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I want to fall in love, I don't want to fall in love (5)

1 Name: Rakka-chan : 2015-06-14 13:29 ID:vml+koIe [Del]

so ... there's this guy at my school and he's really popular some of my friends like him. but one just i ... i had a dream about him ... and in it we were dating. at that point i didn't even know him. then ... on Friday i found a note on my deck and all it said was "i like you" i don't know if it was him but that day i want to go talk to him in the library. he was reading shoujo manga, we had a pretty long conversation about anime, i couldn't stop blushing but he was blushing too
i don't know if i want to fall in love or not

2 Name: Shift : 2015-06-14 15:23 ID:URf9hDhE [Del]

Im not good in that kind of stuff, but if i were you i would give myself a bit of time for knowing him better.
English isn`t my mother tounge so yeah...
sorry if i made any mistakes >.<
Wish you luck ^^

3 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-16 02:53 ID:rGarZErw [Del]

as >>2 said, give your relationship time to evolve.
Are you sure you don't want to be simple friends? Since he's popular, loving him might be difficult (unless it's mutual, then go for him if you feel like it :D) and even keeping him as an acquaintance may prove to be difficult, nonetheless, if you want to get closer to someone, it is your right to do so.

4 Name: Akane : 2015-06-16 15:49 ID:0YegRCN7 [Del]

I definitely agree!!! You should see where it goes and if the romance aspect just isn't happening then you two can at least be friends o(*≧□≦)o OMG though a guy that's into shoujo mangas :3 I wish I knew a guy like that. All the people here I know are just into violence and fanservice...

5 Name: SaddenedOtaku : 2015-06-16 17:29 ID:dFHxb8YZ [Del]

Love can be painful. But if it's with someone who likes Anime/Manga I pretty much guarantee that it will last longer than most normal relationships.