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Sad Good Byes (5)

1 Name: AnamisWolf : 2015-06-07 01:34 ID:NVaNmWNM [Del]

I don't know if this belongs under a particular thread but..

Not nearly an hour ago my 4 year long friendship with this old rp buddy of mine ended. The reason why it ended was when it came down to it, she just wanted a 24/7 rp buddy and I wanted an actual friendship like we started off with (though we met rping) and just to cut back on rping that much cause honestly rping 24/7 wears out your creative brain after a while and with my friend flipping out over small reasons when I didn't reply right away it was stressful.

In short we just grew apart..

Honestly though with all the negativity I expected to end on a bad note and I almost did end it on one, her just being suddenly absent without saying a word for nearly 2 months out of the blue only to just return and ask to rp but didn't want to comprise on how often we rped and desiring not to hang out and just talk like friends almost pushed me too, but instead of sending the message like I intended I talked with her more and some how it ended on a good note getting a glimpse of the person who I first met and became my friend in the process before things changed.

And now though I'm glad it ended on a good note.. All I can do is keep crying with a part of me wishing it ended on a bad note so I could be more mad then sad. Heh. Stupid I know..

Anyway I just wanted to ask if any others had long friendships that ended in a similar way and though I know all I can do is move on in the end.. I was wondering if you had some coping advice to help the process in that.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this for all you fellow Dollars that do. I appreciate it and any advice you may give.

2 Name: Ungulate : 2015-06-07 03:03 ID:EzoSW+zQ [Del]

A while back I was in the same kind of boat as you. I had an online friend I had known since middle school (I'm halfway through college now). So that's a bit over eight years. Her and I had been dating for about a year and it was pretty hard on us to not see each other for months at a time of course. Eventually, she suddenly didn't want us to be in a relationship anymore and grew really distant and that was that. Unfortunately, she still wanted me to act just as awesome as I always had towards her but wanted a "real" boyfriend she could actually be and spend time with. Needless to say, I got my ass away from her as soon as I could manage that, which took a while of course. Who the hell wants to give themselves to someone who doesn't appreciate or value it? That was a pretty sour note I guess, so you're right in thinking that having that anger to fixate on makes things better. I hope she's fine and everything because just like you that glimpse of the person I knew and loved will always be there, it's just that she's not a part of my life anymore. She's a part of who I've become, but not who I will become if that makes sense?

That's really all it comes down to. There's nothing profound, people just naturally drift apart. They change over time. They're not who you or even they thought you were one day. It feels shitty yeah, but at the very least, don't be afraid to be wrong again, because you were right for a while and it was great right? Pack the memories you want to hold onto away; don't fixate on them but don't forget either. Get pissed off about the bad memories you don't want to keep, then let those go. You'll always have room for great friendships, as long as you keep yourself looking and stay open to them without getting bitter or jaded from failures and endings like this one. It might take a long time. You might be kind of lonely and kind of miserable during that search since you know what having someone like that is like and it's a gaping void in your stomach without them. But try your hardest and it'll all work out, on a long enough timeline at least. And that's pretty much the best you can do for yourself right now.

3 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-08 18:13 ID:OzUBXbyz [Del]

I had a classmate who used to be like a brother to me. For two years, we were inseperable, we spent at least 4 days a week together, staying overnight and even sleeping in the same bed. I felt so comfortable by his side that I thought we would spend the rest of our lives together. However, that was not the case at all. We took different routes in school, so we were put in different classes.
After that, we didn't have any connections at all anymore. He was always sportive and social, while I developed into a shut-in. I do not regret that, during puberty, a lot has changed, and I think that the person I am now is the real me, at least for the time being. Our growing apart happened in a mutual manner, and by now, I look back on our friendship as part of my childhood and something that heavilly affected my developement.
Everything passes, transience is natural. Farewells are hard to swallow, but that just shows how much you were able to experience. Now, it is time to cherish that memory but move on, there could be all kinds of things waiting ahead.

4 Name: M1n : 2015-06-10 01:06 ID:Eti0IFsn [Del]

I had some online friends when I first started playing this one mmorpg (but we all pretty much retired now since the economy became so shitty). They were the first REAL people that I've met (probably just because I was at a very young age at the time and haven't met many people yet haha), but they inspired me to become stronger. They taught me to be unique, weird, and to go through with my goal once I set it. They were probably the weirdest group of people you'll ever meet, but they were just so carefree and needless to say, I looked up to them a lot. I treasured the memories we shared and cherished the laughs we had. Slowly though, they started leaving the game (it's been like two years then and we were one of the first players). I made new friends with new players whom I also enjoyed spending time with, but I couldn't help with the growing loneliness inside me. The remaining players of the first group were still my friends but they were growing more distant as they got stronger (because they had money so they can level up faster but I was penny-less lol) . I missed being in parties with them and challenging dungeons . But now it's been about 4 and a half years and I've longed quit the game. They've probably all forgotten about me, but I still think of them and it gets a bit lonely sometimes.

5 Name: M1n : 2015-06-10 01:09 ID:Eti0IFsn [Del]

You just got to learn to cope with it. I think of them as an important piece of my past and a happy, precious yet melancholic memory.