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i need some kindness. (7)

1 Name: Memori : 2015-06-11 23:28 ID:5jJ8/rlt [Del]

My grandma was diagnosed with ALS monday. I was told Tuesday morning and i am taking it really hard. I have had finals all week and have been stressed out because of them and couldn't even finish my final essay for my college writing class, which i might now fail.
I'm really upset about everything right now and my three younger brothers are being so terrible to me. i know what they are going though i really do but all i get for small questions like where something is are sarcastic comments, door slams and shouting about everthing. I made dinner and never got a thank you or anything. Thats not true one brother complained about how i cut the bread, even though i asked him how he wanted it cut. Anyway they are being terrible to me and my grandma is dying and i might fail college and nobody has been nice to me all week and i just sit there like my problems aren't worse than your problems because im always the strong one out of my friends and give to comfort them when they fail at something and i can't tell them that i am having a way worse week because i will just sound like i am trying to get pity because i always sound like i am.
I just need someone to be nice to me today because i am crying alone in my room too afraid to come out because I'll get yelled at. I hate it. I hate me and i hate everything.

2 Name: Gin : 2015-06-11 23:48 ID:mKEBSh8r [Del]

Your brothers just don't know how to express their emotions, sometimes people just need to cry like you to get through a situation, and your doing a great job

3 Name: Proto : 2015-06-12 00:35 ID:7qS1A9fi [Del]

With all of that going on you made dinner? Way to be! You need a good hug, but perhaps a picture of an adorable otter will help in the meantime.,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNFEBBo8dlV9ByTuR8VA_F9Cg8CkPQ&ust=1434173718378796

4 Name: Memori : 2015-06-12 09:21 ID:5jJ8/rlt [Del]

Thank you.

Though about the dinner thing if i don't cook and force myself to eat i don't think i would. Like before i wouldn't think much of food or snacks but now it's like i really have to think about it in order to process that this is food it keeps you alive.

5 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-12 09:45 ID:9v+ofR5w [Del]

>>1 Good for you, you actually knew your Grandma before she died. Yeah, just take her to countdown sometime as a bad joke. Just try to be more happy, even if it's fake, because the internet is a bunch of protons that ain't gonna change your life.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-12 09:56 ID:gSiiyW/d [Del]

>>4 You should be able to talk to your school about getting your finals postponed or similarly accommodated. Your classmates don't have to deal with family illness as they write tests and you certainly shouldn't either.

It's good you are able to force yourself to eat. I can't imagine what it's like for you. Good luck, know that one internet stranger is thinking and hoping for you and your grandmother.

>the internet is a bunch of protons that ain't gonna change your life

Any single thing in the universe that has changed my life is a bunch of protons.
I think you were going for electrons.

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-13 08:57 ID:p9nOtVVE [Del]

>>6 Oh, your right. My bad. By still, these electrons ain't gonna change anybody's life.