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The big question... (8)

1 Name: Invisible : 2015-06-03 07:03 ID:+9H+t/XA [Del]

Hi everyone! I have a question for you all: How can i speak to someone who I don't already know? For example, when I'm with friends and there is a friend of them, it's not a probleme. But when you want to talk to someone you and your friends don't know this person, how can you speak with her without any reason? I'm not going to say "hello he whether is great today isn't it?" Or things like that, even more if this person Is with her friends! So, can somebody help? :(

2 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-03 08:44 ID:9say6rZ6 [Del]

I'd like to know that too.
Although, I think it's established in our society not to do so

3 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-03 15:06 ID:Pyv5pfzV [Del]

Maybe you could ask them something before, or approach him on a pretext.

Why do you want to do that ? Ah Ah, I think someone fall in love with a unknown person ^^.

4 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-03 15:08 ID:Pyv5pfzV [Del]

Actually, I as far as I remember my childhood, this kind of speaking is common in the countryside in France.

There, people meeting in the "street" on the market could begin having a discussion without reason. But on the other side anyone knows each other directly or indirectly in a village.

5 Name: Tamiki : 2015-06-03 15:19 ID:0h5KjS5T [Del]

Ask them if they are part of the Dollars.

6 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-03 15:34 ID:Pyv5pfzV [Del]

Ha Ha, I just went there a few weeks because some cousins live there.

I don't know how it have been evolving for 10 years, but at that time both mangas and almost computers were unknown. So, the Dollars...

I'm getting there in July, we'll see that.

I hope the neighbours haven't lost their habit inviting themselves for the apéro !

7 Name: invisible : 2015-06-04 07:12 ID:+9H+t/XA [Del]

You were quite right! I'm Belgian! And I can tell you that hier, we like mangas and we know the Dollars(for some poeple) and we have computers and are able to use them! :)
>>3 You're perfectly right!
And for the apéro... don't be inquite!(of course, it depense where you go) ;)

8 Name: LittleRat : 2015-06-04 13:26 ID:xSRtusu8 [Del]

start with :hi

Then you improvise.

I am not good at all at things like this. 8 months back I was a shut in for years. But well if you want to enough you can handle a few clumsy words XD * I was scared of people shitless and then did an experiment. Sadly I don't remember the psychologist name, but it ended up with me just going to people and trying to get a conversation or ask a question or 2 I was curious about* Not as bad as it seems in the end, just nerve wracking to do.