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Worrying (3)

1 Name: ^Ravis^ : 2015-06-03 09:20 ID:BDBFRLXc [Del]

I worry a lot. I am a really wacky person. I tend to speak my mind(its not anything bad or rude) and since my mind is very disorganized, the people around me tend to misunderstand what I wanted to say. So now, every time I speak to my friends, I would worry if I said it correctly. I would over-think their reactions and worry about it for the whole time I'm with them. I would be worried if I was too straight-forward or too annoying or too hyper. I know that I didn't say anything rude. I'm usually an open book to my friends and one time they found a new side of me when they checked my watch history on youtube.. my yaoi..((0.0")) I usually take what others say to heart, so that I can change myself to be more 'normal' and 'decent'. How can I deal with the worry? Is there restrictions to how 'myself' I can be? How can I deal with my perfectionism?

2 Name: whatsupdoc : 2015-06-03 13:08 ID:1YXCaThc [Del]

Dealing with very similar issues. All I can really say right now is learn to relax, and learn to be ok with who you are and what you do and can do. What you browse on youtube is, in my opinion, not their business, and changing yourself to be more normal or fit in isn't always the best. Be okay with who you are now. Explaining things to others is also a problem for me since my head runs on a daisy chain of seemingly unorganized thoughts. For this I would suggest you take it slow, isolate the details of the thoughts and then attach words to them as you analyse them. Maybe writing them down on something so you can elaborate what each piece means to yourself or something. Try not to worry about the impressions you're giving.
I admit, I'm still learning all this myself right now, so I can't bring any truly solid methods to the table, but hopefully Some of this helped in some way.

3 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-03 16:30 ID:tfqzjY6p [Del]

People don't need an explanation for everything, they might fill in the gaps themselves, which may lead to a wrong conclusion, but if they're friends, you can count on them not leaving you for a simple misunderstanding.
Trying to explain every little oddity is unnecessary since your friends will accept them, at least I hope they're that trustworthy. Don't try too hard to be normal, sure, fitting in is a nice thing, but remaining an individual is even more important. Especially your sexuality has nothing to do with others.
Try to properly think about what you want to say, don't just blabber it out. This is a change of behavior, but I am certain you will handle it in time.