.

2 Name: LelyBunny : 2015-06-24 12:47 ID:XiW830UU [Del]

They're life sucking, money draining monsters

3 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-06-24 13:14 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>1 oh my gosh same here!!! People are like "You say that now, but you'll want a little companion someday." No, I will never. That's what technology and my friends are for. Just seems stupid to have a kid (plus I'd be extremely annoyed) and we're saving the world by not having any you don't have to have a kid. It's not detrimental to the world, someone else will have kids and be totally stoked (or not). Point is the world will still be stable :P I totally understand you. To be honest, another reason I wouldn't want to have a kid is just the fact that you're body changes when you get pregnant and then nine months of carrying some creature in your body just doesn't feel right with me. I'm also too much of a kid to have a kid, I mean kids shouldn't have kids in my opinion, so I'm never having one and I don't care what my family says. It's your choice not theirs. :P

4 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-24 15:18 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

>>3 The creature growing in my body thing just makes me cringe and makes my stomach feel weird. I have a theory that babies are just aliens sent down from another planet to slowly kill poor, poor men and women, 'le~.

5 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-06-24 15:46 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>4 lol they look like aliens when they're born wouldn't surprise me.

6 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-06-24 19:50 ID:m2JdEkcD [Del]

Kids are actually really interesting. If they could properly communicate, they'd be a lot more thought about I think. If you just focus on how they are pretty shitty at surviving on their own and being civilized, then yeah they'd seem pretty worthless.

I think you will find you want something to pour your entire life into eventually. I was the same way as you a few years ago, just as sure I hated kids and would never have any. But now I am seriously reconsidering that. The trouble is the actual benefit you get from raising kids is seriously unexplainable. You can only really imagine the bad parts about it, that's why it seems so shitty.

It's up to you in the end. I still agree that the whole mindset around kids like it's the natural thing to do is just fucking stupid and baseless. But there is a reason people enjoy having kids at the end of the day. You may consider that. And, I don't mean to poison the well and say that everyone thinks they don't want kids when they're young, so that opinion is worthless until some certain age, etc. I hate that shit. I'm just telling the truth about how I developed my opinions.

Just adopt if you are concerned about resources.

>>3 "kids shouldn't have kids in my opinion"

That's what I thought but now I'm convinced with a regular, mature partner I'd be a pretty good parent since I'd understand arbitrary fears and concerns a little better. I'd definitely need someone else to help, there's no way I could do it on my own.

7 Name: Somniare : 2015-06-24 22:12 ID:7MzLbaG6 [Del]

Exactly! I hate how no one else in my family sends to understand this! My mom even told us we were unplanned pregnancies! I sure as hell don't want a kid! I hate how my mom is always saying that she doesn't regret having us, yet She complains about us all the time! I get it, we were little shits when we were younger. And i don't want to deal with that! That's what pets are for! They fill the void without being nearly as expensive or troubling as a child! You can train a pet! Children develop for years!!!! Pets are better in my opinion. And i just really hate kids nowadays. They are little assholes! I remember people telling us not to grow up too fast, yet here you have parents giving their five year olds so much technology, iPads, cellphones, and pretty much anything they want! My sister is 7 years old and she's been wanting a phone for two years now because her friends all have one! That's ridiculous! Long story short i hate kids. Never going tip have any. Being with my significant other and a pet with tons of money in savings is the life for me.

8 Name: Adam : 2015-06-25 16:34 ID:rwOr7FcU [Del]

Well if children are raised properly they won't be self-centered and I'm sure a baby takes less resources than 10 other adults as u mentioned. But yeah I see where your coming from still people like having kids cause its ONE way of sharing a bond with a person. What I'm confused about is how you can consider a cat/dog but find it strange when its a small kid kinda same concept. Sure you just don't like people in general?

9 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-25 23:14 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

>>8 Perhaps that too. But the thing is, in the long run, you don't have to deal with as much responsibility with a pet. You can't fuck it up, they can't talk back, and you don't have to deal with the risk of them completely ruining themselves because of the stupidest things. Certainly I do dislike humans, but children are even more humanly. Greed, addiction, complaining, laziness, all human, but children only contain more of it, 'le~.

10 Name: twentythree : 2015-06-26 02:29 ID:8VDPzleD [Del]

More and more people seems to be thinking the same way as you, including me. Perhaps the worry of an out-of-control population will go away in the coming decades.

