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Suicidals: Attention Seeker or Seriously Wanna End it's Own Life? (50)

1 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-23 07:14 ID:ymIX6jWO [Del]

Oh well,first of all. Haters gonna hate.XD
Say what you want, I dont give a fuck.
Second,comment any opinion. No had feelings. Just a Opinion collector thread.
So let's get to the's the Question:
Are Suicidal Humans MAJORLY Attention Seeker or Serious about ending his/her Own Life?
I know it's like. "Who knows? We can't judge."
Can't understand Opinions? Then please stay away and just fuck yourself. -_-
Ok, thanks.

2 Name: redman001 : 2015-06-23 10:33 ID:CBYfZ7/E [Del]

people who say i am gonna suicide are normally attention seekers,if you are really depressed about life why are you going to say i am going to suicide if i was on their shoes i would say it is pointless saying it.anyway just my opinion

3 Name: skittles : 2015-06-23 10:49 ID:QtMDPYYk [Del]

as long as opinions are being counted , i think they are serious to end their lives , but they have , lets say , hope , a little , and thats what gets them to express out , which people reply to in a positive fashion, increasing their hopes. nobody wants to die , everyone is born with a natural survival directive , they just look for a way to reinforce it , or might just hang around waiting for it , until their patience for this would eventually give up and they finally figure that dying is for the better(even though its really not). the world is not as bad as it seems XD (atleast thats what celty said)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-23 11:53 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>people who say i am gonna suicide are normally attention seekers,if you are really depressed about life why are you going to say i am going to suicide

I suppose you've never learned about a suicidal person's tendencies, along with grammar.

Telling someone that they're suicidal is known to be "a cry for help", on & offline. Not knowing this is just pure ignorance. When you're depressed, you can't click your heels and make it all better. When you feel like ending your life, you don't necessarily want to.
You feel like you have to.
And when you tell someone you want to end your life, you're asking them to tell you why not to, since you are unable to find the reason yourself. No matter how hard you search.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Marielle-O !pMfekQPTlc : 2015-06-23 12:20 ID:wUMnOvDx [Del]

Oops, edited my last post :

+1 >>2

But like >>3 and >>4 said, I suppose that there is people who are in a suicidal mind, but have a bit of "hope" for "life". So, they talk about it, to find this "hope".

7 Name: Marielle-O !pMfekQPTlc : 2015-06-23 13:03 ID:wUMnOvDx [Del]

I thought a bit more about this topic. And I ended with another deduction.

When you are depressed, I think that it is a lot easier to talk with people you don't know. Internet tends to ease that. Maybe that someone who is talking about his depressive mood on Internet, would not do it in the real life.

Additionally : I read a lot of teen suicidal thoughts. Thoughts that I can't take seriously, since it's a common behavior of adolescence.

8 Name: Sid : 2015-06-23 14:22 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Who the hell said anything about someone stating that they will end their own life? The OP just asked if suicidal humans want attention, or not. Nothing states one vocalized the suicide.

I think if one truly attempts suicide then they really want to die. Some might commit suicide to get noticed, since they were never noticed before. But if they kill themselves they will be known.

I had suicidal tendencies, and thoughts, before. I hated everything and just wanted it to end. A contributing factor to it, not the main, was I would be seen by others after dying. Nobody cared about me, and it seemed that way.

However cutting and self harm is a two sided. One reason is solely for attention. The other is to relieve the stress. I did it for the euphoric feeling and hid all my cuts the best I could. The people that flaunt their self mutilation are most likely doing it for attention. Also when someone is quite depressed they don't complain, since they just don't care anymore.

9 Name: Adam : 2015-06-23 20:15 ID:u7mHP00X [Del]

Dayum so aggressive if you want a little attention just ask :P

10 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-06-23 20:46 ID:hHqF04ff [Del]

I'm an attention whore. Can't get enough of it I guess.

I once overdosed on drugs juts because I felt like I wasn't being heard or taken seriously. I didn't want to die that time. But yeah

Even if they're bluffing, it can still be dangerous.

11 Name: ryuhime : 2015-06-23 22:20 ID:6NCp/CMb [Del]

There is a difference between suicidal humans and humans who think they're suicidal. If a human is suicidal then they want to kill themselves, by definition. If a human thinks they're suicidal when they actually aren't, this is probably because they want to either get attention or stand out. Essentially they would have hypnotized themselves into believing that they want to kill themselves, but unconsciously known they would never actually go through with it. This state of mind would most likely (maybe even necessarily) have been preceded by expressing imagined suicidal thoughts either to others or to themselves.
The first possibility is wanting to commit suicide.
The second possibility is wanting to want to commit suicide.

