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I can't Sleep (9)

1 Name: Mars : 2015-05-28 13:40 ID:Z7zG6cAU [Del]

For the last two weeks i haven't been able to sleep. I don't know if it is insomnia, or for some other reason. Then when i do sleep, i have these really bad dreams. Ive noticed how tired i am has started to affect some things i do during the day and my attitude. I hope tonight ill get some sleep because i finally bought some sleeping meds, but those dreams have beenā€¦kinda weirding me out. Anyone wanna share you weirdest dream?

2 Name: Menma : 2015-05-28 23:37 ID:WuGvm+kj [Del]

1. Breath deep from the stomach
2. Relax yourself. Don't worry about having insomnia or any mental illness and try to put yourself in a attainable peace.
3. Don't think about having to sleep. Telling yourself you need to sleep will make it harder for you to sleep. If you try distracting your mind by think about something else or reading a boring book, you'll fall asleep in no time ^-^
I know it's easier said than done but you aren't the only one so don't beat yourself up kid. These are my personal ways on trying to get some REM so I'm sorry if they don't work for you

3 Name: ryuhime : 2015-05-29 00:22 ID:9TiTohh5 [Del]

try listening to your favorite relaxing / happy song or reading a good book before going to sleep. That way you're more likely to have those incorporated into your dreams which might make them less scary or weird. if there's anything especially stressful going on in your life right now, try to sort it out consciously so that you won't have to think about it as much unconsciously.

4 Name: BlueButterflyInformant : 2015-05-29 10:24 ID:9mDIT88r [Del]

I can't sleep at night either so I guess, reading a nice book, listening to some songs that help you sleep and drinking some warm milk can help. Try not to think about you trying to fall asleep 'cause that's keeping your brain awake. Or maybe some nice soothing tea. Hope this helped!

5 Name: Mars : 2015-05-31 14:29 ID:yYLbBJsa [Del]

Thank you all for the advice!:)

6 Name: Shift : 2015-06-01 05:31 ID:vzJDi8IK [Del]

You can try making list of things to do at morning about it before going to sleep or just plan the whole day, the goal is to make you think positive ( don't forget to put something nice in your plan) and it helps being more organized ;)

7 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-01 11:20 ID:n28c+Rkn [Del]

Trouble with sleep is common nowadays. I have some advice on your insomnia, but you might not like it; minimize your electronics use.
Apparently, the light from tablets and computers acts as a stimulant to the brain, keeping it alert/awake. The article says to keep electronics use an hour out of your time before bed, but I'd recommend 1h, 30min.
Now as for the dreams, you can seek the guidance of a professional, or you can choose to ignore them; I did the latter. About seven years ago, after having seen indescribable gore and viscera in my dreams for almost twenty years, I realized the images had little to no effect on me. I guess that's desensitization for you. And keep in mind the dreams I'm talking about started around three years of age, so if these dreams of yours started recently, I'd have to suggest the professionals instead.šŸ˜½

8 Name: Hiroki : 2015-06-02 14:20 ID:Pyv5pfzV [Del]

Turn all your devices off.
Make sure your room is as cool and dark as possible.
Go to your bed at fixed time.

Finally do some sport, something that will exhaust you, so as all your anxiety to turns to physical tiredness.
(these are advice from a student)

9 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-06-03 00:51 ID:hz3fuZmB [Del]

This goes against the avoid electronics and bright screens but watching multiple boring +20min long videos can get me and apparently some other people to fall asleep. I suggest doing this way earlier before heading to bed though. I don't actually suggest this at all but its worth a shot.