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Trying to be a good friend. (5)

1 Name: ChibiNeko : 2015-05-28 23:30 ID:WuGvm+kj [Del]

My best friend has come out to me about being transgender, and judging by her esteem and attitude lately she has been having a hard time. I know she's stressed about being accepted by family and friends but, this is all so new to me I don't know what to do for her! I really really want to be there and as supportive as possible but I dot know how due to my awkward personality (._.)
Please if anyone has any suggestions or helpful recommendations I would love for you all to comment below!

And as always to those who have anything hateful to comment, Fire away!
We may all have freedom of speech but let's try to practice some courtesy on this thread.
NO SEXUALITY ARGUMENTS ! It's not nice ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

2 Name: SeaLover : 2015-05-28 23:53 ID:sAUjY0Q6 [Del]

You don't have to do anything, other then be there for her. It's simple really when a friend is hurting you be there and just being there can make a world of difference. So you say your awkward, that's okay. When she needs someone to vent to or whine to, just sit down smile and say "I'm here for you". When they are sad give them a hug. When they are made, find a place to hit things like a batting cage. Always helps :]

3 Name: ryuhime : 2015-05-29 00:16 ID:9TiTohh5 [Del]

If you just keep on acting normal then she might become more comfortable with the idea of telling others (she won't have to worry as much about their behavior towards her changing).
I agree with >>2 that it would be helpful to just be there to listen if she feels like ranting about something or just talking to someone.

4 Name: ChibiNeko : 2015-06-06 11:44 ID:WuGvm+kj [Del]

Thank you all!

5 Name: Monsoure : 2015-06-06 12:12 ID:08SAjpqW [Del]

Tell them not to make any serious decisions and to avoid settling into this. Everyone experiences a period of sexual confusion in their lives. For some people, that means making a radical decision such as declaring themselves as a member of the opposite gender, and this is a natural period of time for some people. On the other hand, if they're over 19 or so, tell them to see a psychologist because they have a mental disorder.