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I don't know how to help my friend (5)

1 Name: Eon : 2015-05-27 13:12 ID:yyg1cgdA [Del]

I've had this friend ever since grade 7. And we are really close. We've both planned to go to university together and then travel the world. But her parents won't let her go to university. And she has gotten really depressed. I want ot help her. But I don't know what to do? I just want her to be happy. I really want to help her out of her depression.

2 Name: G : 2015-05-27 20:14 ID:Gw4vWGAh [Del]

I myself am in 7th grade and I go through depression too and a really good thing you can do for her is help her talk to her about things and try talking to her parents about going to a university. I'm sure that would make her happy ^u^

3 Name: Ariah : 2015-05-27 21:19 ID:BhO8G5vZ [Del]

You can help your friend by just being there for her, support her with what she wants and always be there whenever she needs you and be patient. Depression can't just disappear in the blink of an eye... Just do your best to make her laugh, even just a little... And if you really want to go to university together, and you both still can't convince her parents, help her save money for university.

Hope this helps~

4 Name: Intes !e/5s0l6leI : 2015-05-28 07:46 ID:d6Slp1fV [Del]

Do you know the reason why they won't let her go? Can you share it?

5 Name: Mars : 2015-05-28 11:56 ID:Z7zG6cAU [Del]

First off, her parents can't just hold her back from her future. She is an adult, it is her choice what she does now. She needs to talk to her parents and tell them that, maybe even you as well, but that is a big thing to do. For now, think of what you could say and do to help. Make her laugh, tell her that'll you two will stay in contact( If talking to the parents doesn't work) It is easy to keep in touch with the internet and have a cellphone and what not. Just like what @Ariah said as well as @G, Support her and make sure you're there for her, and we will be here for you!