12 Name: LelyBunny : 2015-06-23 23:29 ID:Sg7WUBaV [Del]

Feel like people saying they want to commit suicide are mostly likely not going to go through with it. If you really are tired of living you wouldn't want someone to stop you but if you're just depressed or lonely then I could see reason for the cry for help

13 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-24 00:14 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>If you really are tired of living

I'm just so sick of seeing this.

There are stages. You think of it, you plan it, then you do it.

The first two stages will always be people asking for help.
When that isn't given, when people don't believe them, when they're called "attention-seekers", that's when they become silent as d kill themselves.

14 Name: LelyBunny : 2015-06-24 01:52 ID:lkGYmDUJ [Del]

Yeah some people never even hit the other stages that's why I separated actual people who do commit suicide to just sad miserable people and like you said people who do want to die have eventually given up on getting help so you just said what I said in a different text?

15 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-24 05:04 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

> Feel like people saying they want to commit suicide are mostly likely not going to go through with it. If you really are tired of living you wouldn't want someone to stop you
>Yeah some people never even hit the other stages that's why I separated actual people who do commit suicide to just sad miserable people

>>14 No, I'm afraid our opinions differ, and apparently I'm just not articulate enough to describe how they differ.

16 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-24 08:34 ID:iLbnt29y [Del]

You guys just described the two opposite choices. XD
I asked if those Suicidals are MAJORLY(Specifically on the Dollars) Attention Seekers or Seriously want an end?

17 Name: Marielle-O !pMfekQPTlc : 2015-06-24 09:10 ID:wUMnOvDx [Del]

Oh, did you expect a "Yes/No" answer ?
Excuse us for being argumentative.

18 Name: LelyBunny : 2015-06-24 12:24 ID:XiW830UU [Del]

Well if it's a yes or no answer then yes they are attention seekers

19 Name: Sid : 2015-06-24 14:45 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Well that changes things entirely. Most of the posts on this site, that I remember, didn't really portray how a suicidal person would act. Most were way too upbeat, invested, or complain way too much. I was suicidal and knew many suicidal people and we just didn't care anymore.

So for this site I would say most are just attention seekers if they are declaring to kill themselves. But I don't see too many of those. I do see a lot of people putting a lot of effort into complaining and state they are severely depressed. I don't know how that would work, since when someone is that depressed they don't put much effort into anything. So again I would say attention seekers.

20 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-24 22:43 ID:HGNvSGdN [Del]

Oh well,But what don't understand is why humans here in this forum take a care for them. And they would prefer those "Suicidal Attentions Seekers" than serious members. Lol~

21 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-25 15:45 ID:z9zDzrzl [Del]

>>20 I try to help where I can, not because I want to save someone, I actually just want to see different sides of people, their backgrounds and situations. Personally, I did not see that many suicide threads. (The hotline is an exception)

22 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-25 18:38 ID:lrw32RJI [Del]

Ohhh...>>21 Really huh?
What kind of help?

23 Name: Imago Metit : 2015-06-26 00:48 ID:KKdUfRLF [Del]

First off, part of the reason they want to suicide is because the need to be acknowledged people with depression are stuck in an endless cycle of feeling unwanted or of grief or loneliness so its out of seeking for attention they want to die. But thats one reason.

24 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-26 08:25 ID:7pqD9np5 [Del]

>>23 Oh,so you're saying it's not possible that someone who might say "I wanna die now" is serious about his own words?
And that it's impossible for someone to fake his suicidal threats to gain attention (FOR FUN)? XD

25 Name: NeonT : 2015-06-26 19:04 ID:i+kTSbzG [Del]

As a person that has thought of suiciding many times, I can say that I've seen both. Some people are only attention seekers that want the world to look at them for a moment, but there are those that really think of it as a last resort to solving their pain.

26 Name: SaddenedOtaku : 2015-06-26 19:06 ID:ZMkzJlbS [Del]

Well, I'm a suicidal myself and it just so happens that I want both. Attention and to end this pointless insanity

27 Name: NeonT : 2015-06-26 19:10 ID:i+kTSbzG [Del]

Why do you think it's pointless?

28 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-27 05:26 ID:qYVa9En8 [Del]

>>22 The help you can get on this board, it's not much, but advice and opinnions are sometimes effective.
Hell I even felt better after listening to a Vocaloid song called "Blessings" just because the lyrics mention "I_ still want you to live" and have an overall positive toch.

29 Name: Ryanne : 2015-06-27 23:40 ID:snL0KITy [Del]

There are two sides to someone who is suicidal. Some do make it really obvious, while others do not. I will admit that I am suicidal, but I don't show that I am. Someone who does show the cuts can just be looking for attention, but they could have also lost the effort to try to hide them.