11 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-26 09:12 ID:VjeUoj8J [Del]

You're retarded, a little.
I don't want kids, but that's because I have an illness I don't want to pass on.
You don't want kids because you don't understand that when you fucking die, and you will, everything you worked so hard for is null and void unless you have someone to carry the torch.
Your blood is the only real legacy you will leave behind.
Maybe when you're older you will understand this.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-26 14:32 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

>>11 "Maybe when you're older", eh? You do realize that you're basically telling me the same thing as 'oh, you won't feel that way about kids in your thirties'. I don't give a single damn what happens to me after I die. In fact, you're telling someone who obviously hates children to have a kid just so that their blood gets passed on. That is the most annoyingly human thing a human can do, and I dislike humans. You're telling me, a person that would probably have no feelings whatsoever toward their kid to go out and have a kid just because of the fact that they should be afraid of completely dying. People don't change so much that their entire personality and all of their ideals are the opposite. I don't care if I die forgotten or not. In fact, I'd prefer not to be remembered as someone who was a cold, lying, aggressive bitch.

I apologize for my asshole of a self for ranting on about this, but I dislike when things are said more than once, 'le~.

14 Name: Sethnakht12 : 2015-06-26 15:35 ID:TROjtfyF [Del]

I totally feel you
I was with a girl and we both did not that if we got married,
both for different reasons. she had some condiction and pregnancy would be dangerous for her, but my reasons are kind of similar to yours, i didnt grow up in the perfect family and i dont have those strong family values, im good with kinds they like me , but its that they need too mucg attention and efforts . its something u cant undo and if they are bad people its your fauly. so u have to be a modele as parent and i cant do that . prefer my peacefull boring life instead of the chaos the children bring with them.
id rather get a dog
this world has enouh kids anyway

15 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-27 05:56 ID:qYVa9En8 [Del]

>>1 The reasons you bring up to not raise a child, save for the money issue, could be argued with to kill a person. They just burden this world let's end their existence.
Anyways, not wanting kids is fine. I think of it as raising a person to add to this world, which will be influenced by me. If you raise it right, it's likely to become a merit to this world.
Also, there aren't enough children. In third world countries yes, lots of them, but in industrial states, the decline in birthrates leads to an economical problem, having insufficient human resources to sustain the aged population. The problems can already be seen, a prime example is Japan, so objectively speaking, by not raising a child, you put a burden on society.
Then again, that doesn't matter, just like all the effects on poverty and climate a child would have, those consequences are negligible.l It's up to you whether you want to raise a kid, nobody else's buisness. Although objectively speaking, procreation is a necessity.

16 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-06-27 16:24 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>11 "You don't want kids because you don't understand that when you fucking die, and you will, everything you worked so hard for is null and void unless you have someone to carry the torch. "

Who the fuck cares about carrying on everything they worked so hard for? You know, say you live a totally average suburban family life with no real SIGNIFICANT accomplishments that set you apart from others. What the hell are your kids going to pass on? Nothing. Everything you worked so hard for is not going to be worthless after you die. You did it, you lived your life, great. You're dead now. So what! Your kid is not somehow going to keep your legacy going. I guess if you have a kid, they can TELL people about how hard you worked and maybe it'll inspire them, but it really wouldn't make a difference if you did or did not have one.

"Your blood is the only real legacy you will leave behind."

So basically you're saying people who don't have kids are pretty much dead and gone, because they won't make an imprint in this world. That's stupid. Your blood is no better than anyone else's. It's seriously just blood and no one actually cares. I don't think people are trying to find famous dead peoples relatives (and maybe they are, I don't know), because their blood is so amazing. That's stupid.

"Maybe when you're older you'll understand this." Pretty much agree with everything >>13 said.

"You're retarded, a little." A life choice is not retarded. Maybe I think you're a little retarded for not wanting to pass on your faulty genes (and don't say something like that's retarded of me to say, because it really isn't) I mean if you really loved someone you'd make a child with them and you wouldn't care how your child comes out, you'd just love it and take care of it even if it does get that disease, right? You'd KNOW how to take care of your child, because you have the disease, too. Anyways, that's just my opinion. I don't know what your disease or type of disease it is, so I can't really say much more about that. :P

>>15 "Procreation is a necessity." this is for you. It may or may not change your opinion on that.

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-27 19:06 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

>>16 Thank you so very much, miss. And great argument, you even found links as well. I don't get why people always try to convince me otherwise when I have a strong opinion and probably shouldn't reproduce at my young age (which can just be guessed by my stubbornness and amount of time that I am able to spend on this forum, I even told people my age a few times). Then there's also the fact that people shouldn't really tell me what to do with my body if it doesn't have anything to do with them and if it doesn't harm me (in fact, having children damages the body even more than not).

