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Mother's and Father's Day on Social Media (10)

1 Name: [ANON] : 2015-06-21 18:50 ID:bBKuvwRB [Del]

I was trying to explain to some people that those posts saying how much they love their mom/dad on Mother's/Father's Day shouldn't be posted publicly on social media. I was wondering what are your opinions on this matter.

To me, I think they shouldn't be. First of all, it's not special. Surely you can do better than a post to show your love for your parents. At the very least, give them a card so they can store it somewhere special.

Second, it's unnecessary. It shouldn't be seen by the public. Only by that parent. What is the point of showing it to everybody?

Third, not everybody has a good relationship with their parents. It can make them uncomfortable to see posts like these on those days. Abused children even have it worse because they see those posts and are upset that they can't have a good parent. And they are made to feel guilty about not loving their parent. For not loving their abuser.

Fourth, some people can't avoid it. Social media is their safe place and posts like these can ruin it for them. Especially mentally ill people who use social media to keep their mind off of things.

Personally, I was abused physically by my mom for about three years and she still continues to emotionally abuse me to this day. I am also mentally ill with professionally diagnosed anxiety and depression. I use social media to distract myself from my bad thoughts. However, every year around Mother's Day, I am screwed either way. By going on social media, I am faced with the guilt of doing absolutely nothing for my mom, AKA my abuser, and being depressed because I don't have a mom who actually cares about me like others do. But without social media, my bad thoughts keep coming. Because of my anxiety, I overthink and because of my depression, I had self harming thoughts. Without something to concentrate on, those thoughts take over and it's bad. It's not like I can do much else, since my mom hardly even lets me out the house. I tried to explain why posts like previously mentioned shouldn't belong on social media, but my anxiety made it difficult and as soon as somebody overreacted, I had an anxiety attack. I wish I could tell them what I just typed, but I have the constant fear of being judged. It's much easier to say this to strangers.

So... What is your opinion on this matter? And also, what can I do to help myself in my situation?

2 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-22 05:44 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

Some would say you need to pull the stick out of your ass. My main concern is all the fathers day posts on facebook at the moment, despite it not being anywhere near fathers day. I do agree that people don't need to do it as often as they do, but it is fine around the actual mothers and fathers days.

There are some people who have terrible, balanced, and good relationships with their parents. Some people have extremely co-dependent on relationships with their parents. Did you hear about the mother and son being kicked out of a fast food place because the mother was breast feeding? The son was 45 years old.

3 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-22 05:46 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

If its on Social network you can't really do anything about it. If you personally have the problems that you used as examples in your post, my only advice is to suck it up princess

4 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-22 17:31 ID:cQmC3JZM [Del]

1. Right, but it's still better than nothing, don't underestimate some people's unwillingness to actually care for their parents.
2. Exhibition of privacy has become the raison d'ĂȘtre for social networks. They show others that they are good children.
3. Depending on the circumstances, everything can hurt or insult someone somehow. You can't expect people to regard every single weakness a person in their friendlist might have.
4. Isn't it obvious that you'll be confronted with others' family situations? Are you planning to ban them from posting a picture with their parents because they have a better relationship than you?
Don't get me wrong, I mostly agree with your first two points, the latter ones are somewhat self centered. You need some tolerance for possibly hurtful content.
You shouldn't take it to heart. Nobody intended to hurt you, nor do you have to feel guilty about your mother. Family in general is nothing I consider to be obligatory functional, of course it's nice to have some place or someone to return to, but you can search that place yourself if your family doesn't grant it. Long story short, many people have awkward relations with their family, but they have to accept that others like to dwell in their (technically) idyllic world. You don't complain if someone in a relationship posts something about how much they love their partner, right?

5 Name: [ANON] : 2015-06-23 09:52 ID:bBKuvwRB [Del]

>>3 Yeah, I can't just suck it up. Cause you know... mental illness doesn't just go away. Some things just affect me far too much and I can't control that. And don't call me a princess please.

>>4 Okay, maybe I should specify that I mean the kind of posts that go way overboard. The ones that just are simple like "I love you. Thanks you for being such a good parent" and whatnot are alright. But ones that are manipulative in nature are the ones I'm referring to. Have you ever seen posts that are like "Everybody should love their mom! They gave you life and take care of you!! Do something special for your mom!!!" Those are the ones that shouldn't be posted. The ones that try to guilt trip you for not loving or doing something for your parents.
And even the ones that are directly for their parents can go overboard. If they're telling a life story about their relationship with their parent,maybe they shouldn't make it public. They really should be simple and not full of personal things. If they want to relive those memories, they should make a card for their parent.
Basically, there's a line where the posts are acceptable. Most posts are perfectly fine. But every year I will see some that go overboard and it really makes me feel horrible, as I'm sure it does to others.

6 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-23 18:24 ID:PZxh21+p [Del]

>>5 Ah yeah, those ones are horrible, have to agree on that.
But then again, as I said, (almost)none of them are posted with an evil intention. Once you confront people with it, they'll probably feel offended since you told them not to freely post the things they want to. I doubt many would listen to reason, after reading your post, I would certainly stop posting that kind of content. Well, I never did it to begin with.
Nonetheless, I don't think many others would. They'll probably interpret it as ill will or jealousy since to them, it really must feel like you hold a grudge against them loving their parents, even if you explain it properly.

7 Name: Adam : 2015-06-23 20:06 ID:u7mHP00X [Del]

Everyone has their own problems or baggage you need to understand that the unfortunate circumstances you have are do not happen to everyone and it is very unreasonable to make people adapt to your issues. Rather than be envious of someone else try to be happy for them having something you do not, since they are your friends. If I am fat and forced on a diet I don't have to be annoyed by every fast food eater in a shopping mall.

Lastly people have different personalities others prefer love to be a private thing while others feel the need to rub it in everyone's face not outta spite just cause they themselves are happy. No hard feelings just trying to help.

8 Name: trylouu : 2015-06-25 10:15 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

If you have a mental illness, the first thing is to seek help from a doctor. If you've ignorantly diagnosed yourself, suck it up prince.

9 Name: Sid : 2015-06-25 13:55 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Stop using your abuse as an excuse. It pisses me off. I was physically, and mentally, abused by my dad for 16 years. And the verbal abuse hasn't stopped. He keeps saying I am worthless since I'm not going to college. Get over it, I did. Every time my dad came home I was always afraid. He used any excuse, like leaving a pencil out, to beat my ass.

If it troubles you do something about it. Work at getting over your depression. It can be done if you try. It took me years of writing to finally get over my depression, but I didn't complain about stuff that triggered it. Also a therapist doesn't really do much in my opinion, just another friend. They play the role of a friend from what I experienced and seen. If you want to do something you have to do it yourself.

Writing, for me, was a great way to find out more about myself, and deal with my problems. I just wrote whatever was on my mind and continued from there. Of course I only realized some things by being around others, but I made it a goal to get over my past.

Also I have no idea if you are old enough to move out. I tried to just shut myself in my room all the time, especially when my dad was home. I did anything to relieve my fear and boredom by reading, playing video games, music, etc. There is a huge amount of things you can do to get your mind off of it, especially if you have a computer.

Also what you are doing is no different. You are trying to make others feel guilty for having such a nice childhood. You are trying to shame them by saying you never had such a thing. So how is what you're doing any different than what you are complaining about?

10 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-26 07:27 ID:VjeUoj8J [Del]

Happy late Father's Day to the streets.