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i dont know what to do (9)

1 Name: vtoa : 2015-06-22 00:12 ID:uS8FSGEd [Del]

So, i dont really know what to do with my life.
I just graduated highschool and i listen to all my friends' goals and dreams and stuff and i just really cannot tell what to do.
It really frustates me not to have a dream or a life goal or just simply something that motivates me.

I dont know i just wanted to get this out

2 Name: Sid : 2015-06-22 01:26 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

I think it is entirely normal not having a dream. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life till now, also I am 24. What got me thinking is where I want to be in 5 years.

You can take some college courses at a community college just to see if anything interests you. Also the first 2 years would most likely be basic required classes. But just take anything that seems interesting.

3 Name: skittles : 2015-06-22 04:04 ID:wr8kJ99Y [Del]

carpe diem , bro/sista , carpe diem :)

4 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-22 05:29 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

I don't really have a dream or my goal myself at the moment. I'm 18 and I started at University this year doing a Bachelor of Psychology (I find it the most interesting and the campus is only 4 km from my house). My goal/dream doesn't really apply at the moment and yet it does. My goal is to start my own family e.g. wife and kids, ect. I'm only 18 so this is probably at least or more than a decade away. The reason why it does apply to the now is because there are what I call 'Requirements' that I need to have before I'll be in a position to fulfill that dream. I don't have a drivers licence yet so that's a requirement/goal, I won't be able to do much with a Psych bachelor degree, so I need to continue my studies further to put myself into the best financial position I can and I also need to actually get a girlfriend first.

The idea is to do what makes you the happiest and make a career around it. I could possibly end up as a stay-at-home dad if that makes me the happiest, but Psychology to me is interesting, I enjoy drawing and designing characters for stories that I write and what not.

5 Name: Ignight : 2015-06-22 07:58 ID:Kj2lBWPc [Del]

Id you want to feel love, I'd suggest you don't study Psychology.
My brother finished his Phychology studies and he himself told me he can barely "feel" anything becouse he knows "whys and whens" of that sort of thing. Plus it's difficult to stay afloat financially being a psychologist

6 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-22 17:16 ID:cQmC3JZM [Del]

I'll study and get a job, preferably something biological.
But in the first place, I just want to try and enjoy life. Seeing the world, travelling, crreative activities or whatever interests me at the moment, I do not have an explicit goal. There is nothing wrong with living life without a certain goal to work towards, just try to make it as enjoyable as possible. That in itself is something you have to dedicate a lot of effort to.

7 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-23 02:23 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

I've already gone through the "I don't feel love phase", and I don't want to hear that from someone who doesn't know me personally or isn't doing the same course as me. Even if your brother says that that is whats happened to him, he should know that his feelings on that subject are bias. A lot of people may feel the same way as him, but then a lot of people may not. Besides, my comment was supposed to explain to Vtoa what I'm doing to give an example and give her/him ideas about how she/he might go about helping him/herself.

8 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-23 02:30 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

I'm guessing your brother just finished his bachelor or honours degree so I'm not surprised that he doesn't think that it is financially sustaining. Which is why I said I'd do further studies which means, Honours --> Masters --> Phd.

9 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-23 07:18 ID:ymIX6jWO [Del]

Try to discover your own interest.
Like taking any experience whether you haven't tried it before.
Just try something rare for you to make.
Maybe you'll like it.