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What do you do when all of your efforts are in vain? (8)

1 Name: m-kun : 2015-05-26 12:27 ID:THpgfaid [Del]

Just as the title states, what should I do when all of my efforts go to waste? It's summer break and I've been spending a lot of time alone. I try to contact friends and see if they want to get together, but they either don't reply or are busy. I've put in job applications to five places since break started and I haven't heard back from any of them. I spend a lot of time in my room playing video games due to the fact that I have nowhere to go and nobody to hang out with. The other day my dad came into my room and got this pitying look on his face and said "You can't spend your entire life in this room playing video games." I don't blame him for saying that, and I realize that I'm pretty much wasting away, but there's not much I can do. I've been putting in the effort to get a job and spend time with my friends but my plans always fall through. So I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for my situation.


2 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-05-26 13:38 ID:otINIivg [Del]

The internet has many things to offer than games and entertainment.
Try out
Its a site that allows you to stumble upon many topics a particular site page can lead to, from entertainment to informative, helpful ones.

From that, get a hobby, make your own life experience, go to volunteers, go on a adventure, write a book and so on.

3 Name: Kazuya Hiroshida : 2015-05-26 16:48 ID:MV0k7kRu [Del]

I've been in that boat before. Like JackDenkin said, you can do some volunteer work in your area or find a hobby to take up your time. As for jobs, if you've never had prior work experience it can take awhile, unless you have someone to vouch for you. All you can really do in that case is keep trying and try to stay positive. Good luck man.

4 Name: Toast : 2015-05-27 12:28 ID:uU5HFNaX [Del]

uhh...stop trying?
Just kidding! maybe try something different or ask someone for suggestions! (an actual person and not random people on the internet)

5 Name: Kana : 2015-05-27 13:31 ID:2/JX0zXw [Del]

I'm in the same situation. Honestly I tried to contact some of my "friends" but they were like "busy"... Since then I stopped talking to them, I kind of starting to look down on other people. Somehow this experience have really hurt me. If they want to hang out with you, they will talk to you first. If they don't, you should not waste your time with them. The best way to be happy in life is to have something you enjoy to do like music, arts, travelling... Actually I'm jealous of people who hang out a lot. When I see them I feel like I could do the same... But somehow it's harder for me. It's not like if I was antisocial or sociopath but maybe those past memories did have hurt me and I don't want to feel the same way as before. Honestly I feel like a wasted my entire teenage years but it's like if I was the one who was wrong.

6 Name: G : 2015-05-27 20:08 ID:Gw4vWGAh [Del]

Same but when I try to talk to my parents we can't talk too long cause of my cold room

7 Name: 赤い天使!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-05-27 20:34 ID:QeTiZhmt [Del]

I've experienced that before, when I finished my course, then try to find something to do now that I'm pursuing a career. It took a long while before I landed a job but before that I really feel useless at home and had nothing to do. The job applications I made for several times were ineffectual since the offices were also unresponsive. I also tried reaching out to friends but they were also busy since I'm the last one to finish post-grad course. So there's really nothing to do. I also played video games then if I'm tired of it, I'll read lots of novels (particularly those of John Grisham) which somehow make me feel entertained while waiting for job offers. But still I had that guilty feeling that I'm suppose to help my parents with expenses at home and other stuffs since I'm now able. But I just waited for something to happen. I still tried applying to several firms. And soon, someone responded to me and offered me a job.

This may sound cliche but the key really is patience and hardwork. Maybe there's a better job perfect for you it's just that it won't happen instantly. There's always perfect time for us that will fit to our lives. So whatever you do, keep trying and be patient that something good will happen to your every efforts.

Nonetheless, good luck!

8 Name: Nihyeong : 2015-05-27 21:37 ID:OnJg46bL [Del]

This may sound a little stupid, but I think you should just keep a positive attitude :) Really try not to get into a sort of depression or sadness, you may end up subconsciously pushing people away like that. Things will get better sweetie ^^