I would ask for nobody to bump this (either don't post or click 'sage') so we have no further arguing, but this is the internet and most people on here, including myself, are too stubborn to give up before they have won. But I can at least try to suggest preventing anyone else from being tempted to join this contraversial clusterfuck, 'le~!

19 Name: Blank : 2015-06-30 16:53 ID:je/cd34g [Del]

In not that u don't want kids what u don't want is to become someone left behind in the flow of a new generation being ignorant to that fact u start to believe kids are bothersome and a problem but to be able to bring up a child and send out is a great thing and if over population is still a problem don't u think we should be birthing new minds to solve such problems

20 Name: Houdini : 2015-06-30 20:44 ID:IOfid+rz [Del]

I love kids but i will NEVER EVER want them. It's a perfectly reasonable feeling...

21 Name: Ana : 2015-06-30 21:17 ID:C6E9sTre [Del]

Everyone was a kid before. Even you, and the people you care about. Obviously at a younger age, people tend to be more immature and ignorant, but everyone is to a certain extent. Anyone can be selfish and immature regardless of age. There are good children out there, and how you raise them is a large factor in their behavior and mindset.

22 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-06-30 21:57 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>19 "to be able to bring up a child and send out is a great thing" A lot of people don't care about that when deciding to have a child. Also, sending it out is a great thing, from what I can see it's very painful or should I try to find a video to prove otherwise?
"birthing new minds to solve such problems" Yeah, if someone doesn't WANT to have kids, then someone else can have them. Those can be the new minds.

>>21 "There are good children out there" Ok, of course there are, but do they start off good. No, you have to raise them to be good. Not everyone can handle the cries of a child or want to deal with changing THEIR lifestyle. A big part of me is like "Cool I made something good for once" but then I think of how that would affect my career, lifestyle, daily habits. I care more about the child. I say bad words and I have bad opinions that I wouldn't necessarily want to pass on to someone else. It's the kind of opinions that would get someone beat up, you know. I've thought about it a lot and I'm sure OP has, so why tell people like us things like "ignorant and immature."

I don't get why this was even bumped in the first place either. She specifically said not to bump it.

23 Name: Ana : 2015-07-01 10:05 ID:C6E9sTre [Del]

>>22 I wasn't saying you should have kids, I was just trying to tell you that not all kids are bad.
As for the bumping thing...whoops.
Well, that post is gone now, and you replied, so I guess that's over with.

24 Name: Keiji-san !xLJDfbnHfU : 2015-07-11 10:39 ID:KuzHXWpW [Del]

Everyone is different. And there's no rules that says everyone must have their own kids or something like that. Really. Its better if you stay true to yourself instead of regretting the decision and have kids but you don't love them.

I'm not sure whether I like kids or not, but I think I'd have to see whether my partner (husband/wife) is someone worth for me to sacrifice half my life for.

25 Name: ルー : 2015-07-11 19:26 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

Honestly i agree with you >>1 but at the same time i think you are waaaay to harsh with the things you say. Working with kids i understand what you mean, but i think you are taking it too far. IM not saying have kids or dont, im saying dont be so negative and bitchy about the things in your life. A lot of you complain about kids behaviors but they learn from the grownups that they see.

26 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-07-11 22:34 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>25 bruh..."IM not saying have kids or dont, im saying dont be so negative and bitchy about the things in your life." Ok, so as far as I can tell, you're pretty much saying don't whine and be pissy if you do have kid. Lol, I don't think anyone was really acting that way, but if so point it out...

"A lot of you complain about kids behaviors but they learn from the grownups that they see." Ok, sure that's true, but not always. There are kids who are spoiled and that doesn't mean their parents act that way, that's just because their parents allow them. There are kids who are totally mean even when their parents are the nicest people ever, so yeah they sure do "learn from the grownups that they see".

I feel like no one clicks on "entire thread" because if you guys did you'd see she said "don't post or click sage" on >>18 ugh...

27 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-07-11 22:40 ID:PrI5zTGg [Del]

>>26 Thank you very much, miss Lovely. Ha, it seems as if you say exactly what I was just about to post before I post it. Funny, isn't it, 'le~?

28 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2017-06-09 11:39 ID:RfroVz7w [Del]

/an update: I still hate children, yet now see that they actually improve the right economy with certain birth rates, population pyramids and all of that. I am more educated on the issue now, and will not shit on anyone's choice to have kids if they can take care of them adequately and socialize them. Seriously, one year of high school has taught me more than any other amount of time in my education. Also, good riddance to "'le~!". (I guess it got me a name toward the beginning though, so all good?)