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Pressuring (5)

1 Name: Izzy kun : 2015-05-29 00:15 ID:NCCiq0sr [Del]

Hey guys umm..ok here goes nothing,well im just inventing my stress again but please help me you see to the title well some people think im a perfectionist even though im not i mean they see me as always perfect,the pressure is always on and it sucks,im only human you see all of us so guys what will be your advice to me? IM actually pressured for being always on top or something please your advice,i really need it

2 Name: gagiru : 2015-05-29 15:26 ID:W5DaoxCu [Del]

I've been there, buddy. And I wish I could help take the stress away for you but I don't completely know how.

From when I was little my parents put a huge weight on my shoulders to be perfect in school and in basically everything I do. And I really suffered because of it for a big chunk of my school years (I still am, a little). The only thing that ever helped me was when I tried to look at my life from a different perspective. I just thought that maybe I should hold myself to my OWN standards, not someone else's. Not my parent's standards, not my classmate's, not my teacher's. Just, what *I* thought I was capable of and what *I* wanted to achieve. Thinking this way kind of changed it from pressure, to a personal goal. I still accomplish just as much as when I did things for my parents, except now I get a personal feeling of gratification after I do something well. Knowing that I got this far for myself– not to make someone else happy, not to keep up my image, not to give in to the pressures of my parents/teachers/anyone else. It's a different sense of accomplishment than "oh thank god my mom's not gonna kill me now" or the panicked "I can't let anyone think I'm an idiot I gotta do this perfect". It's just... better. Less damage and less tears.
Even when I don't do everything perfectly, it's still sort of okay because I know I did my best, and I'll try to improve next time.

I'm still trying to fully adopt this way of thinking, because it's hard to just change with a snap of your fingers. Sometimes I still panic because of expectations. But I'm working on it, and I'm getting there.

But really, my advice would just be to think of yourself. Don't neglect self-care. Be you, and try hard to become happy with who you are. Other people's expectations don't matter as much as your own; no one can define you but you.

I don't know for sure if this is the answer, but it's the closest I ever came to one. Sorry if I'm not much help. I hope it is, at least a little. xx

3 Name: Izzy-kun : 2015-05-30 06:51 ID:IHsoeAYV [Del]

hey thanks alot to the advice, i think i can fight back alittle now

4 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-05-30 21:23 ID:VoTo5w69 [Del]

T don't have any talents and the list of my achievements is pretty short, so I cannot really empathize, but failing someone's expectations is not much of a great deal, right?
Surely, they will be disappointed, but that won't last forever and from that point on, they would know that not even you are perfect. What I am trying to say is that even if you fail, your friends and family won't leave you. It is not like you will lose everything just because of a mistake you made, and the things you will lose are probably better off being lost. I hope I didn't sound cruel, but there are some people who may lose something very important to them due to a single misstep while you have a long list of achievements to rely on.
I really don't know much about this topic but I thought that, just maybe, the opinnion of an outsider might help^^

5 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-05-31 13:30 ID:n4LiJjzZ [Del]

I understand how you feel. I do really good in school so I'm one of the top students. People expect to get straight A's and always do the right thing because of it and it's always urked me. Recently, I've started to do my own thing though. I still have the good grades but I learned how to avoid the "perfectionist" by making minor mistakes. Make very simple mistakes like getting a question wrong once or twice. Just say outright you're under pressure cause of what's going on. If you don't want to do either do this:

Do you. I mean, do what you like and want, not what other dudes want. You'll be happier trust me. Talk to people about it if it helps too! I got your back so don't worry!!!