Dollars BBS | Personal
















Will you accept me? (13)

1 Name: Konata : 2015-05-30 06:55 ID:IHsoeAYV [Del]

hi guys as you see, oh well maybe ill vent up stress here so yeah , i think i should give it a shot hays i just want to see your reactions or your advice for what should i do as you see im not a normal highschool student oh well , lets just say im an info broker in the age of 15 ,how will you react? And my parents dont know this so yeah a bit trouble, so what are your guys advice? Im actually dreading for some help so please help me

2 Name: Nova : 2015-05-30 08:49 ID:I/0Vi0uN [Del]

Is it vital information.
Btw, welcome to the dollars!

3 Name: Rei : 2015-05-30 09:13 ID:e8NpqeDF [Del]

I need you.

4 Name: Konata : 2015-05-30 12:47 ID:IHsoeAYV [Del]

Rei-san what information you want to get? And how much are you willing yo pay? Hey im just kidding anyways thanks

5 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-05-31 10:19 ID:uMsWy0is [Del]

I'll just assume you speak the truth, since otherwise, advice would be pointless. But what exactly is your problem? Getting into shady buisness might be dangerous, but it seems like you decided to do it on your own. Don't throw your parents into the fray, it's probably better to leave people in the dark who are not affiliated to the underworld.
So let me ask once again, what exactly is your problem?

6 Name: Nee-san : 2015-05-31 21:51 ID:Z7UG9FwZ [Del]

I guess her problem is that ,is she going to be accepted by the people around her if she reveal this or will they banish her or something and maybe she is asking about will she say it to her parents that she is working like that

7 Name: shadowless : 2015-05-31 22:19 ID:Isy/9UD8 [Del]

I don't know if what your saying is true or not, but if so... Isn't the whole point of being an underworlder to keep it a secret? If your only problem is being accepted and keeping it a secret then at least you're not running from dangerous people for your life. I've always wanted to be an underworlder, it seems interesting and exiting. (If your telling the truth you may take offense to this, sorry.)
Anyway my point is if you know the people you know in society will look down on this, why did you do it? Do you want to be a normal high school student? If so, figure out the steps you need to take to get there.

8 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-01 00:58 ID:zgbL7XKc [Del]

>come to personal expecting anything different
>read this thread
Every time.

9 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-01 06:40 ID:mL9jFVCe [Del]

>>8 I know, it's still entertaining to pretend it's true and give advice. It might just turn out to be an interestin scenario ^~^

10 Name: Neko : 2015-06-01 09:16 ID:wOO8W4/I [Del]

I guess what her saying is a bit true if you ask me why well as you see she is a minor she is easily get in to some hard cases adults cant i mean minors cant be actually acussed for a crime so i think her job is a bit dangerous ,i also dont believe at first but as you see this happens alot Minors can be used and for her saying this to us is a big risk

11 Name: Neko : 2015-06-01 09:18 ID:wOO8W4/I [Del]

Is she a girl or a boy mostly i advice is girls only few for the boys haha

12 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-02 07:38 ID:b6yvtc4y [Del]

I guess what her saying is a bit true if you ask me why well as you see she is a minor she is easily get in to some hard cases adults cant i mean minors cant be actually acussed for a crime so i think her job is a bit dangerous ,i also dont believe at first but as you see this happens alot Minors can be used and for her saying this to us is a big risk

Is she a girl or a boy mostly i advice is girls only few for the boys haha


13 Name: Yohnn : 2015-06-03 03:56 ID:NCCiq0sr [Del]

Whatcha guys pin pointing about this thread? I dont get it why are you guys kinda but of fighting? Just saying