30 Name: Sid : 2015-06-28 02:22 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Again OP was referring to posts on this board. Not in general.

31 Name: Owl !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-06-28 23:13 ID:qN2l4MMl [Del]

Can be either away around some people have no where else to turn to and others are a living breathing dick with two legs

32 Name: KiraKillerKitsune : 2015-06-29 00:34 ID:ot3m0/59 [Del]

Im close to ending my life but I want to meet another Dollar before I die. I dont go looking for attention. I often get yelled at in the anime community of overstepping the line so people think im trying to cause drama. Its not that they may be looking for attention its more that no one see that we may try to hide but we slip up.

So no most don't look for attention most accidentally show themselves and get blamed in my opinion,

33 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-29 05:44 ID:9N90anAY [Del]

>>32 Ohhhh...souka souka.
So you mean, some here are really serious(like you) ending your life?
I mean,why do often suicidal people make conditions like they have this mysterious pride inside when the truth is that majority of people here don't care?
Oh, maybe some would care, but I think they just feel bad when you wanna end your life after them talking to you. Something like a rope tying them to stick on you, and that rope is either "fear" or "care".
Well if it's "care" , you'll lucky then, but dont expect to be with that guy who helped you will last until the end.
Feel weak? Why look for others help? In the end you will still be the one to control your life, right?
People around you can't give all their attention because they also have lives living in them.
Hmm, oh well, I got harsh there.
But Im not fake, atleast I say what I wanna say than those plastic people there voiceless about their opinions~
And if I made you mad, oh well, fine, still at the end you'll realize that im stating the fact.

34 Name: SaddenedOtaku : 2015-06-29 19:10 ID:ZMkzJlbS [Del]

Well, life only has very few points for me. I live for anime(don't comment), Writing and... the curiosity of my future. I'll tell you here what I really am like, no lies. No point in hiding it now.
I am quite evil. I enjoy the thought of the world ending in numerous ways- I also enjoy the thought of people suffering and dying. If I were to die, the world would be better off. I recently have been making a list of how many ways I can painlessly kill myself. I am currently waiting for someone to try and make an attempt at my life, just like Ciel Phantomhive once said when he met Prince Soma.

35 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-30 05:04 ID:2VAPQ79/ [Del]

>>34 LOL, can't you think it's pointless?
Dying for nothing?
well if you don't value your life, then that you're a saddist or a negative person.
World is better than you think. Why not seeing how good and wide it is than thinking of saddistic ways to end your life?
Oh my, how annoying. It's like,"I don't want this guy to end his life but this is fuckingly annoying". -_-
There are 1000+ anime series and 2000+ mangas created in the world, understand each of and every values of those entertainment arts and now I'll ask again if you still wanna die.
But I know that's impossible, but well, look at the brighter side. Im completely clueless how everyone shouldn't end their life, like you, but I don't want someone to die just because of how clueless he is too of how this world has better things than everyone think.
Tch,I dont know what to feel anymore.I feel annoyed and merciful to you.It's mixing. F*ck -_-

36 Name: mabushii_hikari : 2015-06-30 18:26 ID:p8sZCF6l [Del]

I do not believe that suicide is selfish. I think that in the first place, somebody who commits suicide is in a place where their rationality is somewhat compromised (although I am by no means saying that this is always the case). For example, if you are suffering from mental illness or a chronic health condition that makes life unbearable, I can understand why there will be points where you truly believe that things will be less painful for you when you die. Sometimes, it is difficult for people to see the things that they have to live for. They will believe that there is nothing left for them, despite being surrounded by hundreds of reasons. Sometimes you have to just create meaning for yourself. There may be no reason for you to live, so you have to create one. I suppose that it's quite a complex topic, but I think that it is insulting for people to judge others for taking their lives when they have not been in that person's mindset and may not know the extent of the pain that that person was suffering that caused them to go against human survival instinct. I speak from a personal perspective in some aspects. I suffered from mental illness for seven years, and after three hospitalizations began to believe that my life was no longer worth living, as I was finding recovery impossible and my relationships and goals were being destroyed by the illness. Some things just need time however: 'a smooth sea doesn't make an experienced sailor'. I urge anybody who is experiencing suicidal thoughts to seek advice and stay safe x

37 Name: SaddenedOtaku : 2015-06-30 18:38 ID:ZMkzJlbS [Del]

>>35 Glad somebody understands. I always dreamed of dying for someone important to me, not just dying for my own selflessness. I ha d a good dream last night- I HAVE A FUTURE. I'm gonna be an author when I grow up, even though I've really fcked up my life right now.

