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Father Problems (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-21 22:19 ID:s/4M1+x+ [Del]

It's my father. For as long as I can remember, our relationship has been on the rocky side. We've always argued. He says these really, hurtful and uncalled for comments under his breath all the time. He gets angry over ridiculous things, and when he gets really angry he does completely irrational things. Threatens me and my family, can (depending on his anger levels) hit me, and call me names. It's always blamed on me. How I'm doing this wrong. How I'm not being a good daughter. Everything, of course, is always my fault. It tears me down.

Him and I, we're polar opposites. He is always active, and very extroverted. He has quite a temper, and is impulsive and hot-headed, and thinks it's okay to say whatever's on his mind without even considering who is listening. I, on the other hand, like to keep to myself more, and observe. When I'm angry or frustrated, though, I have a bad habit of saying things I don't mean and regret later. This trait doesn't exactly help my relationship with my father.

Okay, here's the thing. No matter how hard I try, I can't get along with him. I tried to change my attitude around him. I tried to hang out with him more and connect with him. But no matter what I do, it always ends in a stupid fight over one stupid thing that I did. Most of it, is him trying to "convert" me to being more extroverted. He doesn't understand that I operate differently than him, and that being alone gives me energy, not vice versa. He isn't exactly the brightest one in the bunch, and I have tried endlessly to explain these things to him. Nothing. Works. I don't understand why he can't just accept me for me. I can see WHY he doesn't understand... like, I can easily see from his perspective, but can't he at least make an attempt?
How do I fix this? I want to connect with him, but when he acts like this, nothing makes me want to get away from him more. I don't want to hang around a grouch! Is there absolutely anything I can do?

2 Name: ryuhime : 2015-06-21 22:43 ID:6NCp/CMb [Del]

This isn't exactly a solution, but it might help a bit with the frustration. Whenever he seems like he's angry, just act (to the best of your ability) irreproachable. It may not help much, but at least then he'll have pretty much no basis for any argument that gets started about blame.

As for something that might lead to a solution: Is there anything both of you are interested in? If so, anytime you find out something about whatever it is, tell him about it. Try to start a conversation. If not, try introducing him to something you're interested in.

One last thing. This might be difficult, but try to forgive him as quickly as you can. Even if none of it is actually your fault, it doesn't really help either of you if you start up an argument again after a different one ended. It can be tough on your pride, but it's probably worth it. It sounds like you're already doing this in any case, just don't give up on him.

If he is really getting annoying with the trying to make you extroverted, just find an introvert vs. extrovert brain diagram or an article by a neurologist or something like that. Something it would be hard to argue with.

3 Name: Sid : 2015-06-22 01:18 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

First things first. It is not your fault. He just sounds like a poor father figure.

Also sounds a little like my dad. He always beat me and told me I was shit. He always said I was less than dirt and that I would never amount to anything. After 19 years of my life he started wanting to act like a father. I never see him as a father figure. I just put up with him whenever I see him. But in the past I always avoided him as much as I could.

I don't know how old you are, but if you are old enough and have a job you could try to move out. Otherwise you could try avoiding him. If you still want to have a father daughter relationship then you could try a little bit here and there, just don't go all out. But I wouldn't really try when he is pissed. At least you know what kind of parent not to be if it doesn't work out.

Sorry I couldn't offer much insight since I never mended my relationship. I just put on a façade to make him think it's all okay. Yet I truly forgave him for everything since it is bad to hold on to all that hate and pain.

4 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-22 05:36 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

Try sending him an email or written message about how you feel instead. People tend to be more understanding if they know exactly what's going on in your head, plus doing it through email will allow you to read over your own thoughts as well and help you better understand what you want.

5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-22 17:44 ID:cQmC3JZM [Del]

Many adults have problems with accepting other ways of life. As for me, my family constantly tells me to be more social, not realizing that I would really like to do so, but just can't trust nor understand others.
But we just ignore that that was said, there's no pressure that forces me to change. That's where your situation is different. Your father does not seem to be a person to be argued with, nor a reasonable parent. I have difficulties with understanding why you are trying to build up a relationship that he is not attempting to strengthen.
Nonetheless, I see why you want to connect with your father. I can't give much advice considering that, but getting together as a family and talking about your feelings with them might not sway your father, but you might at least gain some support. But the solution that I see occuring is time. In time, you will become more independent, which your father will hopefully accept. You will probably see your father less often than before and the pressure of living under the same roof will disapear as well. I think even he will come to accept you one way or another.