38 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-30 20:44 ID:DKAlLjyC [Del]

>>37 Oh well, then that's good news.
Keep up.

39 Name: Katsumi Haruna : 2015-07-01 23:07 ID:azFneMAd [Del]

I have personally gone through suicidal feelings and it most definitely is NOT attention seeking. It could start out that way at first but even THAT is a broken souls cry for HELP. Not just because they are bored and they believe people will give them more attention. Those types of feelings make people so broken that they cannot function. I have had days where i didn't eat or take care of myself in any way, and at a few moments I came really close to dying. Hell I actually flatlined last summer because of suicidal feelings that were brought up from some bs that happened to me.

So to all of you who think or feel that suicidal people are just bitches looking for attentions PLEASE just keep that opinion to yourself. YOU may have never been in their positions and you DONT know what they are going through. thanks

40 Name: ZenithYore!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-07-02 11:53 ID:cXVvU/f4 [Del]

>>39 This thread is not for keeping opinion to oneself. This is, as the OP stated, an opinion collecting thread. Anyone can say what they want, whether you believe it to be 'bad'.

41 Name: Rn : 2015-07-02 14:09 ID:MXiLKIL3 [Del]

I don't think this is something one can offer an "either/or" answer to, but you did ask for opinions, so...

Maybe they are looking for attention. Give it to them, because if they aren't, you're missing a vital opportunity to help someone out.

A friend in my graduating class committed suicide last year. There wasn't any warning, and he never acted in a way that hinted he was planning to take his life. I wish every day that he had begged for attention. He was an only child, and his parents are still devastated.

At this point, I think a lot of people struggling with suicidal thoughts are afraid to speak out for fear of being called attention-seekers. Depression is no joke; people are seriously sick out there with no proper idea as to how they should ask for help. It's not about being "serious". It's about being sick, scared, and lonely. Desperately so.

42 Name: !lhMdFRhtx6 : 2015-07-02 14:43 ID:is4a70Hc [Del]

I have a family member that has had some suicidal thoughts. It seems like they are serious about it. Attention seeking will probably be something else. I think it is up to the type of person if they are serious or if they just want the attention. We are all different we have different ideals about everything.

43 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-02 15:42 ID:r9hXpok2 [Del]

Just tell them "life isn't as bad as u think"

44 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-07-03 07:13 ID:sbm6hX7A [Del]

Well, I also think it's quiet connected.
Something like "If you have a suicidal emotions, you'll look for attention."
But what I meant is.
Attention seeker suicidal people: One who FAKES his own threat for ATTENTION; obsessed in attention, but has completely no thought of taking his own life; something who think suicidal threats are for fun.
Serious Suicidal People: One who's really serious about death; having proofs and other things that may verify he's one; dont just talk and murmur saying he wanna die; who badly needs attention and begs for it.
But well, if you can figure out which is a suicidal person from the two choices, then you're observant.
But well, who can also say the truth? no serious suicidal person can just say "Hey I really wanna die, look at this scratches on my wrist, now believe if what im saying"
Too absurd right? So you can't really say so much if which is he from the two.
Well, im gaining opinions, not fact. So no harms and trashtalks about each others opinions.

45 Name: Orihara Izaya : 2015-07-03 10:04 ID:4nVpMq/t [Del]

I think you should make them think they will die then save them and see if they really plan on dying or are they faking it just for attention, and the rest is up to them if they kill theirselves it means their boring and week if not you would be the person who saved them from dying and you'll get to see interesting reactions.
Well thats my openion.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-03 17:27 ID:nphziKl1 [Del]

I think there is no point saying that there are people who just want attention. I mean even if someone just wants attention than there is something wrong and the person needs probably help in some way. It's just wrong to talk them down instead of trying to help them.

47 Name: Izumi : 2015-07-03 21:59 ID:r9hXpok2 [Del]

They don't need attention they need to be heard, cuz their drowning very very deep in their thoughts (just like an ocean) and their reaching out their hand for someone else to help them get to the surface

48 Name: ルー : 2015-07-04 11:16 ID:sWQAnR5w [Del]

If they were serious about it they would be dead. If they are still alive they need to be heard. They feel like "my voice, my thoughts, my feelings are worthless to everyone. There is nobody in this world who wants me, and living like this is miserable and pointless. Just show them you care. Show them they are being heard.

49 Name: Rets : 2015-07-04 12:04 ID:tyL89Ty9 [Del]

I think it's both :v

50 Name: SupremeMango : 2015-10-24 19:14 ID:q07dwiJR [Del]

>>37 Hey SaddenedOtaku how's life? Are you feeling happy, be good to hear from you. Let me know when you get a chance. Hope you're alright. -C